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Posts posted by Harshreality

  1. Not just is Superman vulnerable to magic, but remember he gets his super strength from a yellow Sun, like the one Celestia controls. As Celestia controls a yellow Sun, that means she could potentially also control Supermans ability to use his powers. She could, effectively, render him human.

    Yes, but Superman's speed means he could easily gain access to the sun no matter what Celestia does. Also, whilst Superman is more vulnerable to magic, he is not nearly as weak to it as Kryptonite, and it is still not enough to kill him, especially given the limit magical abilities of alicorns. Celestia simply could not kill Superman

  2. My list is a bit mixed to be honest....

    10) Sonic Rainboom, season 1 - In my opinion the first truly great episode of the show, great character development for Rainbow Dash, more world building and awesome music!


    9) Luna Eclipsed, season 2 - An instant classic, it brought back Luna from the premiere and perfectly fleshed out her character, personality and story. There was more worldbuilding, great character moments and the humor was great.


    8) Princess Twilight Sparkle, season 4 - The sheer amount of quality in this episode is staggering. It immediately and perfectly addressed many of the looming problems with Alicorn Twilight, gave us the Tree of Harmony, set up the story arc for that season, had a great appearance from Discord, had the best animation of any episode PERIOD and had awesome equestrian history scenes. Was a joy to watch.


    7) Return of Harmony, season 2 - In my opinion introduced the best villain of the show, and challenged the friendship of the mane six that had been built up through season 1. Had extremely creative animation and gave us very unique character interactions too.


    6) Twilight's Kingdom, season 4 - In my opinion the greatest two parter ever. The stakes had never been higher, we got a great villain in Tirek, and the story arc of S4 concluded perfectly. The story and conflict was the best it has ever been in a two parter. And do I even need to mention the fight scene? It is too awesome to describe.


    5) Flight to the Finish, season 4 - Simply the greatest Scootaloo episode. Addressed the big issue of her inability to fly in a surprisingly mature and sophisticated way, as well as building the Scootaloo/Dash relationship and the equestria games arc. Great all around.


    4) Pinkie Pride, season 4 - Musically the greatest episode ever, and also the greatest character episode for Pinkie. We finally see her deal with a rival, as normally she is unique, and this is done perfectly. Also Cheese Sandwhich is one of the greatest one time characters ever, and Wierd Al Yankovich is great!


    3) Magical Mystery Cure, season 3 - Opinions on this are mixed, but I personally love this episode. What my cutie mark...., A true friend and Celestia's Ballad are all amazing songs, and this episode had the balls to encite change. Seasons 1 and 2 were similar, with season 3 being a transition, and this episode was the perfect transition between the past and the future. Alicorn Twi was a great move, and this episode is Stellar.


    2) Magic Duel, season 3 - The return of Trixie!!! I applaud this episode for making up for the abysmal Boast Busters, and giving us a great moral to boot. Trixie's redemption was called for, the humor was amazing and Twilight's part was also great. A supremely entertaining and well made episode.


    1) Hurricane Fluttershy, season 2 - This episode was packed with more character development than anything else in the show. Fluttershy is phenominal here, and the touching moments truly were touching. Not to mention the awesome moral, montages and everything else. Simply the best.


    Honourable mentions include Sleepless in Ponyville. Party of One, Lesson Zero, Sweet and Elite and The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone!

  3. If it was reworked to completely remove all pony related stuff, I think it would have MORE of a following. Sure, WE KNOW the show has good characters, lessons, stories and stuff, but outsiders don't. The fact it is My Little Pony puts many off, leading them to simply dismiss the show as girly nonsense. Without the ponies, the same level of creativity and quality would be present, but without any turnoffs for uneducated folk. More people would watch it, like it, it would be much more mainstream and would have much more appreciation.

  4. Huh that's kinda cool. Good to have good media considering all the bad MLP has gotten in the past if everything I heard about the way people were making MLP fans look is true.

    Yeah, the newscasters present were neutral, whilst obviously Scorcher and Wolf had a positive message. What do you mean by the way?

    • Brohoof 1
  5. So hey, i'm sure by now we all saw the latest Twilight episode: Amending Fences.

    I hope I am not alone in loving it to death.

    Aside from a rushed introduction it was near perfect. It had humour, actually showed background ponies right, gave more character development for Twilight, gave us a great new character in Moondancer, showed Spike to not be completely obnoxious and gave us an ominous Starlight Glimmer cameo!

    For me it is a beacon that Friendship is Magic has always been strongest in Slice Of Life stories, and I believe it is easily a 9+ out of ten, and rivals Lesson Zero as the greatest Twilight episode!

    The episode also brought season 5 back from the brink. It was slowly dipping below seasons 1 and 3 as my least favourite, but this episode single handedly boosted the whole thing and put it back in 3rd place!

    What do you guys think? Do you love it as much as me?

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Fox news showed up an Crystal Mountain Pony Con yesterday, probably looking for more cringy people to write a bad article about... anyway, long story short they did a surprisingly neutral piece on bronies, which is surprising given their previous coverage's have always been very negative. Anyway, just google bronies in google news and you should find it. DRWOLF and Josh Scorcher both appear, with the TF2 Analysis Anarchy being present, Josh talking about his military career, and Drwolf talking a little bit about his channel. I'm just glad we got some mainstream media attention that didn't try to lampoon us.

    • Brohoof 9
  7. I'm just not liking the direction they are taking. It feels like they are trying to balance between this continuity heavy story arch and not having continuity be necessary and it's like we're in this weird limbo of in between. As a result it seems like they spend time explaining away plotholes because they are afraid the older fans might point them out at some point or doing flashbacks/explanations of things that happened in previous episodes that really don't need to be explained.


    Overall it feels like they are going for this big overarching story and I feel some of the original charm is lost by trying too hard to develop deeper stories and appeal to the slightly older audience. I missed the days when the episodes were all just pure humor, now it's like these big quests that span over an entire season of "okay we have to figure out some big mystery". The scale of everything feels bigger and not in a way that is appealing to me. The problems have become "how do I deal with being royalty?" and such.


    Not to mention some of the writing has started to decline. Discord throughout season 4... Was... Terrible. His dialogue, his writing, everything about his character felt really ditzy and not as amusing to me. Perhaps it's because they overused him a bit.


    I guess what my biggest "eh" thing with the show lately is, would by that the simplicity is being taken away slowly. Now we have season long plotlines, references to prior episodes up the wazoo and a lot of writing that feels like it's catered to fans rather than being original. Hell episode 100 was pretty much an entire episode dedicated to fans, and it kind of feels really disconnecting to have the show creators making stuff just to please the fans. As a fan, I prefer to be told what I didn't even know I wanted rather than just being given exactly what I ask for because it ruins the surprise, it muddies up the experience for me. Sure for a lot of fans seeing episode 100 felt like a treat, but to me it feels more like just a formality than anything else. Octavia's voice sounded EXACTLY as I expected and to me... That just kind of feels... Boring. Almost everything was a matter of "yeah, the fandom has been calling that stuff for years now."


    This also creates a new problem for me in that: it gives fans too much control over the show. The creators are putting too much power in the fans hands and this creates an atmosphere where fan demands seem to get ridiculous. Have we all forgotten there was a PETITION to get Vinyl's eyes changed to red that received thousands of signatures? I kind of feel that catering to the adult fanbase doesn't really make for entertainment for me because essentially... If the fans already predicted it months ago... Where's the fun in watching it? Where's the entertainment in watching what was already known? If everything is just going to be predictable references to fans, I don't find the humor as solid.


    While the new season has its charms, and some of the humor is still solid, I don't really find it as amusing anymore. It's my opinion, and I am not expecting others to agree with it. However I'm half expecting someone to come in and go "YOU'RE WRONG. IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD BECAUSE A, B and C."

    Yeah I get you man... Even though I still mostly think season 5 is as good as the previous ones, anyone who doesn't think what you are saying is even partly true is kidding themselves.


    I don't like that they only have a story arc when they feel like it, and only occasionally bring it up. Either fully commit to one or don't have one at all. Better shows like Steven Universe have made story arcs popular again, and so it seems that the writer's hands have been forced, as story arcs are just the cool thing these days.


    I do however think that the show needed the adventure boost. Slice of life really worked when the characters were learning about friendship, but now that they are all good friends the choices are more limited. The show needed to explore new places and characters to stay fresh, as this point Ponyville is getting slightly tedious. Then again, I do think the 2nd best episode of this season is Amending Fences, which is a traditional slice of life Twilight episode (Seriously mist, give it a shot. You sound like you'll love it) so this shows thats the show's greatest strength is in slice of life.


    As for the humor, I believe it has been on point this season, even though the references do seem slightly out of place... The Shining, really!?


    So yeah, I really enjoyed your post, and if you don't watch the show anymore, that's your choice man. Just keep one eye open because this season has given us some good slice of life stuff so far, and the leaked episode list seems to have more slice of life in store.

  8. Yeah I am way behind in the show at this point. Season 5 isn't doing it for me.

    I'm not challenging your opinion but just intrigued as to why you dislike season 5? Yeah it isn't perfect but it does have some pretty good stuff like Bloom and Gloom, Griffonstone and Amending Fences

  9. I agree Slice of Life is the worst. It's so bad that it actually makes the entire series look worst

    Nah, there are worse episodes like Boast Busters and Ticket Master that make the show look worse. This is because they are extremely early on, meaning new people giving the show a chance have to watch them, and so they are more likely to be turned off the show for good. 100 episodes in isn't nearly as important as the first few episodes

  10. It is annoying. but necessary. Summer is an awful time for ratings as kids have more free time and are out more. If season 5 aired as planned, ratings would plummet and there may not be a season 6. Meanwhile it seems like this hiatus was planned from the start as there are three holiday based episodes in season 5, that will likely release near their respective holidays, and so are likely to be ratings smashes. My only hope is that this makes the gap between 5 and 6 smaller

  11. After analysing ALL FANS of the show, I think I can confidently say the five main groups in the fandom. Keep in mind this is by no means comprehensive, and the fandom is full of varied people.


    1) Just fans.... These are your average fans. Nothing bad, nothing unusual. They watch the show, enjoy it and express their enjoyment. They may buy small amounts of merch, watch fan creations or simply keep their passion secret.

    This is the largest group of all.


    2) Content creators... These are the creative and productive bronies. Their love manifests itself not by consuming fan content, but by producing it. These are the second smallest group, but many of its members become the most famous amongst fans. People like Saberspark and KP fit here.


    3) The intended ones... It could be argued that these people do not qualify as bronies, as they are within the target demographic. But if they love the show enough to make it to cons etc... Then I think they should be included. As children, they watch the show as it is intended. They may also consume small amounts of fan content.

    The second largest group.


    4) The helpful fans... The middle group in terms of numbers and presence. These are people that love the show but do not produce content, yet still play an important part in the fandom. These are those that organise and help cons, are forum admins etc... Without them, the fandom simply could not function.


    5) The radical superfans.... These are the fans that take their love to another levels, almost turning it into a lifestyle of sorts. These are the most likely to display the negative characteristics of bronies, and so the "stereotypical" bronies used to discredit the fandom by haters. By far the most avoided and loathed group, they are likely to be the longest lasting fans of all. Their love is questionable at times, and can be off-putting.

    They are the smallest group.


    So do you think I got it right? Which group do you fit into? Tell me below!

    • Brohoof 6
  12. Okay, so if the title brought you this far then hear me out.


    There is no point entertaining haters, or anyone else who dislikes the show. After countless con panels, documentaries, interviews and pleas for understanding, I have come to the conclusion that we will always be a hated fandom. These attempts to educate them never work, and so they will never change their minds about us.


    Look at tumblr... People are still spreading false rumors about peadophiles at cons. People hate that r34 is drawn here, even though that applies everywhere else. People hate that grown men watch a show, even though that was part of Lauren's original intentions for the show to be enjoyable for everyone. Even on a list of the BEST CARTOONS OF THE 2010's you have ignorant people who have clearly never watched the show screaming that the show sucks and, I quote, "It's just stupid ponies dancing on rainbows."


    My point is, these hateful misconceptions and stereotypes will not die, because for every one person a documentary educates, ten more haters just carry on hating. Next time you see someone blindly hating, just ignore them, because you know how petty they are and how wrong they are too. If nothing changed in five years, nothing will ever change.


    I'm not saying we are a perfect fandom. We have an extensive list of problems, from constant arguing amongst ourselves, to the small amount of utter freaks lurking in the darkness. But I for one am sick and tired of the blatant hypocrisy, hate and ignorance thrown at us just because no-one expected us to exist in the first place.


    Haters gonna hate. Don't feed the trolls.

    • Brohoof 16

    No, just no. I don't care if it's a thank you letter to the fans or not because that kind of shit shouldn't matter. You shouldn't ignore every flaw in an episode simply because "it's a thank you to the fandom". Especially not if you´re going to complain about another episode. [/quote


    But even if you do judge it as another regular episode it isn't that bad, just mediocre. If you hate the pandering, fine. If you hate the background characters, fine. But there are plenty of great moments like celestia/luna actually acting like Sisters, Vinyl and Octavia's music and Gummy's monalogue that help redeem it. Compare it to episodes like Putting Your Hoof Down and Rainbow Falls, that completely butcher the mane six and have no redeeming qualities, and you can see that whilst the episode can be interpreted as bad, it isn't god-awful and is far from the worst.

  14. Slice of life is without a doubt the worst episode in the history of MLP.

    Nah... Slice of Life was just mediocre. Not necessarily well written, but just a thank you and love letter to the fans, and so shouldn't be judged as you would a normal episode. There were plenty of worse episodes out there that flanderise characters and that don't have the excuse of being a landmark celebration...
  15. I have been following brony content creators for several years now, but never really understood what the rift was, who was in it, what happened there or why it is now considered dead by some. Can someone clear this up for me?

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