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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Tsukuyomi-MLP


  2. We need more of this in this world.


  4. Hey Koumorikichikun! Welcome to the forums. Just wondering but is there a story behind that display name of yours? I as because I can see it's in Japanese (or at least, I think it is). XD
  5. Sorry about the lack of a "Today's Kanji" post! I've been busy with college lately, I'll get to the next one soon (hopefully within the next day)!

  6. For those of you who want to learn some more kanji, here you go! https://mlpforums.com/blog/2950/entry-19457-todays-kanji-03032016/

  7. Today's Kanji Well, it's another day, another blog post! Let's get this rolling. Kanji: 畳 Kunyomi: たたみ tatami, たた(む) tata(mu) Onyomi: じょう jō Meaning: Tatami mat (Wikipedia link), to fold, to close, counter for tatami mats, measure of room size (in tatami mats) Example: 八畳 hachijō (8 tatami mats, 8-tatami in size), 畳 tatami (tatami mat), 店を畳む mise wo tatamu (to close up shop, go out of business) Stroke order: Kanji: 舎 Kunyomi: やど(る) yado(ru) Onyomi: しゃ sha Meaning: Cottage, hutt, inn, house Examples: 校舎 kōsha (shool building), 庁舎 chōsha (government office building), 田舎 inaka* (rural area, countryside) Stroke Order: * = Okay, side note, sometimes when you put two kanji's together you get a reading that is completely different from any reading you'd get by putting together onyomi or kunyomi. This is one example of that. Keep in mind that these are usually few and far between, most of the time you don't see these sort of things. Other examples of this include Yamato (Kanji: 大和) and Kyō (Kanji: 今日). Kanji: 離 Kunyomi: はな(れる) hana(reru), はな(す) hana(su) Onyomi: り ketsu Meaning: separation, detach Examples: 離れる hanareru (to be separated, to be distance, to leave), 離す hanasu (to separate, to part, to divide), 離婚 rikon (divorce), 距離 kyori (distance) Stroke order: And that's it for today! I'll post more in a few more days, hope you enjoyed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! Credit where credit's due:
  8. Interesting.... this is a word that I didn't know even though I'm a native speaker. Guess that's what happens if you don't use the language cause you don't live in the country.
  9. Today's Kanji Hello and welcome everyone! For those of you who don't know, I'm a fluent speaker of Japanese. I just have one problem - I can speak Japanese, I can read hiragana, and I can read katakana, but I've always had trouble with kanji. Now, until recently that wasn't a big issue, but then I decided I wanted to start writing in Japanese. But to do that and actually have myself understood, I'm going to have to know kanji (I'll get into the reason in another post if you want to know why). So, to remedy the situation I came up with this! A blog post I'll make every other day or so where I'll put down some new kanji I learned today, that way I can keep track of it and maybe you'll learn a few things too! I'll keep this up until either I lose interest or I learn all the kanji I need to (there are a little over 2,000 kanji in the jōyō kanji list, so I have my work cut out for me!). Before I start this, there's a few things I need to make clear. First off, nearly all kanji have at least one Kunyomi and one Onyomi. These are different ways that each kanji can be read, the Kunyomi is the native Japanese reading and the Onyomi is closer to the way it's read in Chinese. Also, some kanji are written with the kanji only taking up part of the word and a hiragana written after it. For readings that go like that, the hiragana that goes afterwards will be put in a parenthesis (for example, the reading of the kanji "光る hikaru" would be written as "ひか(る) hika(ru)" Without any further ado, here's some of the kanji I learned today! Kanji: 件 Kunyomi: くだん kudan Onyomi: けん ken Meaning: affair, case, matter, item Example: 事件 jiken (incident/crime), 条件 jouken (condition) Stroke order: Kanji: 解 Kunyomi: と(く) to(ku) Onyomi: かい kai, げ ge Meaning: Solution, untie Examples: 謎を解くnazo wo toku (solve a mystery), 解決 kaiketsu (to solve, solution, resolution), 理解 rikai (understand), 誤解 gokai (misunderstanding) Stroke Order: Kanji: 決 Kunyomi: き(める) ki(meru) Onyomi: けつ ketsu Meaning: to decide, to agree upon Examples: 決める kimeru (dedice), 決まった kimatta (kimatta), 決断 ketsudan (decision), 解決 kaiketsu (to solve, solution, resolution) Stroke order: And that's it for today! I'll post more in a few more days, hope you enjoyed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! Before I finish this off completely though, some credit where credits due. First off, thank you to Jaxsie for providing the inspiration for this format. Check out her Japanese Word of the Day, it's a good way to learn new Japanese words if you're interested in that sort of stuff. The information for the kanji itself was obtained from the Jisho.org online dictionary. It serves as both a Japanese-English Dictionary and a Kanji dictionary, so it's very useful if you want to learn Japanese. Also, all of the images for the stroke order was made by the people at Iwate University. I did not make them myself, I just found them on Google Image search.
  10. Got a new mic! Now, should I cover a song, or do something else? Opinions?

  11. I can tell you my personal reasons, but I must say that (for obvious reasons), I can't tell you everyones reasons for this. First of all, English dubs to me sound just... wrong. As a native Japanese speaker, when I hear an English dub, especially if it's after having seen the original Japanese ones I find most to be lacking in the kind of quality I like. Now granted, there are a few dubs that are good, but I just can't stand most. Secondly, RWBY was made by Americans for a Western audience, which is very different from anime which is made by Japanese people for a Japanese audience. There is a difference here. Thirdly, and this is probably most relevant for me, I don't watch RWBY. I never really found it all that appealing, and thus I don't talk about it often (let alone complain about it).
  12. I dug up a short story I wrote a long time ago - anyone want to read it? https://mlpforums.com/blog/2666/entry-19075-the-baker-of-luxuria-critique-wanted/

  13. So, I've been digging around some short stories I wrote a few years ago and this one caught my eye. It's a short piece that I wrote for a English class during my second year in college. Just want to get some critique, see if there's any places I can improve with this piece. Also, for the record this was part of a series of stories I was in the process of writing set in the same universe (hence the reference to "Luxuria" in the title, it's the kingdom this is based in). I may or may not post more of those up in the future. The Baker of Luxuria Gift (English, noun) Meaning: Something given to someone without expecting anything in return, a present Alfons von Adler walked through the streets of the village as he carried a basket in his left hand. In it was bread, the best bread that he had made in a long time. He was going to give the bread to some of his acquaintances, all of whom deserved this gift from him. It wasn't long before he came across the first house. Inside lived Karl Simmel, an old man who used to be part of the royal guard. The man was known to be cranky most of the time, and it wasn't uncommon for him to get into arguments with the townsfolk. Alfons had to admit he wasn't fond of Karl himself, as the two of them had gotten into too many arguments to count. However, it was only a few days ago that Karl had gone out all by himself to stop a bear from wreaking the village. Alfons knocked on the door to the home. “Sir Simmel!” he said in a loud voice. Only a moment later the door opened. “You again?” snarled Karl “Why are you here?” “I just wanted to give you this present.” replied Alfons as he took one loaf of bread out of the basked he held. “Take it as a thanks for saving the town from that bear, and a apology for all the trouble I've caused you.” Karl looked puzzled for a moment, but then took the bread. “Uh... thanks.” “Don't mention it. I won't trouble you anymore, goodbye Sir Simmels!” with that Alfons left, heading for the next house. The next house that Alfons came upon was run by a nice woman named Claudia Palmer. She was well known in the town for her beauty and wealth, but at the same time she was known to be a glutton. She had once bought every piece of bread in Alfons' bakery, only to come back a few days later asking for more. No one knew how she managed to maintain her appearance, but some were disgusted by her eating habits. Alfons couldn't really get too mad over it though, she might have some disgusting eating habits but she was also a regular customer at his bakery. Alfons reached the door, but the door opened before he could even knock. On the other side of the door stood Claudia. She let out a gasp. “Alfons! I didn't expect to see you here.” she said “I was just about to go to your bakery for some more of your delicious bread.” Alfons chuckled. “What a coincidence, I'm here to give you some bread.” said Alfons, taking another loaf of bread out of the basket. “Here, take this as a thanks for your patronage.” Claudia grabbed the bread without hesitation. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” She didn't even pause to take a breath. “I can't thank you enough for this.” Alfons smiled softly. “No problem, just showing my gratitude. Now I have to make a delivery, goodbye Claudia!” With that Alfons left Claudia's home. It wasn't much longer until he came upon a third house, the last place he would visit today. Inside lived Martin Aber, a violinist. He often performed next to a bakery across the street from Alfons' bakery. Though normally Alfons wouldn't mind if anyone did this, Martin had a habit of attracting a crowd. Whenever Martin performed Alfons would always lose customers to the competition across the street. While this was annoying, Alfons had to admit that Martin was a good violinist. Alfons sometimes even enjoyed Martin's music. Alfons could hear a violin playing as he approached the door. When Alfons knocked, the playing stopped. Only a moment later Martin opened the door. “Hey there, you're that baker everyone's talking about.” said Martin “Alfons was it?” “Yes, I am Alfons.” “Nice to finally meet you.” “Same here. I really enjoy your music.” “Thanks” “I enjoyed it so much in fact that I have a present for you.” Alfons took the last piece of bread out of the basket and gave it to Martin. “Are you serious? Thanks Alfons!” “No problem. Now I need to get back to my bakery, goodbye Martin!” With that Alfons left for his bakery. That night Alfons slept very well. Only one thing went through his mind before he went to bed. “Tomorrow I don't have to deal with those three pests.” Gift (German, noun) Meaning: Poison
  14. First day at a new job, it was meh.

  15. Okay, so would anybody be willing to draw for me a non-pony OC to use for my forum avatar and YouTube avatar. I'd draw it myself, but unfortunately my drawing skills are at a level where all I can do is copy other drawings and quite frankly I don't want to do that, especially not for this. Basically I want it to be a kitsune drawn in the MLP style. Now, to get specific about the appearance. First, I want there to be 3 tails. The color scheme should be similar to that of the Japanese red fox, though you are free to get creative if you think of something that may look better. There should be one spherical ball held in one of the tails (this is the hoshi no tama, look that up on the Wikipedia page if you don't know what it is). Sorry about the lack of a reference image, dunno if it'll work. I'll search around for one if you want, but I don't want this to be a copy of a different drawing.
  16. I'm pretty close to a closet brony. My friends know I watch the show, they just don't know exactly how much I like it (I tend to purposefully downplay that, describing the show as "okay" rather than the "GREAT" that I really feel). That said, my immediate family knows...... well, most of them anyway. My mom and younger sister know, but my dad doesn't and for now I plan to keep it that way since he's full on Japanese and in Japan the traditional gender rolls are pretty strong. For now I plan to keep things this way, since my friends don't seem to be that positive when it comes to brony's. Let's just say that most of them don't like brony's, so if they find out I am that'll be an interesting conversation.
  17. Time to do my Hatsumode, to my local Shinto Shrine!

  18. 新年明けましておめでとう! Happy New Year!

  19. I drew a thing, first time I've drawn a person and have it turn out.... decent! https://mlpforums.com/topic/143023-tsukuyomi-drew-a-thing/

  20. Title says all. I drew a thing. More specifically, Yato from Noragami. Now, I know it isn't the best, especially compared to some of those uber pro drawers out there. But this is the first time that I've drawn a person and it, in my opinion, turned out presentable. So, I'd like some criticism. Where specifically can I improve on? Oh yeah, the image is in the spoiler tags so as to save space. I dunno if imgur will work properly and display the proper size, or if it'll display the freaking huge original image.
  21. Rain in Hawaii - who would've guessed.

  22. MLP themed cafe in Japan..... I'm surprised, but I really shouldn't be. Considering there's everything from Maid Cafe's to AKB 48 Cafe's, this was bound to happen eventually. Next time I head back to my hometown, I guess I have a place I've got to visit. XD Well, that's assuming I scrounge up the cash in time (which probably won't happen considering it's only open until the 29th).
  23. Those times when school starts taking up a huge amount of time........ ugh.

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