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Everything posted by Saccharine

  1. I guess it depends. Like some other people pointed out, Europe isn't a single mindset, so opinions are going to vary. However, I would like to say that in Serbia (where I'm from), bronies are pretty much a completely foreign concept. And considering what some people in Serbia are like about foreign concepts... yeah, things like racism, sexism, and homophobia are still pretty common there. I did actually try explaining it to a few people, and most of them thought the whole thing was crazy or made homophobic remarks. So yeah, not the best place to come out as a brony
  2. I've seen it in Serbian, which is my native language. It was pretty good (apart from the dubbed songs, which were terrible). I do prefer the English version, though.
  3. I have a strange obsession with insects that nobody seems to get. I mean, I guess I can see why people hate them, but... I love the little guys
  4. I remember Chicken Run scared me as a kid for some bizarre reason. I think it might have been something to do with the animation and character design. My memory's pretty foggy. And while I've never watched the Chucky movies, I did see a few screenshots when I was like 7 and just ahahaha nope.
  5. Saccharine. Who would've thought? I also like ethereal.
  6. I don't watch horror movies, but the only one I've ever seen was incredibly mediocre. Behold Jessabelle, a movie my friend made me watch with her and some other friends on her birthday. It was just... weird. It wasn't scary and we were just bored throughout. Oh and, in the scene that I assume was supposed to be the scariest, all of us literally burst out laughing; it was so poorly executed. I feel like maybe it could have worked as some kind of mystery/thriller novel, but as a horror movie? Nah.
  7. Do you unbox your boxed pony merch, or do you prefer to leave it as it is? I used to tear into my merch as soon as I got it, but recently I've started to leave things in their boxes. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because that way it preserves their value, and personally, something about just throwing away a box feels wrong... That being said, there are times when I just want to rip a package open because its contents look so good... grr! :okiedokielokie:
  8. G3 (NOT 3.5, which is just horrible IMO), including the toys, was a part of my childhood. Therefore, it still holds a special place in my heart. As for G1 and G2, I've never had much to do with them, but they don't look too bad. I'd like to get around to watching them someday.
  9. Oh gosh, I'm terrible at singing XD I'm very insecure about my voice so I very rarely sing at all. Singing in front of a judging audience sounds like a nightmare... I'm ok with singing sometimes if I'm just messing around with my friends, though.
  10. I got to speak to some friends I haven't talked to in some time. It was only a Skype call, but it was hours of silly fun Can't wait to talk to them again!
  11. Definitely the Flim Flam Brothers song! I was actually just listening to it
  12. Human Fluttershy is absolutely adorable. I like Applejack, too.
  13. Mine's kinda weird. I have tokophobia: the fear of pregnancy and childbirth. I also have another phobia, but it's extremely embarrassing and nobody will ever find out about it. Ever.
  14. As a kid I was afraid of sharp objects, especially knives. I think it was because I saw an ad for some horror movie on TV and it featured a bloody knife XD I also had an aversion to robots. I wasn't really scared of them, but oh boy did I hate them.
  15. Not the best... I just managed to fail an online math quiz and it wasn't even my fault (kinda hard to explain how, but yeah). I'm not sure if I should send an e-mail regarding the situation because chances are that they'll just blame me; maybe the teacher will notice and understand? Sigh. I'm loving this whole automatically-graded online test thing already XD
  16. Most of my stuff is from Toys R Us or just any old store that sells legit toys, really. For books and figures, I hit the local comic shop.
  17. - I find Pinkie Pie to be annoying and bland - I don't think the elements are represented well enough at times - I don't like Discord - Crackle deserves more love
  18. Chocolate. Specifically Kinder chocolate. Mmm.
  19. Ah, I'm glad this thread exists Guess I'll fill out the questionnaire. When did you become a fan?: Quite recently, actually--a bit over a year ago. I'm such a noob //hides// What do you like most about the series?: I love the idea of setting off on a life-changing journey with a bunch of awesome creatures. Too bad they're not real haha Who is your favourite Pokémon?: I can't pick just one D: Sylveon, Umbreon, Volcarona, Fennekin, Rapidash... Who is your favourite human character?: Misty What is your favourite game?: Pokemon X Do you like anything outside the games? (i.e., anime, manga, TCG, etc.): I enjoy the anime but I keep up with the manga more. I also like hoarding cards and other merchandise.
  20. The first episode I watched was Suited for Success, but I didn't really get into the show until I watched the pilot.
  21. I only have one plushie--a Twily one from Funrise. I love her to bits, though; she's adorable!
  22. Hi!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      hi how are you =)=)=)?

    2. Saccharine


      I'm good; thank you for the welcome! :)

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      its good to hear you feeling good =)=))==)=)=)<3 Who is your favorite pony =)=)=)<3?

  23. Saccharine


    My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: I googled "MLP forum" out of boredom How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Back in 2013, I decided to watch a few episodes to see what all the fuss was about, and I was instantly hooked! Hi there! It's nice to meet you ~ I've been into FiM for some time now but I never really had the courage to talk to the community until now. I look forward to meeting you all and discussing this wonderful show, and maybe making some new friends in the process! My other interests include anime and manga, alternative fashion, and Nintendo. Anyway, I guess that's it about me. Feel free to ask me any questions, strike up a conversation, or send me a message; I'd love to get to know you! Thanks for bearing with me, and have a great day!
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