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  1. I get the feeling that there WON'T be a 'Mane 7' next season, but that Starlight will be leader of her OWN group from her old town, sort of a reserve force in the defense of Equestria. Twilight's quote about protecting the world being too much for 'One group of friends' could prove to be oddly prophetic...
  2. Anyone who cries at THIS episode, must have the constitution of a little girl. Or is one. 'Target Audience', and all.
  3. NOTHING beats Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Word.
  4. I suppose we'll find out next year. If Hasbro starts pumping out loads of toys with her mug on them with the other six, I'd say the chances are pretty good. Personality-wise, I don't see what she stands to bring to the table on top of the other characters... But, what do I know? I not the leader of a massive company. Alas...
  5. I hope not. If they are, I'm guessing the next two parter will be about the ponies 'mysteriously' uncovering another Element Of Harmony now...
  6. Anyway... 5. Derpy 4. Wind Rider 3. Snails 2. Snips 1. Spoiled Rich
  7. Oops... Only three of those are actually ponies...
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