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El Duderino

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Everything posted by El Duderino

  1. I aim to misbehave

  2. Death Valley Queen, where have you been?

  3. Well, there are two types hardcore of fans for everything. The fans that suck up everything they can get and love it no matter what, and the fans who hold the franchise up to such high standards that they are hard to please. I guess with Indiana Jones I fall into the latter category. Indiana Jones is my favorite movie franchise and Indy is my childhood hero. I will admit I might hold the series to too high standards. I respect that you like the 4th movie. I just can't get passed how disappointing I was with it from the start. They are making a 5th movie soon. Hopefully I will enjoy that one more.
  4. I think I'm going to buy a pith helmet and modify it to look like Daring Do's helmet.

  5. So apparently they are adding a bunch of stuff to No Man's Sky through a huge patch right when it releases, and that is partly why they delayed the PC release a few days. I guess I can forgive them for making me wait longer.

  6. I've decided I need a pith helmet

  7. "Negro" is actually the Spanish word for "black". Like, the color black. It's just taken on a derogatory meaning in English speaking countries like the US. I've never actually heard "mongoloid" used to refer to someone who is Asian. Ah, yes! I was talking about this with someone the other day and I couldn't remember his name. He essentially created the racial classifications we use today, and pretty much coined the idea or "race". Of course people have always classified each other by things like culture or skin color or religion, but our modern notion of race came from him.
  8. Learned a new lightsaber spinning technique today.

    1. Johnny1226


      Congratulations I prefer form 5 myself djem so

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      I stick to form 2 or form 3 most of the time

    3. PacificGreen



  9. Modesty changes based on how society changes. It's not a specific code, it's a moral idea that each generation has their own version of. 60 years from now the kids who you claim aren't "modest" will be complain about how the kids of that time aren't "modest". 100 years ago, a girl wearing pants wan't "modest". "Modesty" is not something that will ever die, it just changes because every generation has their new ideas of modesty. As for chivalry. Chivalry is completely different because it was and actual code (there weren't necessarily specific written down rules, but it was still a code), not just an moral idea that changes based on different generations and society. Chivalry was mostly a code for how to conduct yourself in battle, defend the Church (specifically Christian faiths), and wage wars.
  10. On top of all the stuff you guys have said about the earth just collapsing on itself, without the layers under the crust, there would be no magnetic field and the earth would be constantly bombarded with bad stiff like solar radiation, making it extremely difficult for any life to survive. There also wouldn't be enough mass to produce a gravitational pull to have an atmosphere like ours.
  11. I still enjoy the show greatly. It's up for debate whether it has already peaked or not, but I think it's still holding pretty strong. Sure, there are less desirable episodes every once in a while, but honestly it's been like that since day one.
  12. Life would be boring with complete harmony. We would also start taking things like peace and harmony for granted. I totally wish for world peace, but I think we need a little chaos in our life to both keep us humble and to spice things up.
  13. Assassins Creed 4 is still a pretty good looking game

    1. Monsoon


      It's a pretty awesome game I 98% completed it

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      It's actually one of may favorites. Best open world pirate game

  14. When my internet connection goes out right before clicking "submit post".
  15. They pushed back No Man's Sky's release date from the 9th to the 12th. WTF?

  16. There are some games that never fail to suck me in, even when I don't think I want to play them.

  17. The thing that throws me off the most is bad writing, not a specific theme. There are certain themes I don't personally like, but it's all about if the author is a good writer or not. I don't love alicorn OCs, but a good author can pull it off. Nothing throws me off more than a poorly written story. My advice for any authors: learn writing techniques. Pay attention in English class, read lots of books to pick up on techniques, use a dictionary, spell things correctly, pay attention to your grammar, don't be afraid to use fancy vocabulary, vary your sentence lengths, and DON'T CONFUSE THE READER.
  18. Definitely. You don't want to show up and get in trouble for having one.
  19. Your best bet would be to check the conventions website, if they have one. Sometime there is a list of rules, or a Q&A on a website. If you still aren't sure, you could possibly find someone who would be able to give you an answer for that specific convention.
  20. As far as I know, it's not against the law (although I highly advise that you never walk around in public with an airsoft gun unless it is obvious that it is not real), so it is all up to the convention rules. It really depends on the convention. Many allow it, but some don't. Check if projectile weapons are banned. If they are, then don't bring an airsoft gun. If your not sure, ask someone who would know for that specific convention. If you do use an airsoft gun, you need to take precautions just to make sure there is no misunderstandings. Always have an orange tip. I know some conventions don't require orange tips on prop guns, but because airfost guns are not just props, so better safe than sorry. Also make sure it is not loaded and if it is an electric gun, take out the battery. If the gun is only for cosplay and you don't mind making it unusable, I've seen people permanently plug the barrel. Basically, make sure it is obvious that you can't fire the gun.
  21. I play music. I've been told I'm pretty good at it (although my singing needs some work). Either that, or I have a talent of memorizing useless random facts.
  22. I want to play a game, but I don't know what game to play

    1. Corgis


      Steam in a nutshell :P

  23. I'll admit that's possibly why I'm so harsh on the 4th Indiana Jones movie. I also am into film making as a hobby, so not a lot slips by me when I watch a movie. I'm sure the 4th Indy movie would be a little more likable for someone who isn't a big fan of the originals and isn't so observant of all the small things.
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