Well, I am a vegan and I feel that people don't understand us very well. We see animals as friends because they are sentient beings the same way humans are with the same level of consciousness. The reason we're protesting is to save those innocent animals. Animals are like little children, they are innocent and like to play together and all. We might be annoying at times, I agree and I totally get that as I used to be a non-vegan and I also used to find vegans annoying as well! The thing is it's fine to eat any food but when your food involves a victim, that's different. Humans aren't any more important than animals, they are equally important. Humans think they are more important but it's not really animals that are destroying the planet isn't it? Humans have to power of love, empathy and compassion which they use with each other but not with many species. Why not extend our love, empathy and compassion to animals as well? I think it's very important to know what's involved in the food you eat and what you're supporting by buying it. Animals are not ours and their lives are not ours to take either. They have the right to live and be free and happy. When it comes to health there is no problems with being vegan, in many cases vegans are even healthier in general. So there is no valid excuse not to go vegan. I might sound like another annoying vegan to you but I speak the truth. Whether you want to accept it and take it seriously is up to you.