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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by null123456

  1. My friends take everything way too seriously.. o-o

  2. ''Sweeet.'' Splinter said, dropping the coffee pot and grabbing a nailed bat. ''There's probably alchohol at the mall, we're heading there because that mansion got bucked up.'' Splinter said, running his hoof across the handle of the bat. ''I believe when you say you're the best mechanic in Equestria. Who else could even come close to making this?!''
  3. ''Buck yes!'' Splinter yelled as he jumped on. ''How did you make this thing? It's amazing!'' Splinter asked with awe as he looked out the window to see tons of undead corpses. ''My name is Splinter.. I work at that horrendous cafe near this mansion. I grabbed a coffee pot and bailed.''
  4. ''That's basically suicide!'' Splinter said, eyes wide. ''Maybe if one of us could clear a path to the bus.. We might be able to get his attention!'' Splinter said, looking at Mirror and his stretcher with nails. ''Perfect! We can use that stretcher to clear a path to the bus!''
  5. ''That thing is badass!'' Splinter said in amazement from the heavily armored bus mowing down zombies left and right. ''We need to call that guy over, he can help us get to the mall in that thing!'' Splinter said to the group. ''Everyone! Try and get his attention before he vanishes!''
  6. ((Kk, I was busy playing Dead Rising 2. (How convenient. .-.) So just pretend Splinter had been dazing.)) ''My name is Splinter, I worked at that crappy cafe near here.'' Splinter said, wanting to get the introduction over with. ''But anyways, we're heading to the mall? That might be a good idea.. We can go through the back door, where I came in. Hopefully there aren't too many undead out there as when I had entered..''
  7. ''We believe you!'' Splinter yelled to the other pony who had crashed through the window. ''We've had some problems ourselves.'' Splinter said as he stabbed another zombie. ''Now please stop crashing through the windows so I can use these barricades!'' He said with frustration.
  8. ''I'm coming!'' Splinter said as he heard the desperate voice of another survivor. Splinter opened the door for the pony. ''Get in! Before we let any of them in!'' Splinter yelled as he opened the door, stabbing a zombie with the knife that strange stallion had dropped before jumping through the window.
  9. ''I couldn't find anything. I'll trade this coffee pot for the knife, though. It gets the beating job done.'' Splinter said as he pulled off more parts of the chairs, putting them up in a pile. ''Now, can you please go find some bandages and possibly some nails and a hammer?'' Splinter asked, pulling apart the second chair.
  10. ''Awesome?! Are you bucking serious!?'' Splinter said, annoyed with his amount of seriousness. He sighed, and shrugged. ''My name is Splinter. I'm helping out with some barricades right now, but what you can do is try and help us get bandages for a friend here.'' Splinter told the new pony, shifting his head to the stallion who was still bleeding on the floor. ''Fast.''
  11. ''I might be able to find some chairs in the kitchen!'' Splinter said as he dropped his coffee pot on the floor. He rushed to the kitchen, trying to find some chairs and furniture for barricades. He was able to pull back 2 chairs. ''I got some things for the barricade!'' Splinter said, pulling the first chair apart. ''We can use parts of the chairs for barricades!'' Splinter said, pulling apart the chairs.
  12. Location : The Mansion After some death and some time, Splinter finally arrived at a huge mansion that seemed to be safe. He had snuck in through the back door, where there were, luckily, no zombies. After some time, he had found a room with what looked like 2 non infected stallions, one on the ground in pain and the other who had stomped an undead's head in. ''Holy shit! Is he alright?'' Splinter asked, running towards the two. (Shet. Ninja'd. xP Sorry.)
  13. Location : Cafe Splinter put on a fake smile as the bell connected to the door of the Cafe dinged. ''Hello! Welcome to the Canterlot Cafe! Canterlot's best caf-'' He was cut short by the almost undead groan of the customer. ''Whoa, buddy.. Are you alright?'' Splinter asked with a tone of fear in his voice as the groan came closer. ''Look, guy.. I don't want an-WHAT THE BUCK?!'' Splinter said as the slightly decayed pony glared at him. ''Is that a bucking zombie?!'' Splinter thinks as it gets close enough to bite him. Unknowingly, he grabs a coffee pot off the counter behind him and smacks the zombie in the head. It falls to the ground and blood trickles onto the cafe's floor. ''You gotta be bucking kidding me..'' Splinter said in disbelief. Had he just killed a zombie? ''Okay, play it cool, Splinter. You need to find a safer place to go, and this is not it.'' Splinter thought as he grabbed the coffee pot he had bashed the other undead's head in with. (OOC: Pretty big post as an apology for me being a little bit inactive the past few hours. x3)
  14. Location - Cafe The lights flickered and Splinter groaned. ''This place can't even keep the lights on.. Why do I work here?'' Splinter said angrily as he grabbed his phone. The cafe was empty, as it always was. ''No service?! Come on!'' Splinter muttered as he put his phone back in his pocket. ''Great. Now I can't check my Tumblr.''
  15. Good morning guys.. Tired as hay right now. Cat woke me up and I'm on my ipod. Just lettin you know I'll be gone for a while tomorrow, so don't do too much without me!
  16. I'm pretty much on most of the time. I'm in the US and I normally go to sleep around 10:00 PST.
  17. I'm a loser because I make this face even when I'm not sad. ;-;
  18. Got it! I'll be sure to find the mansion. And bring a cup of french vanilla. :3
  19. If it's cool, is it okay If I start in a/the cafe? :3 Since Lightning is already starting in the Hospital.
  20. I'm in trouble.. The only summer reading I've done is Creepypasta..

  21. Adam is now my favorite Dead Rising psychopath ever.

  22. Can I join in with my OC Splinter? He's in my siggy. Occupation : Works at Cafe.
  23. New season of Gravity Falls! :D

  24. Okay! What squad do you want to be in, though?
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