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Everything posted by TJPones

  1. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Concept Artist Dave Rapoza The man is just a machine! Alright looks like that's 3 hours! Whew! Thank you ALL here at MLPForums for having me over. It was super cool to be asked all these questions and meet some fans. If you're going to BronyCan i'll be wandering about as well and feel free to come say hello!
  2. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Hmmm maybe, most of the things I reference are pretty popular still today. If they did though I can only hope someone would get to check it out for the first time thanks to me! Thats a cool idea. I think if I had to pick one it would be Horsewife meets The Raven. With Richard as the lost Lenore. Yes there is this hilarious dub here
  3. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    It would be in the billions for sure. I mean that's the bare minimum here. I've never had it so I have no clue! Sounds possibly delicious and...greasy? The very first fanart of Horsewife. To get real here. Was super pornographic. I was...not surprised.
  4. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    No, what is it? Cat Bug is a lot less terrifying! I was really surprised. My friends all told me it would be popular so most of them has a "told you so" attitude haha!
  5. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Usually a few hours but as short as 1 hour for very simple ones or days for long ones. Scrambled Eggs and Toast Probably going to go Zombocom The intro is long but once you get in it's really the most useful site for making money, losing weight, impressing people. Really anything. Abject. Horror. Just dive right in and update every day! You'll be a better artist for it. Sure! Art of the Dress May the Best Pet Win Raise This Barn You'll Play Your Part <_< Battle of the Bands. I'm going to try! If I can afford it i'll 100% go.
  6. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    I love June Bug! Even though I hate June Bugs... Cadance is best princess Starlight Glimmer Applejack
  7. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Green! Deep emerald green. Maybe, in reality my peanutbutter fund is essentially property of my landlord! Just couldn't escape it back in 2011, it was everywhere so I had to give it a shot! Yes. The secret is Horsewife is actually an imaginary character. Don't tell her though.
  8. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    THey mostly just pop up as I draw Brownie is very knowledgeable on cooking, everyone in her family except her father works with food! She just doesn't seem to put it into practice perfectly all the time. My magic pencil doesn't bring characters to life until they're finished being drawn so no She usually vents her frustration aloud and tries to make light of it. Some things just make you angry, and that's the healthy response you should have, but it helps to be able to laugh at them too. If Brownies ears are any indication she may very well be 1/20th Bat on her mothers side. Bat ponies are very cute. My favorite comic book character is Dream from "The Endless" by Neil Gaiman, just a really fascinating and flawed character. A runner up could be any of his siblings, especially Death. I always admired Judge Anderson from Judge Dredd
  9. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    You can't capture her. Better men have tried. She's tricky like that. Truthfully I don't think fan stuff should be mixed into the show too much. I mean if they put her in there it'd be amazing but as a rule of thumb i'd have to say it wouldn't be a good idea. The Head of a billion dollar Horse-Based Empire Probably Gravity falls, I like supernatural stuff! I used to have this big book filled with thousands of little reports of paranormal stuff from the jersey devil to mothman. I'd be a little embaressed to work professionally given my arts relative lack of quality but I would definitely take it!
  10. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Ponies in real life would make bad girlfriends. Consider dating humans or possibly robots. See above for fave episode Season 4 I guess? Could certainly be worse! I've got a lot of good stuff goin for me right now! I play the Piano a little Science!
  11. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Hard to say, Art of the Dress, Pinkie Pride, Castlemania, Ammending Fences. Lots of them. Tiny Horsewife hates all humanity. Regular Horsewife likes most of humanity, Megabun loves all humanity. Because I am a horse.
  12. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Boogie 2988 Just a really nice, open guy who's been around the block. I've been told Markiplier is worth around 2 million dollars and has donated 1.5 to charity. So I mean I don't really watch him but what a guy right?
  13. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    "Everything Put Together Falls Apart" - Paul Simon
  14. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Sometimes she just sits on the floor and eats a bowl of it like it's ice cream. Horses are weird. I used to believe horses ate mostly peanuts for some reason as a kid. Hey now, save some elipses for the rest of us My greatest fear is of being sick. Except for having a cold. For some weird reason I kind of enjoy having a cold. It's...cozy.
  15. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Just Horsewife for now, but who knows! Oh hello! That OC was amazing yes. I'm sorry I was such a slovenly mess when you met me. Everfree was so hot! I'm more partial to planes and tanks than trains. Love tanks. I think Equestria Girls 3 will have some fun songs. Yes! I loved it! The SCP one A few hours on average No Sorry, but thanks! Everything up to Rory and Amy's wedding, I stopped keeping up after that. This is going to be really embaressing but I adore "Girls Und Panzer" So weird but so cute.
  16. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    It just suits her I guess. I mean fluttershy has all the traits of a princess. She's got wings, and she has friendship which is magical and she's always really h- Hands are natures corn cob holders Depends on the complexity or length of it. I think the longest one that was an ask was the SCP Foundation one. That took a while. The Wedding comic recently took 2 days with maybe like 8 hours. My arts not amazing but it still takes a while. I don't really own a lot of merch or anything like that. I have a single wall for pony stuff in my apartment. I mean ultimately though if someone asked I wouldn't lie. Some of my non pony friends even really like Horsewife!
  17. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Check out Horse Game! It's in super secret development right now but there's a demo out. I do some internet development art for them and the occasional poster or website elements! Just the same way everyone does I guess, got hit by the tidal wave of the great Ponynado of Summer 2011 Rick and Morty, South Park, i've seen a little Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs THe Forces of Evil, Adventure Time a few seasons. Probably some i'm missing. I like it's quote feature! Just wanted to make a fun little daily strip with cute stuff! See other answers for details =P Twilot Sprankle Brownie Bun is a fictional character you cannot meet ._.
  18. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Purple Princess Book Horse I guess Horsewife would be my OC. I don't have a ponysona exactly...The little green pony I made as an avatar is the closest I have to that! Bananas are natures handgun
  19. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    It's actually All Dressed Ruffles and Fresca. Most of the time when I am waiting for the bus I like to make up conversations between two imaginary characters arguing about things. Being a crazy person they usually crack me up and I just sorta save them for later. I also like to misinturpret questions for a laugh so just browsing my questions inbox is usually enough inspiration. And when all else fails just draw a dramatic silly face Wop wop Some people hate on me for silly reasons but the vast vast majority of "haters" have very legitimate complaints! Art Quality, Writing, Blog Management and all that kind of stuff. If someone tells me Isuck 99 times out of 100 they're right, it might sting but 100% of the time it produces a better drawing or a better joke. I have an extreme distaste for people who just shrug off criticism with "Haters gonna hate" That said I do of course reserve the right just just shrug and say "Nah"
  20. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    For me it's all about the morals. MLP has lots of little morals we all know being adults but it's just nice to see them being presented neatly and cleverly and also having them passed to kids! Pinkie Pride is an episode I love a lot for 1,000,000 reasons but the best part is the moral that "Just because someone is better at you at what you identify yourself with doesn't make you enemies. They can be your inspiration, and even come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts". Thats what I got out of it anyways Lots. Almost all My favorite songs are Blue Monday Don't Fear the Reaper Hang Me (Oh Hang Me) A Man of Constant Sorrow (By the "Soggy Bottom Boys" ) Light Up the Night Obla Di Obla Da (The Beatles White Album) Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft Electric Feel The list goes on... Thanks! Sometimes I think it feels a little stilted and awkward but I try my best to make my characters talk the way people actually speak to eachother. To a limit...in reality theres a lot more "Hey uuuuuuuuuh um you know like that uuuuuuh"
  21. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    I'm a big fan of newspaper comics like Bloom County, Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes, Dilbert, the list goes on. I wanted to make my comic like that. Little regular strips and occasional big ones. So monochrome just seemed natural. It's also easier I love Team Fortress 2 but sadly my internet is too poor to play it generally. I do not game much but my favorite games are Theif and Theif 2. Recently i've been big into Space Engineers and I have a big interest int hings that let oyu build. Just last night I built an "electrolytic converter" to turn water into hydrogen and oxygen except I messed up and used salt as an electrolyte so I produced hydrogren and sodium hydroxide and deadly chlorine has instead. Oops! (Protip dont do that) I make pasta for dinner probably once every 2 weeks.
  22. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    I haven't been using these forums that long! Sorry. Any Questions I don't answer aren't because I don't want to answer them it's just I prefer to show and not tell (This session not withstanding I guess) so it all comes down to when I get a chance to explain properly with the right setting and comic. For instance Brownie Buns cutie mark is a Rose, it appears when she visits Equestria for a wedding. Why is it a rose? Why doesn't it show up normally? I'll just have to wait until I think of a good comic or joke to explain my silly headcanons. Brownie Bun is in her late 20's, Richard is a few years younger and prematurely bald.
  23. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    This might catch me some flak but truthfully my first thoughts on the show were negative! I didn't hate it or anything I just really thought it looked boring. Then the song Winter Wrap Up hit the scene and it got stuck in my head and i've been trapped in this fandom ever since. Sometimes! I really love Trixies Good Side by PinkiePieSwear. Wooden Toaster a little LivingTombstone "The Pink Side of the Moon" by 4everfreebrony
  24. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Don't give up just because you suck. I suck, your hero sucks,we all suck, It's just a matter how how much we suck Brownie is a mix of a lot of people and no one, the peanut butter thing comes from a real life horsefarm I visited as a kid where they fed the horses a meal made of peanuts that was compressed, dry, chipped and shredded...like wood almost. Always been fascinated with that and held an erroneus belief that horses loved peanuts. I don't dabble at all in fanfiction i'm afraid to say, unless you count my comic as fanfiction! I can't say i'd like to collaborate on anything right now but by all means feel free to use my characters and link me to your stories in the future.
  25. TJPones

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    I am afraid of sharks but yes I do like them. Particularly Hammerheads. You ever watch Street Sharks as a kid? Truthfully there are a lot of blogs I love and follow but I only browse them via the tumblr feed so I have no idea what they're called or who the artists are. I'm really terrible like that. I follow a LOT of blogs. jargwellprescott is my favorite pony artist. I really like drawing Twilight Sparkle. I like artstyles that break away from show-accurate.
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