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Everything posted by heartbeats321

  1. Or she could claim that her and Flash adopted the child... Or that they're related.
  2. When it comes to the ones I have read; The Conversion Bureau. More specifically, the ones written by Chatoyance. I support her transition, but what I don't support is her story, making humanity seem like huge assholes, and making ponification seem good.
  3. Most likely, because I do think I swing that way, either Twilight or Sunset. They're beautiful, smart and I think Sunset could benchpress me. But her being a horse basically drops my options.
  4. I am not from the US, which means that my concept of American/Canadian schooling systems is limited; However, using Australian schooling systems, I have worked out somehow what age each member of the human Mane 6 and Sunset Shimmer is. For starters, we should look at the obvious things, Freshman Year Down Under is years 7 and 8. We can assume, because high school starts when you're 12, Sunset arrived in the human world and became the age of 12. In reality, Sunset is actually 4 years older than the actual age she is; when she's 12 or 13, she's actually 16 or 17, and when she's 16 or 17, she's 20 or 21. The way I got this is because Twilight, in Pony years would be 18, meaning that the portal ages you down or up depending on where you have to be. I also got this because of the fact that Sunset has won princess of the fall formal 3 times prior to the 1st EQG movie. Using info from the show prior, we know that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie. Therefore, Fluttershy could also be a year older than other members of the cast, being 16 during the first 2 movies, and 17 during the third. She could have been dropped down a grade, or started kindergarten at the age of 6. Using this info, during the first movie, Pinkie and Rainbow are possibly 15 during the first two movies. Though I think, due to the episode Pinkie Pride happening inbetween EQG 1 and EQG 2, Rainbow was 15 during movie 1, and turned 16 before movie 2. She's also 16 during movie 3. Pinkie however, is 15 during movies 1 and 2, and 16 during movie 3. Applejack and Rarity are the hardest, mostly because of their younger siblings. We can only assume that there's a substantial age gap between the pair, as well as AJ and Big Mac. Most likely, if he's of similar age to Shining Armor, he was probably 16 when AJ started and 18 or 19 during EQG one. Therefore, AJ was 13 when she started, 16 during EQG 1 and 2 and 17 during EQG 3. Rarity though would possibly be similar in age to Twilight and Sunset (as she appears). We could assume that there's a three year age gap between her and Sweetie Belle, meaning that if Sweetie's 12 during EQG 1, she's 15. Finally there's Twilight, we'll use a line from Principal Cinch, where she mentions that Twilight is on her last year at Crystal Prep. This means that Twilight could be in Year 11 or 12 and either be 17 or 18. I'll assume because Rainbow is allowed to run a pep rally for CHS that the Humane 6 plus Human Twilight are in year 11, because where I'm from, the Year 11's are considered to be the Leadership Class alongside the Year 12's. But that's my opinion. And it's a lot of writing. So TLDR the ages in EQG 3 are; Twilight: 18 Sunset: 18 or 19 (Pony ages 21 or 22) Pinkie: 16 Rainbow: 16 Fluttershy: 17 Rarity: 16 Applejack: 17
  5. Alright, let's start with the basics; Sunset wanted power, as shown with the fact that she was queen of the school, but wanted more. Sunset's rage of not being able to find the crown (due to the element being placed in the tree of harmony), would have her become a 'outsider' view to Flurry Heart setting off blasts of magic. As Sunset wants magic, while the group is away doing whatever it is they're doing in the Season premiere, they are halted when Flurry Heart is kidnapped by Sunset. Twilight than rushes after Sunset, followed, possibly by her friends and Starlight into the portal. As all of them get used to their land legs, Sunset uses Flurry to become an even more sympathetic power-house, lying about having a teen pregnancy, and almost automatically blaming Flash Sentry for it. The girls decide to find something to help them all out, and wind up running into the humane 5. They somehow heal the rivalries caused between them, and start realizing what Sunset's doing. She holds the child for ransom, and gets absorbed by her magic, turning her into a raging she-demon. She is defeated by the Mane 7 + the humane 5. Also during this, Starlight manages to redeem herself, being the one to forgive Sunset. Think about it; "Take my hand Sunset, like someone once did for me." This outburst of magic attracts the Sirens and Human Twilight to the school, so the rest of the events play out as usual. Except without the Mane 6, but Starlight comes in during both Rainbow Rocks and the Friendship Games. And that's all I've got,
  6. Sunset has Celestia's book and maybe just found out from Celestia telling her. Celestia is kind, and willing to forgive, so maybe she thought Sunset was coming back, and wanted her to know where Twilight was.
  7. A common theory that I'm seeing is that the human world was made around Pony Sunset, hence, she doesn't have a counterpart. That does sound a bit contrived, considering people thought that Twilight just was shut out of the picture when she entered the mirror portal, but, thanks to Friendship Games, that is now untrue. Personally, I think that she goes to a different school in the city,or is a few years older than Twilight and Sunset and is too focused on College or her job to be interested in the copy of herself that's showing up.
  8. This might sound weird, but I ship both. It's still the same Sunlight, just different.
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