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Posts posted by AD_Pony

  1. Okay. Then you just don't feed the trolls. This is the internet. If you've not been here long, this can be both the friendliest and most hostile place you'll know. Do you realize how many times I was told on sites like YouTube to go die or just kill myself for just being a brony? Yeah, it sucks. But I generally don't answer people like that. Generally. There was one dude who told me I'd never get a girlfriend as long as I was a Zelda fan :lol: Ironic thing is I was talking to a girl at that time. I did answer him telling him I get knocked for MLP all the time but it was the first time I'd received flack for LoZ. I was really more in hysterical laughter than I was upset. 


    But yeah. People in online gaming can be pretty hostile. Someone's always trying to rustle your jimmies. It's crap, but it's the way things are.  

    No kid, I'm not "new to the internet" I was told that this forum site is good for discussion and that's what I'm doing here today. I'm discussing my opinion and you're free to tell your opinion as well I'm not knocking you for that. I'm knocking you for assuming that I'm a newfag when that's simply not true.

    I've trolled a few times when I used to play on a console, but it was mostly playing music through my mic.


    A lot of times when you play CSGO you get smurfs, that kinda ruins the match in my opinion.


    As a society we can't do much to stop trolls and hackers and the like, but I do enjoy what Titanfall did to hackers.


    If you get reported or complained about too much you should only be able to play with others in the same category for so many months. Or have to make a public apology to be let back into playing with normal people. Like in H1Z1.

    Playing your music on the mic isn't that bad, sometimes you actually hear a good song from other random players.

    One time we were all singing to Behind Blue Eyes because some guy was playing it.


    Smurfs are just people who want to make themselves seem important but it does ruin it for new players.


    Yeah you're probably right, just report and move on.

    Unfortunately unless you have control on whom you are playing with, you are going to end up running into shit talking squeakers, because people don't monitor their dumbass kids do or say anymore. 

    What the fuck is squeakers? I'm assuming children...


    Yeah that's true too, if my kids ever start talking shit online and I hear it I'm gonna embarrass the hell outta them.

  2. Yes, I stopped playing with that person.



    I play Smash Bros online and this one guy beat rekt me something awful and just started insulting me.

    I left the room because wow, what an @$$hole. I wanna get better by playing better players, but if they're gonna be like that, I might as well leave.


    So in my experience, I could hardly call it bullying and more of a brief encounter with someone who isn't happy with their life because I was free to just leave. That's exactly what I did. There were plenty of other people to play online with.

    Yeah that usually does it but it still upsets you enough to do it.


    Bruh. I don't even game online for the most part. Offline single player games with huge branching stories with big decision trees. That's where it's at. Even if the game doesn't have an ending affected by the decisions you make, that's still better than most of my online experiences. 


    I ain't even gaming on my PC much these days. :P I've been experiencing a blast to the past on my PS2. If I come home from working all day and I want to unwind, I'm not gaming online for this very reason. Either there are trolls everywhere or you're getting murdered every 3.16 seconds. That's not unwinding. That's more stressful than work anyway. Part of it is that this is the internet and everybody is big and bad behind a keyboard and monitor. If someone is trolling you, don't feed them. You've gotta be thicker skinned than to lose your cool to some troll or someone who is just better than you. 

    It's not the dieing in League that gets me, I don't care if I die. If I die it's like "oh well guess I'll browse YouTube or whatever till I'm up." what I'm talking about is the people who say stupid shit to make you upset. This isn't just in League either, it can be in Call of Duty, Super Smash Brawl, Modern Warfare, Zombies, you name it.


    It also has nothing to do with people "being better than you" if they're legit better then that's fine, I'm sure I'll also be on that scale it's just the shit talkers I'm referring too.


    Unwinding and League of Legends don't mix. I won't even touch that game because of how disgustingly toxic their community is. I want nothing to do with it, period, end of story, regardless of how good the game could possibly be. 


    If you want to unwind, single player is the way to go, or some game that isn't occupied by 12 year old dumbasses. 

    This is true, you're correct however I'm not playing normal unranked or ranked, I'm just playing the "All for one" that's currently going on. And this game is good for unwinding and getting out pent up stress, as long as you don't start shit talking other players.

  3. Most of the time it's the people themselves being stupid, and the reason you should ignore it mostly is because... well.. there really is no purpose to. Try to unwind, league of legends is a great game but it's pretty competitive, meaning that matches will be taken a lot more seriously; and hence, much like a lot of things in life, stupid people will join in to ruin the fun. Try getting used to another day, try your best to forget about that one individual, because the world is filled with despicable scum like them. 


    Generally the second someone tries to say that face to face will most likely coward away, most of the time it's just kids not knowing that threatening someone on the internet is stupid. I know you're probably extremely frustrated, but you really do have to forget about him. Try distracting yourself, maybe take a nap or something

    No you're correct, I don't usually get upset over games I just let things happen and forget about it, but yesterday I couldn't hold my rage.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. (Gaming people in general ALSO fall into this category.)

    You know what pisses me off? When I'm going online just to unwind after a stressful day of filling out applications and calling companies for a potential job just so have some (excuse the language) punk ass bitch of a human tell me how I need to kill myself because I'm not playing how he wants me to play.

    This applies to any gamer, nothing is worse than when you're playing a game minding your own GOD DAMN business having a grand old time and then that ONE person that ONE INSIGNIFICANT person comes waltzing along just to ruin what little fun you may be having! I understand if you're having a bad match or a bad game, that's fine. What's INEXCUSABLE is them telling you things like "You should kill yourself, you're so bad. Uninstall then re-install just to uninstall again that's how bad you are."

    Now I know what you're thinking, "Just forget about it. He's a nobody, probably a loser who hates his own life." That's true and probably accurate but tonight really made me upset. I'm just so sick and tired of people thinking "Oh just because I'm on the internet I can call you whatever I want!" Psh, if you were face to face with that person I'm sure you'd think twice.

    Please understand that I don't usually let things people say online get to me but last night was just too much for me and I had to vent.

    So tell me what you guys think, do you have personal experiences that you remember that just drove you crazy?

    Have you yourself been the troll?

    Have you done anything to stop the bullying?

    What can we do as a society to stop these jerks?

    Do you think anything needs to be changed?

    Have you ever been threatened over a game or in person?

    When do you think the bully takes it too far?

  5. I've been going through a lot with my autism therapy(whatever that's called), but it just seems like they don't really care about my feelings. It's just what they want me to do, they never ask me what I want to do, It just seems really unprofessional.

    That's really cruddy man, I'm sorry to hear that. My cousin has Autism too, he's also a brony which is nice. I don't really talk to him though, he visits once in a while; I hope you're alright. Maybe you should really try talking to your mom / your therapist about your treatments and explain how you're feeling that it doesn't seem to be working. Possibly finding a new therapist would also help but I'm not going to try and lead you astray, just follow your heart bro-sive. <3

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I got psychotherapy for anxiety disorder when I was in middle school. At the time I thought it was really good and it certainly helped, but in my case the problem wasn't solved until I got pharmacotherapy. It isn't always the case, but very often it's overlooked, as people are kinda afraid of taking drugs for mental problems, because they fear becoming dependent on them or the drugs kinda changing who they are and what their personality is.


    None is really the case. Danny from Game Grumps explained it pretty well in one of their videos, when he talked about his OCD. The drugs don't make you happy, don't change who you are, they just put you into your "default" state, so you can deal with your problems. When you're anxious, depressed, etc. you can't do this. Drugs actually affect the source of the problems, eg. SSRI-type drugs make serotonin, the "happiness hormone", be regulated by your body as it should be, so it gets rid of the actual problem. Psychotherapy can't do this.


    Nevertheless, psychotherapy and coaching should be a part of the process. This way you can actually know your feelings and different mental states, know better what they mean and deal with them. There is a lot of work outside the doctor's office though, because if you don't start to think about yourself and try to know yourself better there is no chance you'll get better.

    You're absolutely right, I was watching that episode of Game Grumps like 4 months ago and it does make sense, I don't want to become dependent on drugs to be happy I do not think I am at that state but it's good to know that they're there to help. As long as you get the correct dosage and take them correctly it's a good leveler.


    It is not necessarily a cruddy feeling c: Just think of it like this: You have this one awesome person who you love and can tell anything to. I have emotional baggage as well, and my boyfriend has just been amazing through it all. I feel like he truly cares for you, it will not be too much. I have done and been through some awful things, and he loves me anyway. Plus, I told him once about my past, and I immediately felt better. I have not had to talk about it anymore sense. Just knowing that he knows and is still here.. And cares.. That is pretty awesome. I am not trying to force you to tell him anything, but you never know. Whenever you're ready, I am sure he would listen. c:

    That's a good way to think about it, I'll make those steps as I come to those bridges; it'll be a process. I'm just not used to having someone who loves me for me and actually admits that he wants to be with me through the good times and the bad.


    No one else has ever treated me so well, the ones that did ended up showing true colors and I had to cut them loose as a result. :/


    I will say that yesterday I was a crying mess, I was upset and feeling scared about my future since I've been jobless for almost 5 months now... He came over after work with chocolate and snuggled me while watching Bobs Burgers, he even wiped away my tears when I started crying. He's so good. <3

    • Brohoof 2
  7. I think that counseling is a great method of letting go or feeling better about one's feelings. I personally have never been to one, but I am in college right now to be a mental health counselor. Talking truly helps people to feel better. If I do not talk to my boyfriend about my issues as soon as they arise, I feel like I might go crazy. I feel like it is human nature to want to discuss one's feelings IF they can explain. I find it difficult to put my emotions into words at times, and maybe a counselor could help put those emotions into words. I am happy to know you feel better after going, and I also think no one should wait too late to go. Go as often as you need or can! 

    I also feel like if I don't talk to my boyfriend about my feelings or thoughts when they arise I feel as though I'd go crazy, it's a cruddy feeling. :( However, I have a lot of old emotional baggage and I don't want to risk scaring my boyfriend off, he's amazing and I don't want to over load him so I feel like I'll keep in the loop but in doses.

  8. I was in cognitive behavioral therapy when I was 18 for OCD treatment, and it was great. I thought people were gonna call me crazy and break their ties with me when I told them, but everyone was supportive and really nice about it.






    I've heard a couple people say that therapy is great for whenever you need to let something out or are just upset about something, not just for things like mental health problems or big roadblocks in life. I feel like I should've started sooner than I did too, but I'm just so glad people like that exist to help others that are having a hard time in life when it isn't their fault, truly saints

    I'm just really excited about my next appointment, she's a really nice woman and understanding; the best part is I don't feel like I'm being judged because I enjoy being open about my sexuality and act like a dude. I've just been so fed up with people telling me how I should dress and act, I'm me and that's it. I'm happy with being me, if I wasn't happy with who I was then I'd have to asses the problem. How many people act differently because they know that other people expect it? Almost everyone.

    • Brohoof 3
  9. I've just gotten back from my new therapist, I haven't had a therapist since I was 16; I feel amazing.

    At first I was feeling scared and worried that new job opportunities and people would think I'm crazy or scary but after talking to my therapist she cleared everything up. It's absolutely OK to admit that you have depression or feeling scared/anxious, crying and letting it out felt so amazing.

    What do you guys think? Do you think therapy is good for anytime you're emotionally upset, or should you be like me and wait till it's almost unbearable then go in? I feel like I should of done this a lot sooner.

    Also discuss how medical and insurance should offer more options when it comes to getting personal health, some insurance companies refuse to help you with getting proper health, even if it's mental or drug/alcohol abuse.

    Personally I think it's bullshit, you should be able to say "I need help, I need someone to talk to!" and go get that help without any hassle.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. I've played all of those, but I don't own all of them. I still have Metroid Prime, Comkers Bad Fur Day, Duke Nukem, Wind Waker, Harvest Moon 64, and Bomber Man 64. But I usually find me myself playing Perfect Dark, South Park, Forsaken, Starfox, or Metroid Prime...

    Oh man, I miss Perfect Dark, I used to have it once upon a time. I've only played Forsaken a little bit, all those other games are also god's.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Hello there and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here  :). Don't be afraid of jumping in  :D. I hope you have a wonderful time here and make a lot of friends  :squee:.



    Thank you all so much, it's nice to wake up and see such polite people. :3 I'll make sure to make myself at home here. ^-^


    Hello and welcome to the Herd!


    Well, well, well. 2 of 3. Not bad. :D


    So, you found one. :P

    Thank you all so much, it's nice to wake up and see such polite people. :3 I'll make sure to make myself at home here. ^-^


    What do you usually play on N64 and GameCube? Always been meaning to make a topic asking for other people's high scores and such on older systems...

    I really enjoy Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, all of the Pikmins are my favorite, Harvest Moon 64, (But all are pretty good) Bomber Man 64, Conkers Bad Fur day, Duke Nukem, Wind Waker, Sonic Adventure Battle 2, (Only for the chaos) Super Monkey Ball one and two, Metroid Prime, and echos. That's just a short list, but pretty much yeah anything from the Super Nintendo up was good to me. I'm also a big fan of the Resident Evil series (Before 5) and Silent Hill series (Did not care for the Room.)

    It won't let me mass reply to everyone with a thank you. :I So thank you :D

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Hey there, welcome to the site!


    You'll find plenty of interesting people here, believe me. We have members with a wide variety of interests, from anime to coding to writing to archery to underwater basket-weaving. It shouldn't be hard to find your niche here.  ;)


    What kind of video games do you play? We have a variety of game servers set up for members (the big ones being Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft, I believe) and they all are fairly active. Otherwise, if someone hasn't already started a thread for your favorite game, you could always start one yourself!


    Anyway, there's a lot to this site, so feel free to ask any questions you might have. And if you ever feel like chatting about whatever, go ahead and drop me or pretty much any user a line! We're a friendly bunch.  :D


    Again, welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself


    I enjoy League of Legends, Minecraft, RO, Runescape, The Sims 3/4 but I'm mostly an N64 and GameCube fan at heart. I'll have to look to those threads, it'll be interesting.


    hello =)=)  welcome here in the happy forum of ponies =)=) and pony friends of MLP Forums community =)=) I hope you'll have awesome times here in this community meeting lots of ponies and friends here =)=)=)=)=) I fyou have any happy questions feel free to ask YAYA =)=)=)!



    Welcome to our forums, I hope that you have fun here.

    Thank you very much, I appreciate it greatly. I'm not quite sure if I'm replying to this correctly, but I'm assuming so.

    • Brohoof 7
  13. I'm really excited about the CMC's realizing that their lives shouldn't revolve around their cutie marks and they grew because of this. I'm also really happy that Diamond Tiara learned what it's like to not let some pony else run her life and to let friends in.

    However I was really hoping that each respectable CMC would find their unique talent on their own but in a relevant timeline.
    I've seen pictures of which CMC would get what I was really taken by how those cutie marks would pan out; I just kinda feel like they were just thrown to them. :/

    For example: Sweetie Bell has a beautiful singing voice so I wanted her cutie mark to kinda resemble that, her sister makes beautiful clothes so Sweetie should make beautiful music.
    Apple Bloom is really good at fixing things up and making them structurally sound (not sure if that's from being a farm girl but it counts.)
    Scootaloo is similar to Rainbow Dash and is a adrenaline junkie.

    These are things that I really wanted to see the CMC's find on their own but probably all through a stunt so they got them at the relative same time, this episode kinda seems like it was just handed to them. I'm still happy that they found out what it is that they can do, which is helping other ponies in their time of need.

  14. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack

    How did you find MLP Forums?: On my own curiously enough.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Saw some people dissing the show on 4Chan to be honest, thought "it can't be that bad" and watched the first episode. At first I was kinda like "meh" but then I got invested when I heard about the CMC's, I absolutely HAD to find out if they would get their cutie marks.

    Well there's not a lot to know... I'm a 22 year old female, I have green eyes and red hair (It's dye'd) I enjoy playing video games, Magic the Gathering, scary movies and watching Netflix/Youtube with my boyfriend.


    I would like to get back into college for possibly being a veterinarian but I'm still indecisive. I enjoy sweets and juice, also things like cereal's and noodles.

    My favorite anime's are Cow Boy Bebop, Naruto Shippuden and Code Lyoko (I do not know if you would consider that last one an anime.)


    I'm a little nervous to be on this site to be honest, :(  I see people who take things like... being into Anime or MLP too far and it seems like it's embarrassing but I understand that if you love something you should be allowed to have fun with it and not care who thinks of what of it.  :lie: 


    I really hope to find some interesting people to talk to on this site, I really could use someone nice and level headed to talk to, I'm in a bit of depression right now and would really appreciate it. (Sorry to complain about my life.) So please feel free to talk to me or send me a message.

    • Brohoof 9
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