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Everything posted by Adamgreen

  1. I'm actually glad there's an epilogue to end the series with. It makes the ending of the show more wholesome and heartwarming
  2. Hope you're having a good day! :D

    1. MangoFoalix


      I am, thank you!

  3. Hope you're having a good day! :D

  4. If I didn't know about MLP, I wouldn't have known that much about friendship as I do now. Sure, I might get it, but MLP has taught me a lot and pretty much has been there for me through tough times. It's sad to see it end, but I'm glad it exist. A show that has exceeded everyone's expectations and change some people for the better. It may have its ups and downs, but the ups are all worthwhile. Of course, Gen 5 will be here sometimes soon. Whether or not I will stick around is for myself to decide. At the end of the day, Friendship is Magic will always be considered to be the best thing to ever come out of MLP as a franchise.
  5. Hope you're having a good day! :D

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Thank You, My Friend! :D

      I hope you are having a great day, too! :squee:

  6. While I never got into Mac and Suger Belle's relationship, this was a nice chill episode with minimal conflict. The jokes were pretty simple for my taste but the impact of their relationship at the end makes up for it. It was decent all around and I love how they conclude their relationship in this final season. Only 3 episodes left. I may not be ready, but I sure am hoping it'll be a satisfying end
  7. Ah ok. Doesn't surprise me all that much. Even if it's canon, it will mostly be an afterthought for me. I'll probably give it a read to check it out. It'll be like wondering what happens after Avatar and Adventure time ended
  8. Hope you're having a good day! :D 

    1. Flutterstep


      I sure am, thank you! Hope you are too! :fluttershy:

  9. Not sure if this is the last CMC episode for this season but if it is, I enjoy it. It's nothing special in the long run since I have seen the 'kids became grown ups' type of plot before, but it didn't annoy me in the slightest. I enjoy Biscuit and Spur as characters. They may be one shot ponies, but I enjoy their interactions with each other and the CMC. But yea, I kinda wish The last Crusade was the last CMC episode but eh, this one's harmless.
  10. Hope you're having a good day! ^^

  11. I'm just glad nothing bad happened. Usually this kind of meme can be a disaster at times (like that soap meme)
  12. It might be an unpopular opinion at this point, but I found myself enjoying this episode a lot more than I thought! ^^ Yes, Fluttershy is pretty aloof here, but it is in her nature to find the best in everypony. Even if it's an obvious villain that manipulated her to get what he wants. I don't really considered her to be that out of character here. She's just really loves nature and it fits well on why she's helping Dr. Caballeron on his 'trip'. And speaking of Dr. Caballeron, I found his reformation to be pretty organic and thoughtful. It didn't felt rushed at all and I found his honest statement after he got the treasure of truth to be pretty thoughtful of him appreciating Fluttershy's friendship. Definitely one of the better reformations in the MLP series for me. And it's nice that Ahuizotl got some closure as well. This is a fitting end of the Daring Do saga. All's well that ends well! ^^
  13. I like this episode. Nice moral and it was pretty fun ^^ R.I.P Phyilis lol
  14. This is probably the episode I needed the most for how much I wanted Spike and Rarity's relationship to be after the show ends. And it has a moral that is understandable to me. Sure, Rarity may be annoying to some, but given how Spike has always follow everything she does, it made sense she would be at her worst in this episode. Plus, new ship for Spike lol
  15. Hope you're having a good day! :D

    1. Randimaxis


      And you as well!

  16. This was such a fun episode from beginning to end. It pretty much sets up the calm before the storm quite well ^^
  17. It was a fun episode. Way better than that Dash cheer leading episode Also, I just love the Twi and Spike interactions at the beginning and middle. I miss that too often lol
  18. Meh. It was alright. It's great to see Cheese Sandwich again but I felt like it was pretty pointless since I thought Pinkie already know her purpose in life. Isn't the Smile song kinda answered her whole question?
  19. Despite how slow the plot is, I kinda enjoy this special more than I thought. I love that the world building for this town is well executed through its song despite how direct it is, and I enjoy Sunny Skies as a character. I really feel bad for him and how much hopelessness he felt when he blamed himself for ruining the festival for everyone. I’m glad he finally have his hope again and finally propose his lover. It really gave me a warm feeling inside. And of course, he Toonboom style is freaking beautiful. It’s a bit limited but make sense since there’re no big budget for this one. But it’s still smooth through and through. Overall, I feel like this was a nice surprise. While the story could’ve been paced better, I think it’s a right step in the right direction for this kind of animation style. The MLP staff could’ve jus made it flash and it would’ve been an ok special, but given that they decided to animated it with Toonboom left me wondering what will they do with this style of animation? We’ll just have to wait and see I guess lol
  20. Since it has two sisters bonding with each other, I love this episode so much! ^^ Really good jokes, awesome song and I love that it pretty much shows us more of their personalities shine through here. Celestia all about the excitement, Luna being more down to earth and loves mailing lol (and plays). Chill episodes tend to be hit or miss for me this season, but this is the right way to do it! ^^
  21. Oh cool. Scotaloo’s not an orphan. Wish it did for depressing purposes but this was really good nonetheless I really like that she has two aunts that she visits every now and then. That makes sense since she tends to be alone because of her busy adventuring parents. Scootaloo’s parents wasn’t really what I expected them to be, but given that they both are adventurous and fits in with how Scoots act, they are pretty likeable and understanding through the whole episode. This episode is definitely more of closure to the end for the CMC’s journey. We basically seeing the CMC trying to prove Scoots’ parents how important they are as a team and how they changed pony’s life with or without cutie marks. Some of the rebuttal of the parents can’t really be argued and they aren’t really trying to hurt her feelings. They were pretty sudden with wanting to take her with them without asking her earlier, but you can see that they didn’t mean to make her sad. And I really love the ending. It’s kinda like what I’ve felt in Crusader of the Lost Mark. It reminded me of how much these three had done throughout the series. Although this time it’s like an epilogue to the whole thing. This was a nice episode to watch. While it may be what everyone thought it would be, it sure delivers some answers and a nice warm closure to our favorite trio. Also, yes. The parents and aunts are really nice design-wise. They’re pretty decent characters too ^^
  22. Not a big Starlight fan but this was a pretty enjoyable episode on her. Some funny moments here and there and a nice moral. I'd have made this longer but yea. Decent
  23. She's the highlight of the episode imo
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