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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Pop-Tart

  1. I'm back boys! After an almost year hiatus, I've decided to come back. I will become more than a muffin!

    1. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Welcome back!

      So many people have been coming back recently!

    2. Prospekt
  2. I think Tempest Shadow is also related or working with The Storm King, due to Hasbro showing a toy of her where here flank area had the same symbol on her suit. Grubber is obviously with The Storm King as well, probably his clueless henchmen, though I have the feeling Tempest isn't all bad.
  3. I only have 29 brohoofs. What is life?

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      You have already more brohoofs than active posts, isnt that enough? XD

  4. I think I'll start being active on this site again.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Hello, welcome back :)

  5. Woah... I sort of remember this place...

  6. @Fl@mstre@k1990, @Stormlight, @The Tinselated Pony, @Dappers Duck Army , @Gloomfury, and @CP3_P0n3, @Pop-Tart Flame followed the mare out the door, hoping his time wouldn't be wasted. Then again, he had all the time to waste. He never did see any advertisements for working here, but he did need money, and this was the quickest route to it. Besides, this was the only burger place Flame could think of in all of Canterlot.
  7. @@Denim&Venom, Flame Mist listened to what they were saying, apparently somebody had been taking down flyers and trying to sabotage the restaurant? "Yes, what is it Mr...?" The manager asked, a confused look on his face. Well, this was awkward. Flame felt like leaving, but if he was applying for the job anyway, perhaps he could become a help to this mishap. "Well, I was told to come to your office, I was looking to apply for a job here. You did say you were short of workers. I don't know, maybe I could be of some help to whatever is going on here." Flame smiled awkwardly, all the ponies in the room staring at him. Perhaps it was too late.
  8. @@Denim&Venom,@, @@Gloomfury, @, Flame was soon caught in the office, where all the employees stood, arguing about something. Flame didn't know what it was. Something about Inspector Gadget. Whatever. He seemed to be thought as an employee now, even if he hadn't had his job interview. He cleared his throat loudly, as to signal he was in the room.
  9. *sigh* ... Ten year olds...

  10. *sigh* ... Ten year olds...

  11. *sigh* ... Ten year olds...


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That escalated quickly.

    2. DiscordedBrony


      Where did you get your clothes? At the... toilet.. store?

  13. My friend (a non-brony who doesn't know i'm a brony) was showing me a PMV he found on the internet. I told him that there are people that make stuff like that and enjoy it. He didn't believe that there were actual grown men that like the show. I laughed silently to myself. One day he'll know... one day...

  14. Could u do this pony? I hope ur not too busy since this is an old post but it would be great if you could! I love your art style!!! https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flame-mist-r9219
  15. Cupcakes. Just cupcakes.
  16. @@CP3_P0n3, Suddenly the mare pulled Flame behind the counter, in a slightly fast pace to the manager's office. Flame quickly took control of his hooves and caught on to her pace in a steady trot. "Alright..." He heard an announcement over the speakers calling the other employees to the office as well.
  17. @@CP3_P0n3, Flame looks around the building, which was now not a mosh pit of hungry customers. He turned to the nice-looking pony behind the counter. "Hi! I'm looking to apply for a job here, do you know if that's a possibility?" He asked the employee, which obviously looked really worn out. He hoped it wasn't a bad time.
  18. @, @@Dapper Charmer, @, @, @@CP3_P0n3, @@Denim&Venom, Soon the restaurant is not as crowded as it was before, and Flame walks to a counter, waiting for an employee to aid him. He waits patiently, knowing how busy it must have been for everypony working here, especially since it was opening day and everypony wanted a taste of the new food.
  19. @@CP3_P0n3, @, After ordering and getting his food, Flame sits down to enjoy it at an empty table. As he eats, he watches more and more people get their food, and soon others started to sit at his table. He ate fast, because he had a small order, after all. He didn't want to bother any of the employees in a rush like this, so he decided to wait an little longer till' the rush died down. Then he would find out how he might be able to apply for a job here. "Excuse me." He said, standing up out of his chair, carrying his tray to the garbage can.
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