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Everything posted by Redacted321

  1. What does everypony think about SFM animations i used to think that they looked weird but every watch a few animations from Ferexes the design grew on me. So tell me what do you think of SFM animations, do you have any favorites and what is your overall opinion on it? My latest favorite is this Link to Ferexes channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Ferexes/videos
  2. I've got a collection of B-day cards since i was 9 that alot with me entire collection of xbox 360 games and 360 console. Literally years of memories to make new ones.
  3. Game season is pretty dry at the moment a lot of youtubers aren't putting out very interesting content so i leave some music on or something on netflix and sit in my room doing this. (Couldn't find one without captions)
  4. Being happy, i was pretty mean spirited before i started to really get into MLP. The community for the most part is really fun i normally hide away from people fearing that either people will dog pile onto a comment i had left and attack but this community feels like the opposite instead of beating down peoples opinion we're one that likes to discuss things with everyone else. Between the music, animation, art, memes, discussions, theorizing and the show itself there's almost always something to do or to take interest in, the only negative is the community can be a little over dramatic, over protective and over whelming to a lot of people.
  5. Can you do mine, whenever you get the chance is fine /) Devious nights- Withered Animatronic
  6. Gravity falls seems to be part of the new cartoon generation. Steven universe, G4 Ponies, Gravity falls and over the garden wall just to name a few all unique and great in their own ways. /) For the next great cartoon generation!
  7. I love the intro the animation just needs to change with the season. That being said i don't like it as much if someone were to walk in one me suddenly when it's playing, guess even though I've got mlp posters and figures every where there's still a teenie bit of "What me? No!" As much as we like to say we're proud many people if suddenly confronted will probably try to deny it feeling uncomfortable even with close friends, i know it's like that with me at least.
  8. It looks interesting with some refinement i can get behind this.
  9. Can't really hate anyone except snips and snails, they have no redeeming characteristics, I wish i could say there is no character i hate, so here's hoping they do something to improve snips and snails just a tiny bit.
  10. Princess Luna, as she seems more active of the three (not counting twilight) we hardly see Celestia do anything and Cadence princess of love seems kinda of evil, using her magic to make people fall in love.
  11. Xbox fanboy here but i also love pc gaming but it doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy what your playing, being a gamer is about the g-a-m-e not the console, some games have been done better on other platforms then other though. Batman Arkham knight was utter garbage on pc from what i've heard and Playstation has had issues with frame rates that pc and xbox hasn't but everyone whines about the xbox graphics which doesn't take that much away from the game this whole console war is confusing and pointless. I'd love a Wii but i don't have friends over enough to have one.
  12. I became a brony some where between the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2 but before that i hate a couple PMV's on my favorites on youtube but still had the "pfft My little pony is for... (Add random insult)" Then one day i ran out of things to do and i was listening to the music in my favorites. Wooden toaster's Rainbow factory, Bronydanceparties 20% Cooler and a 'you're gonna go far kid pmv' so i decided to watch at least the first couple of episodes. Episode one i barely made it through laughing at how weird and stupid a guy watching the show was, though the opening about the princess's was interesting, but the ending of the second episode got me it was more kick butt then i expected, next thing i knew i had watched all of season one in just a couple days, from there I've just kept sinking into the fandom now i'm here posting on forums... I NEVER POST ON FORUMS! O.O Becoming part of the fandom has probably been one of the best things to happen to me.
  13. Being a brony or a fan to me isn't about how involved in the fandom you are or how rabid your love for the show is. 'Brony' is a term/label that you decide whether or not you as a fan of MLP want to wear it and be called/seen as a brony.
  14. I kinda do but my personal favorite isn't based off of who is most like me but who I want to be most like, her personality has mostly been made up by the fandom but I love the way they depict her. I wish to be more like the Vinyl Scratch the community has showed us. Someone who is confident, caring but also hard working. It's not much to go on but Vinyl is a pony I aspire to be like even a lil' bit.
  15. All these post's are makin' me hungry, grabbing some chicken and putting it in a sandwich now!
  16. I barely survive between season's but the next movie still has a couple of months till it's released. Here's hoping season 5 will wrap up before the next Equestria girls comes out.
  17. The two songs that got me into this fandom, The offspring - You're gonna go far kid and Forest rain's - Join the herd. But i love all my music loud from Rock to Dubstep, from Smile, smile, smile, to Ready to die - Andrew WK.
  18. I've got a few Vinyl figures and i just talk to them, and maybe sit them down to watch movies... and move them to my bed side table when i go to sleep. I'm not the weird one!
  19. Who says he necessarily wants to be a princess? What he wants to be an alicorn Prince?
  20. My embarrassing moment was a given considering my family. (I live alone with my mother though.) I had just ordered a Derpy and Doctor whooves Vinyl figure and was waiting for the package to come, but my mum had ordered a series of books. So we had her books coming in day to day while i waited for my figures. When they arrived i was sleeping in so naturally mum grabs it first and opens it thinking it's another couple of her books, I had to explain to her minutes before she drove to the post office to return them, that they were mine. Thankfully her therapist had talked to her about accepting me for who i am and how i choose to express my self, so everything blew over pretty fast.
  21. 318,826 These ponies are shirtless
  22. I never got the reason why people say ponies are EVERYWHERE and that why they hate them. I've found plenty of things i dislike on youtube or other websites i'd browse if i saw a video or something i disliked i'd ignore it, if it popped up in my feed or recommendations i'd ignore it and it'd fade away and not bother me. I see hardly any reason for hate unless you have someone shoving it down your throat at every turn in that case it's more logical to direct your distaste to the person shoving it in their face. If people bring up R34 something needs to tell them every single fandom has it. Doctor who, Sherlock, Mass effect, you think of it, it's been R34'd and R63'd NO exceptions, and if kids find that stuff the parents need to monitor their under aged kids online activities more google does it's best to keep that sort of content off of main pages, so it's difficult to find unless you specifically look for it. I can see some reason for hate but not enough to justify the kill all bronies scum of the earth mentality, that most anti-bronies hate.
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