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Everything posted by EVBP

  1. Hi all, It's been almost 2 years since I last posted in MLPForums! I'm glad to see it is alive and well! I have a question for the dubstep (or complextro, or trap, or glitch hop, or whatever subgenreofasubgenreofasubgenre you identify yourself with) musicians in the fandom.. Do any of you use Presonus Studio One as your DAW? Asking for a friend, who coincidentally, is me. I've looked on youtube, soundonsound and several other internet resources, but have failed to come up with a good guide for what I am trying to accomplish. I want to make the harsh, sliding/portamento, staccato sounds you hear on tracks by brony musicians like Scraton (DJ Pon3), Strach Attack, Undreamed Panic and the like. I'm attaching a snippet of one of Scratons tracks, just to give you an idea of what I'm referring to. I am looking into getting Serum (I've played around with it and it seems like a very capable synth VST... also I heard some brony musicians swear by it at BronyCon '17 ), but in the meantime I want to learn just what it is that I need to understand about sound design to get to where I want to go... Sorry for the lengthy post. I just would really like to make some progress on figuring this stuff out! scraton-snippet.mp3
  2. What is the name of the super-strong pony that lifted the school house to get her ball?
  3. It took me 5 years to realize that the reason Rainbow's flying is all messed up is because her wings were upside-down and on her underside, instead of her back. :-P Also, I think with everything going on politically in recent years, this episode is an excellent example to show to racists and islamophobes. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
  4. Did anyone notice the reference to "Plank" from Ed, Edd, and Eddy when Rarity and Fluttershy return to Carousel Boutique?
  5. Can I postulate that their cutie marks represent a sort of "half of the picture"? For example, in their first appearance they offer what seems like a great deal to Ponyville. But to the Apple family, it would have a negative impact on their bottom line. There is a catch to their offer - how the profits would be split. Likewise, in their second appearance, they are selling a tonic that seems to good to be true - because it is. Again, there is more to the story than meets the eye. Which is why I think their cutie marks represent half of the picture. On the one hand, you have an almost whole apple cutie mark - which could seem like a positive thing. And on the other hand, you have just one slice of apple, which by itself doesn't seem bad, but when you realize the other half of the picture is a mostly whole apple... do you feel cheated? I wish I could express my theory better, but I feel like their cutie marks work in tandem to represent a situation where it is best to read the fine print.
  6. It had Vinyl Scratch in it so it is automatically good! Joking aside, I loved the formatting of this episode - the multiple interview sections used to make this like a reality TV episode, the real-time scenes were perfectly placed, and every character shined in their own way. My only complaint is that it felt a bit like Canterlot Boutique and The Gift of The Maud rolled into one - not a totally fresh take on things, but I think the format of the episode more than makes up for the similarities.
  7. Did anyone notice that one of the portraits seen in Castle Mane-ia is the same portrait that Rarity bumped into in MMMystery on the Friendship Express? I just noticed this and wondered if there was any significance to it.
  8. Jack of all trades, master of none. I play guitar, violin, drums, bass, keyboard/piano, banjo, harmonica, ukelele and sing. But if I had to say where I actually "play" an instrument vs. knowing just enough to pick it up and noodle around, I would have to say guitar is my main instrument. But I always considered "playing" an instrument to be relative. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. I think it depends. Are you just crossfading between tracks, or are you scratching, making a conscious effort to beat match stuff, etc. DJing is not easy by any means, but unless you are putting some kind of artistic flair into I don't think it would qualify as playing an instrument.
  9. I am presently suffering from depression (not sure if it is bad enough to be medicated yet), I also suffer from the occasional panic attack. I guess in the strictest terms of what defines a "mental" illness, then yes. I do. For anybody struggling with your own brain, I hope you are able to get some help (via chemical intervention or other means). Even with our issues, we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for!
  10. I don't dislike him. He's not my favorite either. He felt like a toy placement in the first movie, and in the second one he was kind of a jerk, but by the third movie they succeeded in making his awkward Twilight obsession funny. Even Derpy tried to console the poor guy!
  11. Apparently a couple people caught this before me... and went into much greater detail... http://dr-dippy.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-s-Lecture-The-Meaning-of-Life-296063480
  12. So, I just noticed this. Did anyone else catch the Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy reference?
  13. I just hope the rapid approach of a new season doesn't mean they rushed through creating this season. I'm a little bit apprehensive.
  14. Friends, family, my cats, and the knowledge that Lena Hall would be performing at Ponycon NYC in a few weeks!
  15. I gotta wonder... Has anyone tried this? I kind of want to try it, but my first reaction is "gross!" Just wondered if anyone else was brave enough to try it, and if so... how was it?
  16. I'll settle for Hasbro not suing fans for use of their characters and settings for fan-created content. We already get pretty awesome fan content. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see more MLP, but I feel like the fanbase is so diverse that giving creative license to a select gifted few would be frustrating for the rest of the fanbase. Headcanons would roll.
  17. Just read the last chapter earlier today. Wow. Just wow. The 3rd chapter from the end is a real tear jerker. I was at work and had to stop reading before I turned into a blubbering mess in front of my coworkers! Bravo Skirts, on making me feel all the things and enjoying the whole ride. I kinda want to read it all over again from the beginning. Now, if only Scribbler woulld finish "Playing With My Heart"...
  18. Can't say I'm into clopping. Can't say I care if anyone else is. Can't say I care about some random youtuber's opinion. Last summer when I first joined this forum, I would have been deeply upset by such outwardly spiteful and antagonistic content, but I have since learned to take it in stride. Can't please everyone, and some people are just looking for things to be angry, disgusted, or cynical about. To put it in terms of one of my favorite phrases; "Haters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn!" Keep being awesome Bronies. That's all you can really control.
  19. I'm only discovering this reference after the season ended. I do hope that the 8 enchanted items do become a part of Equestrian lore. Much like Starswirl's unfinished spell did!
  20. What I wonder about is that alicorns are immortal, right? Are their offspring also immortal? If not, does that mean that Cadence, and in this speculative topic Celestia and Luna, have to watch their offspring grow old and die? I have wondered about that from time to time...
  21. Hope everyone is having an awesome day. Whether you celebrate Christmas or any other holiday. Have a great day!

  22. Anybody else planning to be there? Ticket, hotel, and flight are all booked. Would love to meet some of the forum members in person!
  23. However I kind of felt like the episode didn't feel "big" enough for such a character changing event. Personally, I thought it was just right. While getting their Cutie Marks was a big deal to them, it didn't change WHO they are in the strictest sense. They are still the same characters, they have just discovered their unique talents. On top of that, their cutie marks kind of don't feel like they look right. Like they stand out a bit too much from other cutie marks we've seen, don't you think? Yeah, I kind of agree here. I like the idea of them all having 3 unifying Cutie Marks because of their shared talent, but I'm not nuts about the designs. Swing and a miss. Not to mention their special talent of helping others find their special talent to me just kind of defies what we were originally told which was that you had to find your own special talent. The writers may have had other intentions originally, but I am happy with direction they chose. Besides, finding your special talent doesn't mean you have to do it alone. Whom among us who have found our calling in life or special talent got there all on our own? Besides, DT and TS already had their marks, they just didn't understand them. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to shed some light on things.
  24. Junior software developer. Pay is good and work environment is (for the most part) very relaxed. First job I've had where I can work in a t-shirt & jeans and not get written up.
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