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  1. MermaidPony

    request Signature request!

    I hope it's nothing too big, but I want a signature! Basiclly, no one really knows Sunset Shimmer's family, so I 'gave' her sisters- Kandy and Symphony. It would be total awesome if someone can draw them three laughing together next to the portal that leads to the human world, and Symphony is wearing a wedding gown. I really hope it's nothing too big! This is Symphony: *Made by Prophet This is Kandy: And this is Kandy's cutie mark: *PLEASE! XD
  2. Can you please draw Kandy? This is her pony: Cutie mark:
  3. MermaidPony

    friendship games Human Sunset Shimmer

    We haven't come across the human Sunset Shimmer (from the human world, not the one from Equestria)! Do you think we'll ever 'meet' human Sunset Shimmer?
  4. I get it now XD I do like him, but I guess everyone feels differently!
  5. Hi there! This story (the story rhymes ) basiclly started as an english homework. I was writing something that I thought my teacher would appreciate, but then I realized it's a bit too dark for an english assignment. Anyway, if I could get a piece of your mind about my writing. I wasn't really sure about the word 'nemesis', because I wasn't really sure about it's translation, so I used google. The translation it gave me was enough, so.... let me know! --- When the fire is already out and the tears are already dry, when the areas surrounding you smell like smoke, where you cried. Hiding in the corner, that's where she is, in the bright room, in the darkest night. Music is playing from the outside, the moon is barely bright, but she knows that her fears bloom at night. That's where she hides, a phoenix with no wings, that's how she lives, terrorized by her own dreams. Tears won't go out anymore, it's not as it seems- there is no way to go, and right then, she screams. Sara's not afraid from a harming hand, Sara's not afraid when she's with her friends, but late at night, when no one can hear, Sara's happy places suddenly disappear. Everything seems cold and bad, and Sara's tears already want to come out. 'Everything will be alright', that's what she was told, but Sara feels like her soul was already sold. Who will be the one that will save her from the trouble, when she inhales the fog of the nightmares into her lungs? Who will be the one that will save Sara from her enemies, when she sees herself as the only nemesis?
  6. Okay, I get it, he was a jerk during RR, but he was under the sirens' spell! Why do people hate him so much? I personally think Flash is cute
  7. MermaidPony

    request shop Oc Art ~

    Symphony is too adorable! I forgot to mention that she's a unicorn, but that's my fault XD But anyway, it's so cutee!!!
  8. MermaidPony

    request shop Open to draw Oc's

    It would be great if you'll be able to draw my EG model better than me (as a human)! Her name is Symphony Shimmer This is her cutie mark: Only if you'd like!
  9. MermaidPony

    request shop Oc Art ~

    I hope that's not a big trouble, but I'd love if you could draw my pourly drawn (I used a premade base) EG model as a pony... Her name is Symphony Shimmer Symphony: Symphony's cutie mark:
  10. MermaidPony

    request Avatar request

    Hi! I have recently 'created' a model of EG (with a base I've found online), and I call this one 'Symphony Shimmer'. Can someone recreate her as a pony, or recreate her but as a better EG girl? If not, that would be totally understandable. This is Symphony^ This is her cutie mark^ (Sorry for the bad drawing lol)
  11. I guess there are a lot of plot holes, but I do think Rainbow Rocks is the best. Maybe it's because of the catchy songs, maybe it's because people are excited to see the idea of 'ponies as humans'.
  12. "Wow, you're nuts." Kandy replied. "Princess Twilight knows where Sunset is, but she won't tell me! It's some sort of a 'secret', and I'm willing to find out. If Sunset is out there, I want to find her. You're, of course, going to help me!" "Symphony, you've gone crazy! You can't get arrested before your wedding, it brings bad luck!" Kandy said, worrying. Symphony smiled and said: "Echo is at the bottom of my worries right now. I want to see Sunset." "Don't you think she might not want to see you? I mean, don't you remember what happened before she left?" Kandy said. -Flashback- "Hey, Symphony, who is this?" "My new boyfriend, Echo Sound. I wanted you to meet him." Symphony said. Echo went into the house with a shy smile. "Techno! Come over here, it's finally time!" Sugar (their mom) yelled. Techno left his buisness and came to see what did his wife wanted. "Dad, this is Echo, and we're dating." Symphony said. Sunset was eating lunch quietly, ignoring everyone else. "Wow, Symphony! That's great!" Kandy said. Symphony smiled. The family talked to Echo, while Symphony could sense the fact that something's wrong. "Sunset?" Symphony asked. "Leave me alone." Sunset replied. Symphony came closer to Sunset, which made Sunset angry. "Don't come closer to me, I swear I'll hurt you!" She said. "What's with the attitude, Sunset? Don't you speak like that, I'm your older sister, show some respect!" "Oh really?! What makes you better than me?!" Sunset yelled. Sunset was angry, and she threw the bowl at Symphony. Symphony got away, but it hit Echo instead. Sunset was overwhelmed. "What's wrong with you?!" Symphony yelled. "You've been like that since I finished studying with Celestia! All you've been talking about is how much power you want to have! Is that jealousy, Sunset?" Symphony yelled at her again. "I-" "You NOTHING! Get out of my sight, Sunset, I've had enough of you! You're scaring everyone away! I wish you'll leave and never come back, I swear!" Sunset's eyes were filled with tears, and she ran away to her room. That night, Sunset disappeared. - "I know, I know... I made a mistake. I won't forgive myself until Sunset will. If I wasn't working with dad, I wouldn't have my tracking powder. I guess working with my parents brings it's own benefits." Symphony said. Kandy sighed, and said: "too bad I'm not speaking with them for the past two years..." "Don't worry, Kandy. I'm sure that if Sunset comes back, every broken bridge will be fixed." Symphony said. Kandy smiled, and asked: "when are we going to take action?" Symphony replied: "tonight, when the only one who sees us is the white moon." - The two were inside of their home, preparing themselves. They packed food, because they didn't know how long it's going to take. They wore long and black hoodies, which blended well with the darkness. They took some tools with them, and the tracking device, which detected the location of the invitation. They went all the way to the castle. "Could it be that Sunset is inside?" Kandy asked. "Why would it be a secret?" Symphony replied. They took out their silent tools and backed away, they were digging all the way to the sewer and walking through it. As the signal became very strong, they both combined their powers and teleported into the room. The room was empty, all it had was a mirror and a table, with the invitation lying on top. "'Well, we made it inside, what now?" Kandy asked, as she was investigating the room. Symphony sighed in disappointment, "I don't know. I was hoping she'll be here, but... all I see is this mirror." Symphony said. She looked at the invitation, and a tear came out of her eye. "If someone can hear me, please, just give me a chance..." She walked to the mirror and stared at it, until another tear came out of her eye. "Please..." The tear landed on the mirror, and a strong wind came out. "I believe in you." Said a voice. Symphony tried touching the mirror, and the glass was feeling weird. As she pressed her hoove, it went inside. "Symphony, this needs investigation." Kandy said. "Aren't you afraid? I mean, we don't even know what this is." Symphony said, staring into the mirror. "Move, I'll show you that it's safe!" Kandy said as she ran towards the mirror. Instead of being sucked inside, she just ran into the mirror and crashed. "I guess it wants me to go in it.." Symphony said. "Great idea, do that." Kandy said as she was trying to get up. "Kandy, I need you to leave." Symphony said. "What?! No way! What if I'm losing you as well? It's too dangerous, I've got no one!" Kandy cried. "HEY! Who is that?!" A guard yelled. "Kandy, go! Now! Come back tomorrow!" Symphony yelled back. Kandy teleported away, and Symphony looked at the mirror again. A few guards were behind her, at the entrance to the room. She panicked and went into the mirror. She was inside of a marble of bright colors, as if she was inside a machine. In the end, she crashed on a hard floor. "I'm never walking into any mirrors in my life again..." She said. She opened her eyes, and surprisingly, Wherever she was, the sun was already above, and it seemed like morning. She tried standing up, but with no success. "What are these things? They're so uncomfortable!" Symphony complained. She tried holding into the sculpture behind her, and then she could stand up. She looked around, and at herself. Some weird creatures around started walking to the big building in front of her. "I've heard of these... these are humans. I thought they're just a legend!" She said. "What's a legend?" Someone asked, scaring Symphony. "Nothing!" Symphony replied. She looked at the person who scared her, that person had a gray hair and amber skin. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I'm..." "I should go now, I'm sorry..." "no, don't go, I'm sorry.. my name is Lewis, and I wanted to know if you know the school a little bit." He asked. "No, I'm sorry." Symphony replied. The bell rang, and Lewis grabbed her hand. "We might be late, come on!" He said. He ran with her into the school. "I need to see principal Celestia. Have a great day!" He said and left. Symphony looked on his shirt, seeing a print that is similar to Echo's cutie mark. Symphony was going around school, trying to know where she is. She was really troubled, but something in her gut told her Sunset might be near. Symphony bumped into someone, accidently causing them to drop their stuff. "Hey, watch where you're going!" That person yelled. She had a blue skin and a rainbow hair. "I know you're upset, Rainbow Dash, but you gotta calm down. Being angry won't help anyone." Said a familiar voice. As Symphony was picking Rainbow Dash's books, she raised her head and saw a human, with an amber skin and a yellow-red hair. "Let me help you. Are you new?" That human asked. The bell rang again, calling all of the students to go and do their activities. "We've got to go, Sunset!" That human who was helping Symphony pick up the books apologized. Rainbow Dash took the books and left, leaving Symphony in the hallway, with an empty look. "Could it be...?"
  13. --- "Psst... hey! Symphony, wake up!" Said Kandy. "Go back to sleep, Kandy. Whatever it is, it can wait..." "NO! It can't wait! Sunset is not in her bed!" Symphony woke up quickly, asking: "what do you mean by 'not in bed'?" "Mom and dad wouldn't believe me, but as I pass by her room at night, I usually hear her snoring. Today everything was quiet, and as I checked... NOTHING!" That night, my search after my little sister has begin. -Years later- "Good morning, Symphony. You woke up to a nice day of summer." Kandy said. Symphony smiled at her as she went into the kitchen. "Your mane looks amazing today, have you done something to it?" Kandy asked. "Why are you so kind? You're usually pretty grumpy when it's morning." Symphony replied. "Well, I was wondering if you know what your best friend thinks about me." "Kandy, enough, I'm not telling you if Note has a crush on you." Symphony replied. "Well, I guess you can make breakfast on your own. By the way, the eggs are gone." Kandy simply replied. Symphony rolled her eyes and said: "I'll just go get some eggs, then." She took her stuff and left the house, and Kandy was disappointed; she was hoping that Symphony will tell her. "That Kandy... I wish she never met Note, she keeps asking about him." Symphony said to herself. She was so annoyed at Kandy that she bumped into another pony. "I'm really sorry, miss, we just heard that the sirens were defeated long ago by our hero, princess Twilight." He said. Symphony asked: "who are the sirens?" "I've got no time to lose, I must run. The heroes we should thank them are Twilight Sparkle and... that Sunset!" He said as he ran. 'Sunset? Could it be my little sister?' 'Wa-wait! Sunset what?!" Symphony yelled, but she got no response. She ran across the town, looking for someone who knows more about the event. No one really knew who is that Sunset, and some were surprised to hear that the sirens still exist. She ran for 15 minutes without getting any answers, until she bumped into somepony again- but this time, it looks like luck was on her side. "Princess Twilight... I'm so sorry." She said. "You don't look good, why won't you rest for a minute?" "I'm sorry, Twilight, but I can't. You are the one who has answers, you are the one who might know where my sister is. Her name is Sunset Shimmer, and if you really care, I really need to know where she is. I want to see her." "I do know where she is." Twilight replied. A spark of happiness was lit in Symphony's eyes, but then Twilight said: "but I can't let you access her, it's a secret that is better to be hidden." "But Twilight, I'm getting married in two weeks. I really want my youngest sister to be there, especially after all of these years." "I'm really sorry. It's better for me to leave, so I won't cause any sadness. Altough Twilight said no, Symphony had a plan. "I thank you for your time. Please, I want you to have something." Symphony said. She took out an invitation from her bag, and topped it with a little bit of tracking dust when Twilight couldn't notice. "If you ever see her, I want you to give her this." Symphony gave Twilight an invitation for her wedding, and Twilight left. Symphony ran back home. The door was opened, and Symphony stormed inside. "Have you brought any eggs?" "Forget the eggs, Kandy! I'm going to return Sunset back home." Symphony said proudly.
  14. Siren is actually a mermaid, I have no idea why did they turn the siren into a hippocampus... Windigo is actually a human eating monster, but obviously they won't put it into the show!
  15. Hey! This topic might be false! --- Hey there, fans of Equestria Girls! I love all of the 'Equestria Girls' movies (3 by now), but I also noticed a few things that made the connection to an anime show called 'Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch'. First connection: Sunset Shimmer in the first season of 'Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch', during the whole time, the evil was motivated by someone named Sara. Sara's behavior is a lot like Sunset Shimmer, who was in the first movie an enemy. towards the end of 'Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch', Sara became a good person and fixed her own mistakes by singing with the rest of the mermaids, a lot like Sunset Shimmer, and in both cases, they defeated the evil. When the mic fell towards Sunset, it is a lot like Sara, who took over her fear and sang wiith the other mermaids. Also, not to mention, red and yellow create orange, which is Sara's 'color'... Second connection: The Sirens Altough in 'Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch' the mermaids are good, the sirens are a lot like the mermaids. They have this pendant, that without it, they can't transform or sing, their voices are enchanting, and the look. You see, the Mermaid Melody trio are Hanon, Lucia (pronounced Luchia) and Rina. Lucia's hair is blonde, but in her human form, her hair is not similar to Adagio's hair color. Adagio's siren form color is a lot like Lucia's hair color when Lucia is a mermaid. Aria's 'color' might be purple, but the green stripes in her hair can resemble Rina, or, Aria can resemble Karen, the 4th mermaid, who's color is purple. and Sonata- her voice is very childish, like Hanon, the second mermaid, and her baby blue color can resemble Hanon's aqua color. Also, inside the mermaid pendants there is a pearl, which can resemble The Dazzlings's gems. (Click on the images for a larger image) Lucia vs Adagio: Hanon vs Sonata: Rina (green)/Karen (purple) vs Aria: Pendant comparing: Third connection: Sheshe and Mimi Another thing we can relate is Sheshe and Mimi, who are the villains in MMPPP. The sirens, in their siren form, have these gills- just like Sheshe and Mimi, who also sing as a weapon. Forth connection: The Rainbooms number The rainbooms are 6 girls (without Sunset Shimmer), exactly like the mermaids from MMPPP, and as I said, Sunset Shimmer can represent Sara, or Seira (the mermaid who replaces Sara in the second season, the second season is also known as 'Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure'.), because when Sunset shimmer is joining them, they become 7- EXACTLY like MMPPP. Fifth connection: Vice principal Luna: She reminds a lot of Nikola (or Nikora), because Luna's character in Equestria Girls seemed a bit tough for me, just like Nikola. Nikola is the responsible adult, like vice principal Luna, who is in charge of the school (alongside principal Celestia). *Not Equestria Girls related connection: Celestia Both in Equestria Girls and MLP, Celestia is strong, has a flowing, beautiful hair, and in MLP, her skin color is white- a lot like Aqua Regina, which is strong, has a flowing and beautiful hair, and always wears white. Their intentions are always horribly good, and altough they are powerful, they can't destroy all of the evil in the world. The elementrs of harmony in MMPPP, they do not have this 'elements of harmony', but they do have their pearls, and they do represent harmony. If there will be any more connections, I will edit (if I can, I'm new here) I hope people comment and share their thoughts! *I never said the creators were stealing ideas.*
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