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That Guy with the CMB

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Everything posted by That Guy with the CMB

  1. Anyone here play Payday 2? :devious:

  2. Hey everyone! Sorry for the long absence, still want to be a bit more active and interact with some old friends!

    Glory to Our Benefactors.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Welcome to the forums, CMB.:coco:

    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Thanks, @Props ValRoaand @TheRockARooster! I'm not sure if this replies to both of you so I hope this notifies both! :kirin:

  3. Hey all! Sorry for my lack of posts, hoping to be a bit more active :) 

  4. Hope you all had some good holidays!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      It was lovely :o Thank you, glad yours was kewl :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Tacodidra


      I'm glad to hear yours went well! :kindness: Mine were good too! :grin:

  5. Batbrony! :o I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been? :) 

    1. Batbrony


      Pretty good, can't complain.  Life's been tough at times but hey, I fell in love and got married so it hasn't been all bad! :mlp_smug:

      How about you?  Everything going well on your end?

    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Oh, I'm really well, it's nice to catch up with people :) I can't believe it's been so long!

  6. Howdy, everyone! I hope you're all well. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      @Combine Slodier I was just browsing the forums and decided to stop by your profile and say hi! :grin:

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      A notification. :P



      Well... a notification and the desire to say hi to a friend I haven't seen in a while. :love:

    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Heh, nice to see horses >u>

  7. Could it be, that Octavia is best pony? :Daydreaming:

  8. Wait, I never made the connection - Applejack is orange, and her eyes are green - like the cereal is orange with a little bit of green in it.

    Was that done intentionally? It has to have been. Has anyone thought about this before?! :mlp_blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Your name is purple :o You a mod again o3o

      Also ye, it was a bit of a shock, lel c:

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Wait, did my name stop being purple for a while? You're the second person that's mentioned it. :o

      Eating applejacks will never be the same. :P

    4. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      I think it wasn't purple for a bit, also you came out of retirement c:

  9. I was apparently invited to a horse wedding :o

  10. I just noticed I got a lot of rewards, who gave them to me? o.o It doesn't seem like it was just default messages from the website.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Yes, it was me. :wacko: I thought the Coco smilie made that obvious. :coco:

    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Hue, it was ouo' Thank you pone ;o

    4. Tacodidra


      You're welcome, my friend! :mlp_yeehaa:

  11. I sure love playing Payday 2 lately, it's much more fun with mods such as "Better Bots". c: It's been more fun than ever, and now it's a much more relaxing game with some kickin' music. :o

  12. Carbine Rifle 😩👌

    Carbine Rifle [CLARITY FILTER].png

  13. Have you heard the legend of "La Corona Llorona"?

    Surely a few of you who follow ghost stories will have heard of "La Llorona", but this is a new thing... :mlp_huh:

    The story goes that, there was once a young woman who had her whole life ahead of her, but one day she fell deathly ill, and couldn't go out anymore because she was worried what she had was contagious. As she got weaker and weaker, she went to a doctor to find out why her strength was dwindling so rapidly and she wasn't getting any better...

    Turns out, she was patient zero of the newest strain of Coronavirus - COVID-19.

    She was told there was nothing they could do to save her, as she had only gotten worse like nothing the doctors had ever seen before...

    Not only that, but she had also been told she infected others around her - and this made her inconsolable. She could never recover from the fact that the plague she had spread, and seemed to be getting bigger and bigger at alarming rates.

    Her last words were a curse upon herself and the day she was born, spoken in Spanish.

    Legend has it that she still watches over us as a spirit...an angry, vengeful spirit. She has unfinished business, and has taken matters into her own ghostly hands to stop the spread of the Coronavirus!

    Now, people have been mysteriously getting sick from seemingly nowhere, and some have even been disappearing...

    The legend states that the only way to avoid her wrath is to STAY HOME. You will also be safe so long as you are only going out to take care of a family member, or if you are going to work, or going to pick up prescription medicine or any essential tasks.

    However, if you go out just for social reasons...you know what happens, don't you? :fabulous:

    They say she will infect you with Coronavirus if you go out irresponsibly, just for fun...and if you go out while you're already infected with COVID-19, then she will STEAL YOUR SOUL AND FEED YOUR BONES TO THE CERBERUS!

    And if you don't believe the legend of La Corona Llorona, that's fine, but...ever wonder why the authorities are pretending they don't know who the first person to contract the virus is? :umad:

    So if you're wise, take the lesson of the story home with you, and think over it...it's a simple one, for sure, and that lesson is...


  14. Top 10 Pictures Taken Moments Before A Disaster

  15. Just got into Payday 2 again, bought it like four days ago. :) It's an excellent game. 

    For all of you who play Payday 2, does it seem easier than it was when it was released, or at least easier than the console version? It took me an eternity to level up to nearly 100 on console, and on PC I've leveled up to 55 already. Was there some kind of XP rebalance?

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Don't know about XP balance. Got the game when it first came out, I have only had the PC version. I redownload the game once in a while. I've stuck with the hardest difficulty settings as they earn you the most. 

  16. Whoa, I found your profile fast since your name was in the donor thingy on the front page. :o It's me, Lit Lamp. o3o'

    1. RaraLover


      Hello, my friend! It's great to see you here! :yay:

      Thanks for the follow! :D

    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Hue, nice to see you too. o3o 

      Thanks for followin' back. ;D


  18. Top 10 Photos Taken Right Before Disaster Struck

  19. Not only does this picture perfectly represent my feelings about life, but it also is a 100% accurate representation of how the world works.

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      McDonald's is life? :yay:

    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Nah, this is totally surface level. c:

    3. Oblivion


      Annnddd love!



  21. Alastor?! :o 

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Mmm yes, do I know you? 


    2. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      No, but everyone knows you. (\o3o/)


    Don't you derogate or deride!

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