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Everything posted by NeonCobalt

  1. She's just playing a role, kinda like the characters in the Hearthswarming play episode.
  2. Let me explain: The writers hadn't decided how royalty in Equestria works yet when that episode was written.
  3. As others have said, it'll probably be its own episode. Plus, I imagine that reaching Discord takes a bit of time, even for Fluttershy, and Starlight needed to make a friend by that night.
  4. Do I think she'll be in it? Probably not, mainly because the movie was started a while ago and I imagine that there's b en a bit of a disconnect between the people making the show and the people making the movie. Plus she's not in the cast list or any of the group shots we've seen. Do I want her to be in it? Definitely. Starlight's an excellent character in my opinion, in fact she might be my new personal best pony.
  5. You know, I think Starlight might be my new personal Best Pony. Am I the only one? I'm just really starting to like her Character.
  6. I thought this was a pretty good episode. It was great to see Rainbow Dash finally achieve her dream of finally becoming a Wonderbolt. But of course something has to go wrong, or otherwise there wouldn't be a conflict. I'll admit that Rainbow's impressions of the Mane 6 were pretty, um, interesting. Okay, they were pretty funny. Speaking of Mane characters, where was Starlight in this episode? I'm only curious because she seems to be a "part of the group" now, seeing as she went to the Crystalling, and she didn't know what a Wonderbolt was last episode, so this would have been a perfect opportunity for Rainbow Dash to show her what they were all about. Anyway, really not too much to say on this one. Pretty good episode, 9/10. Oh and Spitfire's nickname being "Sh*tfire" will be my headcanon until contradicted.
  7. I could see this happening. Hasbro did this with Transformers recently by making the next series after Prime be a sequel to it. And G4 has been undebatably THE most successful iteration of MLP, so I see no reason why they wouldn't want to continue it in some capacity. Plus, having long, continuing continuities with various sequels and spin offs is kinda the "in" thing right now.
  8. This is off topic, but you just got me thinking, what if Twilight had a conversation with Starlight and told her that she TOO also technically brainwashed an entire town of ponies. I know it'll probably never happen, but if it did, boy would that be an interesting conversation.
  9. Am I the only one disappointed that it doesn't seem like Starlight will be in this? Yes? Okay then...
  10. An interesting parallel I noticed: From The Cutie Re-Mark: Twilight Sparkle: I know you only convinced those bullies to not tease Fluttershy to stop the rainboom! Starlight Glimmer: Oh, that's not true. I convinced them not to be bullies because everypony should be equal. Stopping the rainboom is just a bonus. From this week's episode: Starlight Glimmer: You win? That sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight. Trixie: Exactly! Wait! I mean, no! I got caught up in the moment. I like you. Beating Twilight is just a bonus.
  11. Holy crap, that was an amazing episode! First off, seeing Trixie again was awesome. I liked how, while she wasn't doing anything too evil, she was still being malicious toward Twilight. Seemed very in character for her. Starlight was great in this episode too. Seeing her interact some more with the rest of the mane 7 was great, and it was also cool for her to find a sort of kindred spirit in Trixie. Twilight was also great in this episode. I was really worried that we were going to get some more "What About Discord?" type of stuff, and while we technically got something similar, it was much more well written and believable, in my opinion. Also, little side note, I loved when Cranky asked Celestia how her hair does that. I had a permanent smile thought most of this episode, except of course the part where Trixie revealed her true intentions. That was an emotional scene on multiple levels. I'd rate it 10/10.
  12. I actually quite like them adding her to the mane cast. From the one episode we've seen, I think they did a good job of, while showing that she has changed, she is still the same pony, having little outbursts of anger and being a bit manipulative (manipulating Spike into stalling by getting him to tell the story of him saving the Crystal Empire.) Of course, we will need to see her interact with the rest of the mane cast, other than Twilight, to see how she fits in with them, but I'm optimistic that it will work well. Let's just hope that if this happens, Twilight doesn't die and turn grey, traumatizing kids (and bronies) everywhere. Because that worked so well the last time Hasbro did that.
  13. Yeah, as much as I like Starlight, giving her an element would be kinda dumb. For one thing, the elements aren't even a part of the plot anymore, so to bring them back just for the sake of giving one to her would feel forced. She can be part of the Mane 7 without having an arbitrary attachment to the other 6 that has been irrelevant to the plot since Season 4.
  14. I guess a bit, but not that much. And from an in universe standpoint, without the Elements of Harmony and with Rainbow Power not being something you can activate on command as far as I know, it makes much more sense for an incredibly magically powerful alicorn to be saving Equestria than the entire Mane 6.
  15. By the way, can I just say that I love this shot? I love how happy Starlight looks while Twilight looks utterly horrified! It's great!
  16. We're talking about moving it to Netflix as a "Netflix Original Series" so to speak. As in when new episodes come out, they will be released exclusively on Netflix as opposed to airing on TV.
  17. As much as I like Starlight, I believe you just won the Internet. Congratulations!
  18. Two words: Transformers. Animated. Cartoon Network royally screwed that show over, and I imagine Hasbro doesn't want to repeat the mistake.
  19. This was my reaction to this: As I said in another thread, there was part of me hoping this would be Sunset, but then again it wouldn't make much sense for Twilight not to trust her. But yeah, YAY TRIXIE!
  20. I will shamelessly go and see it, by myself. Literally, I will confidently, without hesitation, go to the ticket counter and say "1 for My Little Pony". I don't really mind, I mean it's the MLP movie, I can't not go see it.
  21. Yes, but this would imply that season 6 will be the last season without it being intended to be the last season. If the movie is the finale is the intentional finale like some people are saying, then the writers would be trying to wrap things up this season, not introduce new characters.
  22. Starlight is definitely a response to Sunset's popularity, there's no denying that. But regardless, you don't introduce a new mane cast member for a last season that you know will be the last season.
  23. I dunno, it seems kinda unlikely they would introduce a new mane cast member (Starlight) for what would be intentionally either the last or second to last season if the movie ends th series.
  24. Whether or not it would make sense for Twilight to not want them to be friends, a part of me really wants the "formerly bad pony" to be Sunset Shimmer just so we can finally put the "Is EQG canon?" debates to rest.
  25. I quite liked this one. It was cool to see some world building for Dragon culture. Ember was pretty cool, but I can already see the Spike/Ember shipfics coming a mile away. It was also good to see Spike doing something other than his usual routine for once. Also, is it just me, or does Garble sound different? 9.5/10
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