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Posts posted by 3k932jd22328jdsf

  1. sig-4463501.sig-4463501.12229707.jpg


    That's not a healthy outlook, bro. I understand having the attraction towards fictional characters, it's perfectly fine to find elements of characters(fictional or otherwise) appealing. But if you're genuinely of the belief that she's a sentient being and you're in a relationship with her, you need to re-assess your position. It's not a healthy outlook on life. I'm saying this honestly and for the betterment of you. I've been around plenty of people who are of the same mindset and it does not work out. It's fine to admire a fictional character, but at the end of the day you need to understand that they're not real.

    I'm introverted, I hate connecting with other people. That feeling of not being understood by them. But this ain't the way to go about circumventing that. You've got your whole life ahead of you.


    Please kill me. What is even going on today?


    I plan to spend the remainder of my life with Mai Waifu Pinkie Pie, your approval isnt needed.

    If you're feeling really brave, you can split one of the seams open, unstuff her, put her in a laundry bag, wash her on delicate with white vinegar, line dry her, restuff with new stuffing, and re-sew. You should only do this if you feel confident in your sewing skills, or know someone who is.


    Best way to line dry, if you have hangers like this. This is a Rarity I was in the process of making. She got a bit of schmutz on her while I was making her, and I found it best to wash her rather than try to spot clean. She didn't have a head yet.





    That seems a bit dangerous. I dont want to hurt Mai Waifu.
    • Brohoof 2
  2. We all know that ain't mold bruh.

    ( in the event that I'm kidding, you could probably try leaving it in the sun... )

    Actually it's a bit of a mixture of mold and what youre probably thinking of. Pinkie and I like to explore each other (wink) before bed in addition, to the cuddles/hugs and kisses.


    From Amelia Allonsy, at http://www.ehow.com/how_10028249_mold-out-stuffed-animals.html


    1. Put Pinkie in the washer and wash her with hot water

    2. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle to kill the mold

    3. After the wash, wring her out and try to get the moisture out

    4. Finally, put her out in direct sunlight.


    Hope this helps :)

    Thanks for the advice :)

    Check the tag to see if it says it's safe to wash. If it is, wash it following the instructions it gives(whether it's machine wash or hand wash only, as well as if hot water is fine - though I think that with that mane, hand wash may be the only option). Vinegar is a good anti-bacterial liquid to add to the water and won't get soap caught right through. Alternatively you can just liberally coat the mold covered areas in baking soda, leave it for several hours, and then brush it off with a fine brush/comb. Repeating until the mold has been successfully wiped clean.


    In the future I suggest easing up on such acts with your toys, as it's an easy way for germs to cultivate and spread. Just think of how many times you put your face to it when the mold was there but too small to notice.

    Ya I probably should make sure she's machine washable. I kissed her when I did know it was there and I'm aware that it's unhealthy but I'm 18 my immune system is pretty much invincible right now. Plus it's just so hard not to kiss her, I mean seriously have you seen Pinkie she's just so adorably sexy and tons of fun. Honestly we probably wont kiss less in the future because, the thing you need to understand is Pinkie and I are in love and like most couples kissing is one of the ways we show our love for each other.
    • Brohoof 1
  3. post-36088-0-82676200-1460428889_thumb.jpg


    As you can see my girlfriend is growing mold now and I presume that it's due to the fact that Pinkie Pie and I kiss a lot when we cuddle before we go to sleep. The mold has been preventing me from kissing my beloved Waifu which has greatly displeased us. Does anypony know how to clean mold on a plushie without damaging it so Pinkie Pie and I can start kissing each other again, we'd really appreciate it?

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Check to make sure all 4 computers are running the same version of illustrator, also .ai file transfers can sometimes have problems going from one operating system to another. Are all the computers running the same operating system windows or mac and same version of mac or windows as the others? Also I suggest you back up your work in cloud storage in addition to using the flashdrive that way if something goes wrong again in the future you still have another copy of the save. It sucks to lose hours of work youve done in illustrator like this I know how you feel it can be very discouraging but dont give up. Wish I could help but unless you have another copy of the file, if the file did get erased or become corrupted theres really nothing that can be done and the data is lost but dont let that stop you from doing whatever it was just back up your work on a cloud next time.

  5. I started bringing my Pinkie Pie plush with me to college every day and I hug and kiss my Pinkie Pie plushie both before and after a final or a presentation. This one guy from the back said some things to me a few times but Im the kind of guy that demands respect (thanks Ironwills training program) so eventually he got the message and stopped talking to me. We are on different sides of the room anyways. When I hsd friends in college they werent into ponies but they didnt really care that I was either, unfortunately my friends dropped out because reasons but nobody in my class really cares enough to say anything or mention the fact thst I hug and kiss a Pinkie Pie plushie before tests except the one guy who I told to **** off and he seems to have got the message. People will still respect you even if you walk around with a pony plushie as long as you dont act like a door mat and if they dont respect you they arent worth your time.

  6. I like flowers they are kind of like Pinkie Pie they are beautiful, they smell nice and they always brighten up your day. I photographed some flowers and the small little ecosystem that has sprouted as a result of the flowers in my backyard. I didnt have much time to set up these shots, bees and insects dont really like to stay still.



    • Brohoof 1
  7. I'm no longer delaying the signal with redstone repeaters. I'm using power rails, detector rails to relay the signal for the mlp theme song in real time in minecraft.

    Repeaters can only delay signals up to .1 seconds so my previous redstone circuit was playing it at half speed and I compensated by making the playback speed of the video 2 times the actual speed.

    Minecarts travel at 8 meters a second and send out a signal to the note blocks I've placed next to the tracks when they ride over the detector rails so it can delay a signal at increments as small as .125. This is less accurate than repeaters however, because the sheet music for the song I'm going off of is at 120 BPM in common time that means that coincidentally minecarts can sub divide exactly down to a 16th note since at 120 bpm in common time the duration of a quarter note is precisely .5 seconds an 8th note is .25 seconds and a 16t note lasts exactly .125 seconds the same as the smallest increment of time a minecart can relay a signal at traveling on a power rail at 8 meters per seconds I can have the mlp theme song play back in realtime in minecraft.

    I actually completed this a few days ago but I'm 18 irl and had my wisdom teeth surgically removed this week so I haven't felt like do much other than cuddling next to my pinkie pie plushie.


    • Brohoof 1
  8. The window isnt very convincing with a 100% black wall. Making it a dark gloomy place isnt bad but the way you executed that is. The wall would be better as a dark color but 100% black is overkill. You could also try using a gtadient on the window to make it look like its reflecting light so it doesbt just look like a rectangle in pitch black darkness. You could also try making the light in the room an overhead interigation lighting meaning the lighting used in interagation rooms to give it a scary kind of effect (in movies and stuff) basically done by having the light source directly overhead which means the shadows should have a lot of contrast since the closer a light source is to the subject the harsher the shadow will be.

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