My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?:
From Google I believe.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
I've heard of the show for years from my friends, but I was too skeptical to watch it. That is until my sister finally made me watch it a bit over a year ago, and I've been a fan since.
Hello everypony, I am 21 and a male, so I guess I fit the demographic of no-where near the intended demographic. Funny how that works out. I consider my self a traveler, even though I am not as well traveled as some of you may be, and many who I have already met. Nonetheless, I enjoy all the places I've been to and enjoy learning about the slightly different and sometimes completely new cultures. I guess I've taken my interests with me to the college I'm going to as I'm studying anthropology currently. (I was thinking about specializing in cultural anthropology, but archaeology seems great for me as well, maybe I'll try a bit of both. Hopefully I'll visit new and exciting places either way).As for a couple other things about my self, I've been a fan for a bit over two years now, as well as Dr. Who, and I like many a pc game. Hope you all a wonderful day. Or night, depending on your time zone.