Well what do I have to say about Marble For the factis preety cute like most fans say. But from the Cutie mark Chronicles flash back we saw two filles. I know they were just filled back them also they didn't had their cutiemarks. But if you look at their expressions back then and now as full grown mares. There is a whole difference. First they were in the fields looking serious grumpy and down to earth. Marble was bucking Rocks into a small cart whereas Limestone was standing there with the cart attached to her, head tilted to the side, ready to pull the loaded cart. There was no talking and no smiling. They were both hard working for young filled their age. When the bell rang they galloped to the door to stand by the door waiting for pinkie. All three got the same serious don't joke with me or are you mixing me expressions before both dispersed inside and pa closing the door. Pinkies expression was sad as she hung her head down on the ground rolling rocks together on a pile. She took a moment to look at the heavy and thick grey clouds in the sky when a a sudden shockwave blasted through her mane and tail curling it as it go also pulling all the clouds away. Well back to sisters. The next morning her pa was out with some speaking dialg and we get to see her mum also her sister limestone. Then all four entered the silo stood by the door and were shocked at first, then while looking around trying to form their mouth into a smile finally they did smile and moved their body in time to the music , which flow throw their ears. So the filles serious expression, shocked , trying to smile and happy expression in the past didn't match their smiles as mares. I mean compare Marbles shy and weak smile as a mare to the one in pinkie pride she had a charm to it that would say I loved it. If I look at the pinkie pride picture I would say she has some mystery to her!self or she is like rarity. I would make her generosity rather then kindness. But those elemts are similar anyway. Well I know a logical answer to my critics and concern would be that Marble was a blank flank fillies and changed into a mare like a metamormic rock a lime stone changed into a marble and she got her cutie mark. But why fluttershy. No oofend but I don't like flutter shy. Still I think Marble and limestone represent the earth pony version of RD and Fs they unicon version would be marble rarity and limmy twilight. Well both of them are leaders and in charge. I know twilight and limmy don't fit but I am matching up limmy and marbles to the main six so from team horn limmy will be with twiliy cos marble and rarity are team beauty and charm. Pinkie doesn't count cos she is their sister but from main cast she is with he twin and limy and am are team leaders on their farm in charge of running . but also from team apple and rock farmer we have Mac and marble for team hard working and quiet and am and limmy of course. I do love shippings or match up so much. Well I am gonna stop now tablet engery running low. I loved it to comment on marble fanclub. And thanks to the one creating this fanclub. Also what I wrote shpidnt be any offend to other options from other fans. My views are clearly my views. Hope you respect that as much as I promise to respect yours and everybody's I mean. I have millions ideas I want to share about marble but I can't now see ya.
Well what do I have to say about Marble For the factis preety cute like most fans say. But from the Cutie mark Chronicles flash back we saw two filles. I know they were just filled back them also they didn't had their cutiemarks. But if you look at their expressions back then and now as full grown mares. There is a whole difference. First they were in the fields looking serious grumpy and down to earth. Marble was bucking Rocks into a small cart whereas Limestone was standing there with the cart attached to her, head tilted to the side, ready to pull the loaded cart. There was no talking and no smiling. They were both hard working for young filled their age. When the bell rang they galloped to the door to stand by the door waiting for pinkie. All three got the same serious don't joke with me or are you mixing me expressions before both dispersed inside and pa closing the door. Pinkies expression was sad as she hung her head down on the ground rolling rocks together on a pile. She took a moment to look at the heavy and thick grey clouds in the sky when a a sudden shockwave blasted through her mane and tail curling it as it go also pulling all the clouds away. Well back to sisters. The next morning her pa was out with some speaking dialg and we get to see her mum also her sister limestone. Then all four entered the silo stood by the door and were shocked at first, then while looking around trying to form their mouth into a smile finally they did smile and moved their body in time to the music , which flow throw their ears. So the filles serious expression, shocked , trying to smile and happy expression in the past didn't match their smiles as mares. I mean compare Marbles shy and weak smile as a mare to the one in pinkie pride she had a charm to it that would say I loved it. If I look at the pinkie pride picture I would say she has some mystery to her!self or she is like rarity. I would make her generosity rather then kindness. But those elemts are similar anyway. Well I know a logical answer to my critics and concern would be that Marble was a blank flank fillies and changed into a mare like a metamormic rock a lime stone changed into a marble and she got her cutie mark. But why fluttershy. No oofend but I don't like flutter shy. Still I think Marble and limestone represent the earth pony version of RD and Fs they unicon version would be marble rarity and limmy twilight. Well both of them are leaders and in charge. I know twilight and limmy don't fit but I am matching up limmy and marbles to the main six so from team horn limmy will be with twiliy cos marble and rarity are team beauty and charm. Pinkie doesn't count cos she is their sister but from main cast she is with he twin and limy and am are team leaders on their farm in charge of running . but also from team apple and rock farmer we have Mac and marble for team hard working and quiet and am and limmy of course. I do love shippings or match up so much. Well I am gonna stop now tablet engery running low. I loved it to comment on marble fanclub. And thanks to the one creating this fanclub. Also what I wrote shpidnt be any offend to other options from other fans. My views are clearly my views. Hope you respect that as much as I promise to respect yours and everybody's I mean. I have millions ideas I want to share about marble but I can't now see ya.
Minus Maud and Pinkie, there live four residence on the Rock farm which is equvilint to the Apples. Therefore the Apple vs Rock mash up would be following: The one and only stallion tending the farm shall be honoured towards Big Mac and Ignious Rock, the eldest mare and owner or co owner pride goes to Granny Smith and Cloudy Quartz, Quartz may be not as old as Granny cos she is Pinkies mum and not granny but those two are still the eldest mare on the farm. Limmy a AJ hard working and leading and Marble and AB for team youngest.
If the team splits team Rock sibling vs Apple sibling then it would be Mac Marble team quite and limmy again with an Maud with AB for team studying. One is a filly studying in school the other studies a degree. Three rocks coat or manes corospnds to each other.