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Posts posted by MidnightNoir

  1. Maud: As Maud as Maud comes, I really like the deadpan nature of her and she gave some great advice. Also am I the only one who thought she she was legitimately mad when bargaining for the cannon back? 


    It's like Maud knew Pinky was susceptible to being conned so she definitely wanted to set things straight. Also I loved how she also has Pinky's ability to just appear out of nowhere.

  2. To be completely honest, if it wasn't for the Bob Ross references then this would have been an incredibly dull episode.


    So this was Neal Dusedau's second episode and he's still crap. Sorry pal but you've gotta do better than that.


    What was the though process behind this? Take an episode about jealousy and feeling excluded (which was done better in "Make New Friends but Keep Discord") and whack Discord in there to try and stop it from being boring?


    Or did he think "I want to do a Discord episode because Discord is so random!" and cobble some threadbare plot together so that you could have Discord being random?


    At least "Three's a Crowd" had a song!

  3. To quote Strong Bad about inside jokes:

    "Every good road trip needs a good inside joke that only the people who went on the road trip will get; and the people who didn't go on the road trip would wanna kill your legs every time you bring it up."

    Ours will be "Jumbo Large"

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I thinks it's incredibly safe to say she will ultimately be defeated. The way it's gone so far for major villains is that Ponies (Luna, Trixie and Sunset Shimmer) get reformed, non-ponies (Chrysails, Sombra and Tirek) don't. Discord is the only exception but that was due to popular demand of his character. Though it would be interesting to finally have a pony that refuses reform in the end. Starlight Glimmer might be one of them.


    The way I see it is that Starlight wants to be far and away the best pony and be special. Her way of doing that was to make everypony else the same. She goes along with the charade of hiding her cutie mark to hide her difference as a form of brainwashing everyone to give up their talents. It had started as a cult community but I got the feeling she wanted to spread this cult across all of Equestria and eventually become Highest Incarnation of the Revolutionary Comradeship. Think of the end goal of her plan to be like North Korea. The illusion of an equal footed society with the harsh reality that Kim Jong-un is firmly at the top in a position of extreme privilege.


    As Starlight's plan for domination was defeated, Starlight then attempt a new plan to change the events of time. One such thing might be removing Rainbow Dashes Sonic Rainboom that inspired everypony in the Mane 6 of their special talents. Twilight has to go back in time and repair the events changed by Starlight Glimmer with the help of the 5 ponies that should be her friends.


    Long story short, Twilight "McFly" Sparkle and "Doc" Spike must once again go back to the 12th of November 1955 and destroy the Grays Sports Almanac to prevent Starlight "Biff" Glimmer from drastically changing the events of time to benefit her self interests.


    A Back to the Future Part II themed Episode! Well it is 2015 after all!

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Whilst it's not the darkest, one episode nobody's mentioned but is definitely worthy of it based on it's content is Bloom & Gloom.


    It's all meant to be one of those episodes where "it was all just a dream," Apple Bloom finally wakes up and everything is fine and dandy. But in this dream we are essentially looking into Apple Blooms inner psyche when she is feeling emotionally vulnerable. She's playing out multiple scenarios where she feels that others won't accept her based on what kind of cutie mark she receives. When Luna shows Apple Bloom that the mysterious ghost telling her she can have her mark removed (which, lets be honest, we all thought was Starlight Glimmer based on being so close to The Cutie Map airing) was actually "her own shadow" you realise exactly how dark it got. Apple Bloom's shadow is actually a representation of low self esteem. Because a cutie mark is a representation of who they are, Apple Bloom is actually rejecting herself and telling herself that she's not good enough to be liked and accepted. Throw in the troupe where every time she wakes up and the nightmare continues, a nightmare of her inner demons that she fees unable to escape from, we end up with one really dark episode.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Sometimes you have those moments when life deals you a huge curve ball and all you really want is something to picks you up. Right now I'm having one of those moments.


    I found out a few hours ago that my grandfather passed away. He lived to be 93 and he had a long and fulfilling life. But it's still a bit of a shock when something like that happens. He was he last of my four grand parents so coming to terms with that might tae some time for me.


    So right now I really just want to surround myself with good things that are uplifting and show the best in humanity. Friendship is Magic is definitely one of them.


    Usually my go to episode for when life gives you a lemon is Hurricane Fluttershy. The message there is pure and simple. Life is not always great and you may feel small and insignificant but sometimes you've got to pick yourself up, fight hard and know in your heart that nothing can break you. You may not succeed every time, there may be setbacks but you can do it.


    But I think I need to amass myself with a few more episodes for times like these. I'm having a bit of a mental blank as to other shows that may help so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  7. Most of the Mane six have characters out there somewhere that take their traits to the extreme.


    First of Rainbow had Lighning Dust from "Wonderbolts Academy" who had Rainbow's dedication to be the greatest flyer but lacked Rainbows loyalty.

    Then Twilight had Moondancer from "Amending Fences" who had Twilight's dedication to study but lacked Twilights new found trait of friendship.

    Rarity had Sassy Saddles from "Canterlot Boutique" who had Rarity's dedication to be successful in Canterlot but lacked Rarities creative passion and, in some ways, her generosity.


    Now I guess we have met Fluttershy's match with Marble Pie. She shares Fluttershy's trait of timidness but lacks Fluttershy's development of opening up. I guess because Pinkie was so protective of her when they were younger, probably to the point of sheltering her, Marble probably feels too shy to open up yet.


    So I guess there's two more ponies out there that are the extremities of Pinkie and Applejack.


    Overall I found the episode to be a bit meh though. Felt pretty jarring to have the "pseudo Christmas" episode a week before the "pseudo Halloween episode" near Halloween. That jackolantern Discovery Family watermark said it all. Like having Chistmas displays set up in stores earlier and earlier each year, it just doesn't feel right.

  8. Now that was crazy fun!


    I think the premise of the story is that if there's no declaration of a Pinkie Promise then all bets are off! Must be some special ability to honour it I guess. Otherwise Pinky goes into meltdown.


    Was pretty clever how they had all those hints at the baby from seemingly random background characters. All of it seeming to be coincidences until you find out that they're also in on the secret!


    Plus that scene where Spike is shoving those ashes into a comic bag like nothing had happened absolutely cracked me up!

    • Brohoof 1
  9. The one I keep coming back to again and again is Hurricane Fluttershy. It's what I watch when things aren't going well and I need a boost to my spirits which the scene where Fluttershy picks herself up from the verge of tears to start training clearly delivers that.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I wasn't expecting much from this episode to be honest. Going in I was expecting:

    1. Rarity opens a Fashion Boutique in Canterlot.

    2. The Boutique does not go as planned or how she imagined it for some reason.

    3. Either she decides that she is better suited to staying in Ponyville or she finds a way to make the Canterlot Boutique work as a franchise.


    So I was not really interested in what would happen in the story but how it would be executed. In that aspect I was even more disappointed. Princess Spike used to be my worst episode of the season. Canterlot Boutique now trumps it for me.


    First off, Rarity is a successful business owner so you would have expected her to have done her research to finding out Sassy's real reputation before hiring her. Sassy even referenced at the end that she didn't want to be associated with ANOTHER FAILED boutique. It would have obviously been from her bossy upstaging nature so all the previous Boutique owners would have told Rarity to avoid her like the plague.


    Next, after Sassy upstaged the opening Rarity should have decisively instructed Sassy that she is the boss, not to embarrass her or go over my head again or she'd be out of a job.

    When Sassy was left to run the Boutique (the dumbest decision ever) I just had the feeling that Sassy would probably do whatever she liked. But instead all was forgiven in the most unbelievable way.


    Rarity would have also already had a successful business model from her Pontville Boutique which any right minded person would have used to expand her business to Canterlot. Instead she let some overbearing character tread all over her, exploit Rarity and Twilight's names, left Rarity to do all the labour and tried to take the credit by calling it HER boutique. If Rarity would have had a spine in this episode (which she normally has) she would have said, "It's my business and financial investment and I'm not interested in running a production line. I design my dresses how I chose and how many I wish to make and sell. So ether follow what I say or don't let the door hit you in the flank on the way out!"


    It also didn't help that none of Pinkie's jokes were remotely funny. At one point I found myself wanting to tell her to shut up.


    And that fat pony gag at the end left a horrible taste in my mouth during the credits and left me feeling angry at what I'd just seen. They ended up sending the message that fat people aren't allowed in the fashion industry which is not a message we should be sending to young girls. I get that they wanted to clarify that Rarity and Sassy were both sick of the princess dress but why did they have to scream it at someone who was clearly a larger size?


    It's not often that I get to say this but I need to say it.


    So here we go...





    • Brohoof 1
  11. I think if you aren't going to go for the first two-part episode then the my recommendation would definitely be The Ticket Master.


    It's got a pretty simple plot (who will Twilight take as her plus one to the gala) that focuses on the Mane 6. Each Main character gets their time to show off their personalities and you get elements of great humour. Not to mention the Benny Hill parody scene shows just how far they go when it comes to integrating cultural references.


    If the person you're introducing to the show likes what they see and wants to see more then you only have to go back to Friendship is magic parts 1 and 2, skip to Applebuck Season and keep watching in chronological order.

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