*sigh* OK...I have one. Up until my freshman year, the school district would assign a one-on-one assistant to...well, assist me. When I was assigned a black woman named Tarella. At first we got along well, but soon she tried to treat me like the sterotypical "drooling, mentally handicapped special needs kid". I might have gone along with this if I was younger, but I was starting to act more independent and doing more things for myself. So I would try and tell her this, to no avail. The teachers honestly thought she was doing the right thing and ignored me (mostly because I didn't speak up about how domineering she was). This all culminated in an incident (well, several, but we'll ignore those) where she made ALL the kids in my PE class shout at me,
"BLAKE, STOP TAKING AWAY OTHER PEOPLE'S RIGHTS!" (This stemmed from her "First Amendment defense", where she would accuse me of taking away her rights whenever I stood up to her).
I was CRYING. I was absolutely humiliated, and tried telling several of my friends what hapened. They replied that they had no idea what to do. On the bright side though, my PE teacher saw the light, so to speak, and urged that Tarella be transferred to a REAL special needs kid who needed aid. The higher-ups at the school not only granted her (and by extension, mine and my parents') request, but they also decided I did not need a one-on-one anymore, and by my sophomore year, I was completely independent.