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Everything posted by -Octavia-

  1. -Octavia-

    searching A Musing (1x1)

    @Illiad Easle Mm, so judging from this and the Cultural Exchanges, then, Illiad currently resides in Troy? Certainly it's not infeasible a place to begin the story, if that's most convenient for you. Just looking to collect such initial, superficial details to create a scenario in which they'd meet without it feeling forced. He is, I presume, an artist of sorts? Enjoys the stuffiness of a library, perhaps? Attends symphonies? Has a studio for artwork? What have you?
  2. -Octavia-

    searching A Musing (1x1)

    Wonderful. Might I inquire as to which character you'll be using such that I might write a sensible scene in which they can be introduced?
  3. -Octavia-

    searching A Musing (1x1)

    @Illiad Easle Mm, that depends entirely upon your reality. Canonically, she could meet you nigh anywhere within the established world, though she lives and breathes the heart of Manehattan. Philosophically, the topic could be of any design, for I'm aiming at you. Yes, you, the writer. I want you to consider the full scope of the life held under the weight of your pen. I want you to reach into the recesses of your character and from the depths discover elements you've yet to develop in any other work. It's limiting, surely, what few stories we write, in truly coming to appreciate and live within our characters. Some often go quite underdeveloped, being good only for a one-off of superficial consequence where nothing of merit is gleaned. Should there be anything you've wished to explore with your character, be it physically, emotionally, morally, what have you, there's undoubtedly a thread that can tie us together. And if you wish it to be a story that bleeds into your character and their other works, current or future, that would be a treat. In fact, that's rather the idea. On the whole, I'm hoping you'll humour me in delving into Aria's bitterness. I've written plenty a page where she's a confident, sassy mare beyond compare. You've only to ask @Randimaxis , the site's second best writer and her best witness, for the evidence. But I lost a part of myself a long while ago, and so, in essence, has Aria, but I never fully explored what that means for my past, present, or future. And so after these many years, she has grown as stoic as the callouses on her professionally trained hooves and deaf to the beauty of her notes. She shan't be a complete bore, I hope, but perhaps not as lively or considerate as one might like. She'll put your mettle to the touchstone to find some trace element of herself in you. It might even feel like an interrogation, or cynical therapy at points. But she's looking to establish a connection. What your character is looking to derive from it, I leave entirely up to you. As for the reason, perhaps they simply enjoy classical music. Mayhap they're writing a story on the arts. Should you need a prompt to get the ball rolling, I'd be more than willing to provide one. She's well-studied and well-travelled, so excuses to run into people are plentiful. In summation, yes, deep philosophy is on the table. Not primarily within or about the lore of the show, although that can still be discussed if that is an element of your character you'd like to explore. I would like us to more or less live the experience of our characters. Or, if it's easier, impose your will upon your character to see how you'd like to develop them. You can consider it a roleplay like any other, if you wish. Perhaps even frame it as SoL, if its easiest. Just mind that there is no overarching plot or end goal. There are no winners or losers. Simply an endearing chat with an old soul with a cup of cocoa on the side. If you'd like to help world build, you're free to do that as well. If you'd like me to create the world in its entirety for you to play in, that's also perfectly acceptable. If at any point you believe our discussion could do with another friend or two, I can change it from a 1x1 no questions asked, although I do prefer the intimacy of just one other person in soul searching. Just some things to keep in mind, if you're still intrigued. Perhaps it would be best for me to write a sample opener so one might get a better sense of the world into which they're delving.
  4. Best wishes during a year where wishes must be at their best.

    1. Randimaxis


      Thank you so very kindly; I'm pleased to see evidence of your continued existence upon the dirt ball.  }:)

    2. -Octavia-


      The dirt is good. The dirt is nice. We appreciate the dirt.

  5. It preys upon the flights of fancy of forgotten lore, For days would pass until at last the monster gave no more. Enraptured, entombed, ensnared by dusk until it's paid its due, An elegy for mind unrot, for the monster known as You.
  6. Miss you, old friend.

  7. I'm more concerned that the police won't show up to deal with the body.
  8. -Octavia-

    request shop Pony sketches by Puck

    Ah, Puckersterv, how you've grown... For old time's sake, I suppose... Name: Aria Rosewood Preferred expression: Contemplative or positively exhausted. Other: I'm not terribly fussed about the Cutie Mark's orientation, though vertical would be preferred. Congratulations on becoming quite the artist.
  9. -Octavia-

    searching A Musing (1x1)

    Intended to be mano a mano, as it were, this exchange will attempt to push the boundaries of your writing talents and character development. And hopefully mine, of course; it's been a dreadfully long time since I've written anything of note, and I'd certainly like to do so again sometime before our nearest star collapses. Any and all types of characters are welcome. Know this, however: it is far less about who you are physically, and absolutely everything to do with your perspective. Does love swell within your breast, a warm embrace to secure your hopes and dreams, to push ever forward towards a better tomorrow? Or is love a lie, dissipating as the wisp of a dying ember, leaving a chill to settle on a darkened, embittered husk of a person? Does the immutability of time pervade your fears, creating an overwhelming sense of self-doubt in the face of life-altering decisions and consequences? Or do you freely give time away to others more in need than yourself, secure in the knowledge that the essence of life is ever changing? Do you know which resource, be it material or metaphysical, drives your growth as a person? Such grandiose questions will weave the thread of our narrative, creating a canvas upon which one's character shall be weighed, measured, and found wanting. Your medium will be a Muse whose own fountain has run dry these many years. Inspire her. Or don't. She will probe your being with every intention of finding what is well hidden from most. Perhaps shattered pieces with which can be built a beautiful mosaic, granting a perspective that elevates the mind and assuages a sore heart. Or will you prove as jaded as your interrogator, succumbing to a grim reality that steers a moral compass into subservience of carnal desire and indulgence? Think critically, speak from the heart, and hopefully you'll come to know the world more intimately and comfortably than most, assured of the path you're walking through it. The musk of yellowing pages wafting across the study of a well-used library. A sharp, elegant studio overlooking one of the grandest parks of Manehattan, leaving the eyes wanting for nothing. An abandoned concert hall still filled with the lingering, smattering of applause of a ghostly audience. The setting can be whatever you wish in the company of such a worldly individual, and she would much appreciate it in turn if you added your own perspective to the world around you. These conversations should be equally illuminating for both parties. If you believe you'd enjoy some semblance of enigmatic, philosophical discourse in surreal, hyper-realistically written environments, then allow me to introduce: Your host, your Muse, Aria Rosewood
  10. Practice makes proficient.
  11. Four years. Your dedication to story telling is, as always, breathtaking. May your ink wells dry up and your quills degrade, for such is a wonderfully bittersweet indicator of how spurred your creativity is.
  12. How haunting is the past that once was met with such exuberance. To scour these dredges of memory preserved in the writings of someone who is now little more than a ghost.

    It is Wednesday, my dudes.

  13. Alas, having been so long removed, I cannot say that I have. But I expect where they do walk is made all the more radiant by their presence alone.
  14. I miss me too. But the wonderful thing about missing someone is that we know we've found a soul with whom we truly connected. That we know we can consider a friend until the last breath is stolen and the curtains drawn, whereupon we, the audience, are shaken from stupor by how positively blessed our lives had truly been by the most unassuming people we almost never knew.

  15. Well now, has it really been so long? Everything looks so vastly different.

  16. This, and the fact that they were also mentored by other Alicorns in their youth, and Starswirl, who had worked with other Alicorns as well. 'Twould suggest that they are of that lineage naturally, and that the race was either more abundant eons ago, or that their home was not even in pre-founded Equestria, but mayhap a land overseas.
  17. You know, a pun like that could go for miles in making a musician smile.
  18. I;d like to think that I;m pretty goof at ir. You know, for a first attempt at touch typing, that was actually not half bad. That said, I do keep an eagle eye out for any mistakes that I make before I post something, lest I embarrass myself in front of myself. I also favour British English when it comes to spelling, which spellcheck often disagrees with. I never did learn how to fix that.
  19. Pleasant Fetal Transmogrification Day! I had to get there first.

    1. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      That is the strangest thing I have heard today. ^_^ Thank you.

    2. Randimaxis




      Pleasant Fet-... ahh, forget it.


      Happy birthday, BB.

  20. I swallowed my emotions, but I think I'm allergic to them.
  21. Bestow upon them the gift of unlimited wishes. What type of cheese do you identify as?
  22. Admittedly the only waltz I have ever studied of my own volition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKusTj2LiPE And no, it isn't just for that reason.
  23. *opens thread completely doubting how well this would pan out* *reads description of the Mossberg 500* *commences researching the entire history of the aforementioned weapon* Not bad, Swordsman. Not bad.
  24. Actually the default movement is sprinting; one sprints a bit faster holding a knife rather than a gun. Walking requires a button to be pressed. There are also weapons that allow you to ADS such as the AUG and SG 553 for ARs, and obviously AWP as a sniper rifle (please don't use this on DM), with the SSG 08 as a scout rifle (We shan't speak of the autos). At any rate...oh bother, it's Steam games? The only game that I have on any sort of wishlist isn't even on Steam. Well, onto the games, then. -CS:GO I would recommend to individuals who aren't me. Good reflexes and a good computer seem to be required to get anywhere promising, no matter the non-existent mastery of my recoil. -Rocket League is always a fun time, win or lose. Honestly, never have I felt more awesome in a game than when [iNNUENDO REDACTED]. Great with friends, but you may need to use another platform for working VOIP. -Borderlands 2 is worth the purchase for the dialogue alone. I logged many an hour into that game, and even after 1000, there's a lot of grinding that will absolutely break you in mind and spirit when you kill a boss for the hundredth time, only for the weapon you wanted to have terrible parts/element replay value to be had. The 1000 hours was originally played on console; I still didn't regret buying its DLC bundle on PC. Best with friends. The three of my most played, certainly. An honourable mention must go to perhaps the best Indie game I have ever had the pleasure of watching (yes, watching; it is more of a 4 hour narrative, than anything): To the Moon. You. Will. Cry. (Seriously.) The music is really laid on thick in this game, admittedly, and maybe that's what tugs on the heartstrings more than the story, but I certainly can't knock it seeing as I downloaded the soundtrack to my iPod. 10/10, would heartbreak again.
  25. Hmm...let's see. Today is Tuesday, so *frantically counts in days* I guess that would make me about 24 or so.
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