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  1. Guess I need to get better at checking for results next time around 'cause I just now found this! xD Congratulationies to the winners of course, they deserve it! ^^ In the first contest thread, a suggestion was made to display all of the contest entries somewhere so the ones who didn't win can still be seen, and some of the staff said they liked the idea. Is that going to happen? (I wanna see 'em alllll.)
  2. I can't stop refreshing this page. There's a possibility I might actually get third somehow! xP (Is it just because I included Rarity? Now I know how to get a boost...)
  3. Oh wow, I'm so honored to be in the top 5! Among artists who are clearly more skilled than I. x3 I don't know if the artists are allowed to vote, but I went with Melon's. They're all lovely but that one looks the prettiest to me (made me the most jealous ).
  4. Okay, so it's the technical midnight then. Dang, gotta get this done >.>
  5. Since I'm running kinda late I gotta ask this about the deadline: is the 6PM EDT on the 16th, or the 15th? 'Cause I don't know if you mean midnight as in the time right after 11:59 PM on the 15th, or the time right after 11:59 PM on the 16th (one's technically right, the other's more practically right).
  6. I have a question: Why not just post submissions in this thread? I don't see why the email thing is necessary, maybe I'm overlooking something.
  7. Oh boy! :3 It's time for me... to get totally stomped. (But improve my artistic ability in the process!)
  8. I'm the type of friend who would like to be a really good friend but sucks at it.
  9. I think I can say "everything that I don't like". Mainly when it comes to media. I would like to be someone who likes everything ^^ Unless it involves harming myself or other people. I don't want to like that.
  10. Welcome to the forum Jack! I hope you find what you're looking for/have a good time/etc. This is the first time I've ever done a welcoming post (it shows )
  11. [deleted for personal reasons]
  12. I love cheese, with things or by itself! I would like to try more types of cheeses, I've only had a few. I think my fave so far is this one type of goat cheese I had (can't remember the details). Misc cheese-story: probably the spiciest thing I've ever had (and relatedly my least-favorite cheese I've had) was this cheese with some kind of pepper in it... it came in a package of slices with some other cheeses and I was determined to not let it go to waste! I don't think it was really very high on the spice spectrum, but I'm pretty sensitive to spiciness. It was sort of an unpleasant experience with the mouth-burning-ness, but wasn't all bad.
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