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Posts posted by Silvermoon2

  1. Alright so Hasbro made the changing queen look like the bad guy, but does anyone think about why she is doing this. She clearly explains it saying her hive is terribly hungry and they feed on love to survive, so yes they are threat to equestria and yes they wanted to enslave everypony, but what everyone forgets is her main goal, feed her children. Discord on the other hand just wanted to enslave equestria and make it his for eternity for no reason. So really I consider discord to be the most evil, he is basically a weaker version of tirek while the queen is helping her own society. Celestia and Luna would do the same thing if they were in chrysalis' place. Just think about it

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I believe druid is just another word for dark elf. Beast tamer hmmmm the everfree is filled with beasts so maybe. Let me think about it

    Newest update: class descriptions


    Let's start off with the the swordspony class. This class enables the pony to use any sword from short to long. This class can wear from leather to heavy armour. If you are a unicorn the few spells you know are levitate (only swords and shields at first, but can be upgraded) quick shield, a spell that quickly conjures up a shield for a few seconds, and teleport, don't make me explain it.


    Next we will go to the Rogue class. This class is for the most experienced students and rangers. Being able to wield almost any weapon, but they work alone or in a pair. These ponies are trained to be a part of any class, which the teacher will choose and give the option to. Right now rogues will be put into teams of six, each being their own class. Unicorns spells depend on class.


    That is all for this update tune in tomorrow for another update.

  3. Reupdate: counsel members


    Swordspony counsel member: closed/taken

    Assassin counsel member: closed/taken

    Rogue counsel member:closed/taken (students must be highest in class)

    Healer counsel member: open/untaken

    Mage counsel member: open/taken

    Tank counsel member: open/taken

    Archer counsel member: open/taken

    Scount counsel member: open/taken

    Bomber counsel member: open/taken

    More to be added

    At first yes, but as students gain ground I will determine who becomes part of that training, with giving them the option of course. (Celestia, if this keeps getting bigger, I may need a website)

  4. Healer pony is already a thing. Mage class will have subclasses (the ones you suggested are some of the few. There is also elemental and defense) also mage leader will have mastered all skill lower then alicorn. He is not op his spells can still fail along with aura and mana.

    No assassins teacher is closed u are the one that closed it by being the counsel member of that art

  5. Hmmm. Well there is swordspony, assassin pony, archer pony, mage pony (unicorns only with little use of staffs from pegasi and earth pony), bomber pony (unicorn or pegasi only), healer pony and tank pony, (heavily armored, basically barbarian) and finally, ranger pony which is usually a pony that can wield a weapon and magic, which is basically what everypony is considered, so this is just an average class

  6. Alright, so any apprentice swordspony can be trained by you, you will also gain a little more wisdom for being a counsel member. Everything is fine with your character so yeah, caliber is now a counsel member, your first mission recruit your friends if you can, your second mission give me some ideas for the roleplay

    Sorry no human characters in this rp. No humanoid characters either. But I'm willing to except your oc as a pony. Still gonna need info though

    Sorry no human characters in this rp. No humanoid characters either. But I'm willing to except your oc as a pony. Still gonna need info though

  7. Well since your counsel your Octavia is still strong if your part of counsel then you have more experience, so basically you know certain spells that are not alicorn level. You can also hold and use many weapons, only two per pony. Dual counts as one. Umm your also fast but so you can dodge certain things, this will be explained once I get everything set up but for right now send me some detail on your oc and I will decide what is good what is great and what is bad so yeah.

  8. Yes you may fine sir. The plot is the everfree rangers are a group of ponies trained by Luna to protect pony kind from the creatures in the everfree including the many witches, changelings, and exiled rebels. The group is now assigned with the task to make sure no pony leaves the forest that is well evil. The rangers have a task to also enter the forest and hunt down the rebels and witches, this rpg has many plots which is why I need the counsel. Anyways the roles are ranger, civilian, rebel, witch, and finally royal guard which roles will be assessed when the time comes, but yeah that is it

  9. I'm looking for about 5 to 10 people/ponies willing to help me with this RPG. These people will be the second in command Dungeon Masters. Their role will be to come up with ideas and hand them over to me for acceptance, their other role is to help me keep this thing under control, for new ocs will be excepted whenever. The first 10 will be asked and have the option to say yes or no. They can also have their own character. Explanations will happen when ever you join. That is all.

  10. I need help for some lyrics for a song called insanity. It's about my character from my fallout equestria story fallout equestria a heart full of bullets. Read it to actually help me write the lyrics. Thank you for your time.

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