My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: PonyVille FM > Poniverse > Here
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hmm,A while back I saw the MLP card sleeves become available for Magic: the Gathering and thought "I'll get some".I'm happy with my masculinity to play with Pinkie Pie sleeves (some of my favourite things are pink ) and I'm sure they'll get a reaction from other players. "Who's playing with the pony sleeves?"The 6'1", 18st, ex-rugby player says "They're mine... anything else?""Err, um, no":)So, I've been aware of the recent reboot of the series for a while and I saw the Nat Geo documentary last year.It wasn't until a few months ago that I sat and watched an episode, it happened to be S1E4 "Applebuck Season" - I was left suprised at the similarities between Aj and my wife - my wife comes from a farming family, she's a very stubborn, freckeled redhead and isn't really into all that fussy, frilly, pink, girly stuff (she's a Mechanical Engineer).I decided to find S1E1 and binge-watched every episode... and then binge-read the comics... and here I am.
Why "DawnChaser"?
It was an unused name and it seemed appropriate for a pilot.
So a play around with Pony Creator and we get a greying, Ray-Ban wearing pegasus.
"Curving on the edge of daylight, til it slips into the void,
Waited in the long night dreaming, til the sun is born again."
Coming Home - Iron Maiden
Q. Anypony ever seen the sun rise in the west?
Take-off just after sunset and we can out-climb the rate at which the sun is setting, so the sun rises above the western horizon
What else interests a 38yo airline captain?
I've already mentioned MTG above, and the nerdish tendancies continue with fantasy board games (Talisman, Warhammer Quest, Space Hulk) and card games (MTG, Munchkin). There are a few non-fantasy games such as Carcasonne, Castellan and Formula De to get the non/less nerdy around the dinner table.
Sitting at the PC/Xbox has taken a back seat and is less of a "thing" in recent years, I always enjoyed Counterstrike and FPS's. Thankfully my wife likes RPG's and has joined in with Dark Alliance/Champions of Norrath and more recently Diablo III.
TV will usually default to comedy/cartoon or documentaries, although I enjoy The Walking Dead/Breaking Bad/and similar.
Monty Python, Black Adder, Bill Bailey, Eddie Izzard, Futurama, the Aquabats! Almost Naked Animals, Sponge Bob. Almost any thing by the BBC factual team.
Films don't have to contain explosions/car chases (Bond/Bourne/etc) as I'll happily watch most Pixar things.
Now finding myself "into" MLP I'm reminded of the exchange between Colonel Sandurz and Dark Helmet in Spaceballs
[Lord Helmet is playing with his dolls in his quarters when Col Sandurz bursts in]
Col Sandurz: Lord Helmet!
Dark Helmet: WHAT?
[Helmet quickly gathers up his dolls]
Col Sandurz: You're needed on the bridge sir!
Dark Helmet: Knock on my door! Knock next time!
Col Sandurz: Yes, sir!
Dark Helmet: Did you see anything?
Col Sandurz: No, sir! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again.
Dark Helmet: GOOD!
[Col Sandurz slams the door]
Iron Maiden have already gotten the nod above, AC/DC, Motorhead, Led Zep and The Who can be found on the stereo when it's not tuned to Planet Rock or more recently Wonderbolt Radio online).
Of course, mentioning Planet Rock, it would be remiss to not mention Alice Cooper and the recent pic of him with the Alice Cooper inspired plushie pony
Pleased that the Rugby World Cup kicked off last night with a win for England, having played at school/college/university it's good to have a bit more attention on rugby than the usual "football, football, football" in the UK. I've done my time standing in the rain in the Welsh forests following the World Rally Championship "Ooh! Look at me driving around this nice flat piece of tarmac with gravel traps and crash barriers. Pah! Let's have snow/ice/gravel, tarmac/sand/water splashes to drive on and cliffs to roll off and trees and ditches to crash into."
So, a blokey bloke who flies aeroplanes and likes a laugh...
...and MLP.
Who'd have thought it.
(Well done if you read all of that )