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Posts posted by elponito

  1. I agree with you 100%! I do think we have advanced and you know who I use as the example? US! The ones who pass judgment due to social constructs are irrational and backwards thinking. Look at the things we've created with the tools given us! Artwork, music, video game mods, professional quality stand alone video games, there is even a fan-made episode in production! (Yeah you heard me!) We wax philosophy and discuss religion on these forums. Religion! Yet everyone always remains calm and open-minded, that's like the Freemasons debating issues of humanity and equality in their Lodges when elitism and dogma were the social constructs. Same thing here, only now the debaters are much younger and the technology allows us to communicate seamlessly!


    Exactly! I like the Freemason analogy--just because they are a group of people organized as a 'secret' society, the general public singles them out and concocts ludicrous theories about them. In a similar vein, 'bronies' are wrongly generalized by a handful of ignorants as pedophiles, rapists, et cetera, simply for not fully understanding a shared cultural interest.


    There will always be backlash towards certain groups of people within defined societies, though. Humans will always be different, no matter if we speak the same language even. It is just human nature to formulate culture, and thereby opinions will tend to differ as long as we live in modernized societies. And I KNOW that we always will. (I am looking at you, John Zerzan!)


    Anyway, all I say is, 'Buck it!' :) Who cares what people say? Do your own thing, and just be proud of whom you are. You are unique, and as long as people are willing to listen to your opinion, listen to theirs, too.


    P.S. Should we create a group of ponies à la 'Freemasons'? :D


    P.P.S. The 'brony' episode sounds awesome! I cannot wait!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Posted Image


    I don't think anyone's gonna complain about it because its been done before. Kermit and Miss Piggy or Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally who is a squirrel. Jake and Lady Rainacorn from Adventure Time is another example...


    The only time I see someone would complain about it is if MLP themselves portrayed a dragon/unicorn relationship (or any other relationship on the show between two different but sapient species) as negative because that would make the show guilty of racism.


    As far as I know, almost every pony Spike is friends with probably knows about his crush on Rarity and no pony has ever told him to forget it because they're not the same species (or that he's too young, for that matter).


    Yeah, hopefully nobody would. I really want to see their story being followed up on in season 3 because I find the match cute.


    Then again, who knows?

  3. Since when is an interracial couple as unacceptable as a lesbian couple in a kids show?


    Not 'as'--I am not necessarily talking parallels here. I just mean there would be that chance of it being considered 'unacceptable' by parents or producers, just like the whole controversy surrounding Derpy.


    I just mean that there is that chance of it being taken out of context, capisci? :)

  4. I was visiting relatives, and we all watched Captain America together, except I kept walking out because it was so childish it annoyed me. The next day I showed some of the kids My Little Pony, sure that my family wouldn't make a big deal about it because they were reasonable and mature and all that. Wow. Wrong. So I told them, "You were all watching a movie about a weak guy who was turned into the One and Only Chosen-One/Great Superhero who was so bad-ass he could charge into a Nazi fortress and beat up all the Nazis, even the super-villain they invented because Hitler wasn't bad enough for them. And you are calling me childish for watching ponies." They didn't get it.


    If that doesn't work, show them an episode of Friendship is Witchcraft, preferably episode 4 with Sweetie-Bot, and pretend it's the real show. They won't figure out that it isn't.


    The tough question is: How do you tell your kids that you're a brony?


    By being direct or subtly explaining...well, depending on how old they are.


    If they are beyond 'that age', simply tell them to...




    • Brohoof 1
  5. :PEGASISTER_CONVERSION_UNDERWAY: Well, the other day, we had this Volleyball get together thingymabopper at our house, and after a while we (me and some of my friends who were girls (my other guy friend was still playing volleyball)) went inside. We decided we would play some Minecraft, so we did, but then, we got bored. Shocking, I know. It should be impossible to get bored of Minecraft... But anyways, we went downstairs to see what my little nephew and niece were doing... And there it happened. I owe it all to Little Bear, the stupidest little kids' show on earth. I had mentioned my bronyhood to the two girls, and since Little Bear was SOOOO dumb, the elder said, "Well, why don't we watch My Little Ponies?" I was utterly shocked. I said, "You- You're serious?" A repeat of that basic phrase and a variation of "yes" went on for a bit. So, we went and looked up an episode guide, and then decided they would watch Applebuck Season. I decided not to watch with them, as I thought it might be a bit awkward watching MLP with a non-brony/pegasister. They also watched Lesson Zero, one of my favorite episodes. Now, I'm not sure whether they're actually pegasisters, but they enjoyed the show. B)


    I used to want to strangle Little Bear. Hahaha!

  6. I find it funny (not literally, albeit sad) that even though we say that we have 'advanced' as humans, the mere thought of a male liking ponies--something that is 'girly'--is found and perceived as odd and deprecative by people.


    There is nothing wrong about it; there is nothing weird about it. Yet, people are still prejudiced and resort to stereotyping and singling them out simply because of a cartoon.


    Telling your parents that you like such an awesome show like My Little Pony should not be a life-altering decision. It should not delay or impede your life in any way whatsoever.


    ...and yet the notion is still there. People do freak out, people do become biased and judgemental, and people do make your life harder for liking something close to your heart.


    As Winston Churchill said, though, 'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'


    Be proud of yourself, kids! :)


    [End of fillyphizing.]

    • Brohoof 1
  7. So today I went to Quaker Streak and Lube and attempted to eat Triple Atomic Hot Wings...


    I didn't eat all 6 required for the challenge but I attempted and here is my friends deciding to record me cry....





    (I never got my jalapenos)



    Can you handle spicy foods?


    Or have you ever done any challenge like this?




    (this topic is sorta an excuse for me to post this video... if anything watch as I suffer through spicy chicken wings... :huh: )


    For a reference.... these were at 500,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units)... Jalapeno peppers are anywhere from 3,500-8,000


    I can! I love spicy foods!


    ...but it is not that fun having the toilet as your companion the next morning. :/

  8. I enjoy the ship and all but I don't think there's much of a possibility with the show following through with this. Largely they still are catering to parents/kids and how well would an interspecies ~ borderline paedophiliac relationship between a pony and a baby dragon sit with parents.




    Sadly, it would be an endearing thing to implement into the show, but it is aimed at children after all. Just like they wrote off that episode of Arthur or whatever just because there was going to be two 'mothers', no?

  9. Sometimes.


    What is the meaning of pie?


    Something that you eat--well, food, that is... :D


    Will the third season have any pony couples?


    3.14 in another life.


    Did "they" really preserve Hitler in honey?


    You beat me! Haha.

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