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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Lamniform

  1. That is something that really bugs me too and I don't have a good explanation for. The only reason for me would be that they are all very passionate about music and their instruments are something they were meant to play. Just why were there no signs they're interested in music before EG2 except an occasional song? Kinda also riles me up because people nowadays seem to place music higher than other arts like painting, dancing, or acting so they ignore their other talents for an entire movie. Idk that last part's a personal thing.
  2. Convince the ponies I'm on their side and have never eaten horse meat cuz I went vegetarian before all the horse meat lasagna scandals happened Also I kinda doubt Celestia would not want peace for humans and ponies alike. I can only imagine her taking over a country because she knows how much wrong is happening in it.
  3. I'm content being a human, but even if I weren't I don't think I could kill as a sacrifice. Something else that doesn't involve harming others maybe? Like never being able to eat carrots, bananas, dates, or any other of my favourite foods again? No, not worth it.
  4. Yup, same here. Which I think is pretty funny because of how much they contrast each other, even if they share the trait of being hard workers. But I have to admit that it'd be more likely that Applejack would get along with me, I think I'd be a little too focused on utility for Rarity sometimes. Or would I be? I can't say for sure.
  5. I never liked sleeping with plushies but yes, I sleep with either my AJ or Dash. Something about their shape makes me really like them as some kind of second pillow to put my arms around.
  6. Hey man, thanks for adding me as friend! :) Always like meeting new people. I hope you don't mind that I took a look at your Twitter too (I'm called lamniforma there)

  7. I love that purple dragon and all the other characters, both Classic and Legend Of. I'm super sad Spyro and Cynder are part of the Skylanders games now, they deserve to be main characters of their own game series. (And the Skylanders art style throws me off.)
  8. The latest episode really shows how important it is to treasure your creativity and keep being passionate about it. Nowadays everyone strives to be successful by making as much money off of one thing by producing it in mass. It's hard to blame anyone because the consumers want to get exactly what they've been promised once they set their mind on it. Uniqueness gets lost and a producer who is more interested into creating special pieces of art that all differ from each other will lose interest in their passion. I wish it was easy to get as popular with art as Rarity is. Being a fashion designer or any kind of artist in the real world is extremely hard unless you're well known. But then again she did work really hard to get there and that's pretty inspiring.
  9. If your OC was part of the canon MLP world and were to meet some of the show's characters how would they interact with them? How would they approach the Mane 6? Is there anypony they really want to meet? Tell me, I'm curious!
  10. I think the problem why many people avoid OC fanfics is because they usually don't know anything about the character(s) before reading one. The story needs to introduce them unlike canon characters who we know more about. Say you're looking for a fanfic to read and you come across one with your favourite pony, pretty sure you'll look into that first before one that has a cast you don't even know. At least that's what I do.
  11. Huion H610 I can't tell you much about the technology behind it but it works. It works good. I like it. It's pretty big but there's a smaller version if you'd prefer that, I forgot its exact name but finding it shouldn't be hard, most likely Huion Hsomething. The pens are somewhat easy to break though, don't clench them too hard while drawing like I did with my first one.
  12. :0 I just took a quick look at your profile and you're from Austria, is that right? That's really cool, me too! Welcome to the forum! I'm not interested in Chemistry myself but I hope you find others who are :grin2:
  13. My OC turns from pony into their original dragon form during full moon nights. Apart from that they can make their voice sound really dark and scratchy lmao
  14. The original Zoo Tycoon. I. CRAVE. IT SO MUCH. :scoots: I bought Zoo Tycoon 2 a while ago and it really isn't living up to my hopes at all. I might borrow the original from a library I saw it in sometime and try wether it works on my laptop, but right now I should be doing different things than playing zoo simulators anyway. Also, the first Kirby game. Emulators don't cut it but my old Gameboy is... well, old and in not the mintest condition. I'm not sure I wanna try calling it from the dead. EDIT: Read the last few comments. SPORE. UGH. An ex-friend lent me his disc to install it on my old laptop, which is broken, so no more Spore for me.
  15. I like her colour sheme but her mane's shape really bothers me. Her personality is alright I guess. Fully agreed, I vote for that.
  16. Depends on what show aspect you want to represent unless it's merch, which makes it obvious it's brony wear. You can choose a character and base your clothes off their design. For example: White and purple clothes for Rarity, or blue with rainbow accents for Dash. But characters like Pinkie make that a bit harder, because who wears pink clothes only? I would've said generally something vivid and colourful too but then I remembered some villains and characters like Luna.
  17. Human Pinkie Pie bugs me. Her weird jokes just aren't as funny as when a pink pony makes them. I also got a problem with the art style in general, even though I've warmed up to it by now. The eyes just seem too big and the noses too small. And the skin colours. I can't really take the characters seriously when some of them got purple and blue skin. Lastly, they should give less lady-like characters like RD and AJ some proper pants. I can't really see them wearing skirts.
  18. Then again, she attacked those dresses in a dream. Who knows wether she could pull that off in an awake state? In my opinion Rarity focuses on different magic that is more practical for her designer work. I don't think she's even interested in knowing spells for combat.
  19. I absolutely adore the current banner Rarity would be an amazing princess. She probably would be overwhelmed and exploit her status at first but we've seen various times how modest she can be when she wants to. I'm sure she'd be amazing
  20. Blightfall: Slight wordplay with nightfall + blight. Nightfall seemed too bland on its own. Before that I considered lots of other things, most water or earth related, but I figured my character has no affinity to those elements anyway. They aren't a very menacing pony but since they're originally a dragon who was cursed I thought they needed an uncanny name. And it's kind of ironic the name is based off of "nightfall" and they normally only turn back into a dragon for every full moon night.
  21. I'd date a horse. If the horse was as smart as a human, could talk, and whatnot, I'd date that horse. If I develop feelings towards that horse, that is. And in Celestia's case I doubt I would. I'd admire her and love to be friends but even if I were to meet a real human version of her I don't think I'd have any romantic interest in her. I'd give her a chance to prove me wrong though. Would I be afraid of breaking demigod/god/almighty ruler's heart? Well, I would feel kinda sorry for her but she'd understand. She's too smart to not see that turning her down is better than letting her live a lie.
  22. Bringing back this older topic - I think we now know a certain tree enthusiast who could be the new number 1 suspect for drugs.
  23. I'll say Twilight Sparkle too. Rainbow Dash has the most eye-catching design out of the Mane 6 but her personality can't work as prepresentation. Before I got into MLP she was the first pony that came to my mind when I heard the term. Pinkie can represent (a lot of) the humour of the show.
  24. I'm not much of a cake person, she can have all of it lmao I'd even bake some cake just for her, I love baking
  25. I do think it's kind of a bummer we know so little about them in canon apart from that they're best friends. Like that's their main personality trait. Friendship kinda isn't a personality trait tho. About how relationshippy they appear: I know two people in person who have a friendship like theirs and I honestly have to say: If they were in an actual relationship I'd be far less confused and even creeped out at times. (People have asked me multiple times if they're a gay couple.) They have one very intimate friendship and as someone naturally distanced, well... watching them throws me (and others) off.
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