I haven't seen the most recent one yet, but to my way of thinking the primarily gag-driven episodes thus far have been Castle Sweet Castle, Slice of Life, Party Pooped, and Brotherhooves Social (the latter two of which I consider to be quite bad, CSC I consider middling, and SoL I consider fantastic). That's just four out of the 17 I've seen (counting both parts of Cutie Map as one episode). In contrast, I'd unreservedly call Cutie Map, Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, Amending Fences, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, Rarity Investigates, Made in Manehattan, and Crusaders of the Lost Mark well-written and thoughtful episodes. All episodes of FiM do some degree of comedy, of course, but these ones are all quite serious and do it well, when you get right down to it. Meanwhile, Bloom and Gloom, Tanks For the Memories, Appleoosa's Most Wanted, Make New Friends But Keep Discord, and Canterlot Boutique have some shaky writing or moments, but all are trying to deliver a serious, heartfelt message at the end of the day. And none of these episodes are strictly bad (the worst of the bunch, BaG and TFtM, get 5/10 from me), at least IMO. That really just leaves Princess Spike, which is a horribly written episode that doesn't even have the common decency to be pure comedy like the also poorly written Party Pooped was trying to be. But horrendous Spike episodes are something we all should have gotten used to by now and really don't reflect the overall quality of the season. So to sum up, we have: 1/17: Good and purely gag-based 1/17: Middling and purely gag-based 2/17: Bad and purely gag-based 7/17: Good, with a serious message 5/17: Middling to decent, with a serious message 1/17: Bad, with a serious message Between that and the envelopes they've been pushing, unafraid to take risks and shake up the status quo, I wouldn't say this season has been pandering to the target audience at all. If anything, they're broadening their horizons even more than they did in season 4.