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Posts posted by danime91

  1. Haha, I'd seriously consider doing that, but my feet are size 12 monsters, so fat chance. Honestly, maybe I can commission a pony plushie maker on Etsy or deviantart or something. It shouldn't be too hard to customize a pair of slippers, right?

  2. So I've recently moved into a new house with laminate flooring, and I find that my feet get really cold walking around barefoot all day. I wanted a nice pair of MLP house slippers, so I started shopping around only to find NOTHING. In the episode Tanks for the Memories, we see Tank wearing these adorable little slippers with Rainbow Dash's face on them. Why aren't these slippers a real thing already?! The closest I could find was this: http://lp2.hm.com/hmprod?set=source%5B/model/2015/B00%200333524%20002%2050%200148.jpg%5D,type%5BSTILLLIFE_FRONT%5D&hmver=2&call=url%5Bfile:/product/main%5D


    While they're okay, and I would have bought them, they're from a store in the UK and they were all out of my size. The other results I found were either for toddlers or were just regular slippers with pictures on them. If anybody knows where I can get a nice pair of MLP plush slippers, please, please tell me.


    Also, someone really should make Tank's slippers a real thing. Seriously, those would sell like mad.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. So I'm currently planning out a fanfic, and I got to thinking about the various pun-tastic names that ponies have for their cities, such as Las Pegasus, Canterlot, Manehattan, etc. Now the fandom has come up with names of their own for more distant lands, like Stalliongrad, Neighpon or Japony, and such.


    That got me to thinking about endonyms, which is basically what a country's name is in that country's own language. For example Germany isn't Germany in German (lol), it's Deutschland. Japan isn't Japan, it's Nihon, China is Zhongguo, and Korea is Hangook. So I was wondering if any bilinguals here could suggest names for cities and countries in their native language as well as any words in the corresponding language that pertain to horses. The Chinese and Japanese word for horse is "ma", the French word for mane is "crinière". Things like that.


    I'm a bit of a language buff, so I wanted just that tiny little extra attention to detail of having countries with punny names that work in their own languages, rather than just having be some sort of English pun. So if people could just list a bunch of words in different languages, good ones being gallop, hoof, mane, pony, horse, saddle, horseshoe, neigh, whinny, etc, etc, along with some notable cities. Fruit and vegetable-based puns could work as well, considering we got Appleoosa.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I must have watched this episode five times now, not including reaction videos. It was great. Sure the pacing felt a bit fast, but that's a minor issue when considering all the great stuff this episode threw at us. The songs were just great as well, especially Light of Your Cutie Mark, which I still have stuck in my head. Awesome facial expressions from Diamond Tiara, you could tell the animators had fun with that, especially her Egoraptor impression.


    Anyone have ideas for what to name all those background ponies that popped up in this episode? I'm specifically referring to Big Teeth and Super Filly. Especially Super Filly, her design is adorable. I really hope she pops up again in later episodes.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I am well-versed in the ancient, venerated art of Google-fu.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I first heard in the deep, dark places of the Internet about a crazy new show with top-quality animation and excellent writing, so I looked up the first few episodes to see what all the fuss was about. That was back in 2010. I've been hooked ever since.

    After lurking on fimfiction and reading several fanfics (My Little Dashie being the first), I got the crazy idea of producing my own piece of pony prose. So I decided to join this forum in order to have a place to discuss MLP fanfic writing tropes (Human in Equestria becomes a pony! The advantages of first person vs third person! Pony language and terminology!), learn what prevalent theories exist in fanon (were Celestia and Luna born to alicorn parents, or were they somehow willed into being by the great Faust?), and generally bounce ideas off other bronies and get some advice/critique.


    That and just generally squeeing over new episodes just like everyone else.


    Anyway, I look forward to interacting with you all and generally getting myself more involved in the brony community. Brohoof, and cheese, for everyone. /)





    PS: Luna is best princess. :comeatus:

    • Brohoof 9
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