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Posts posted by Sunbutt

  1. I've heard a lot of criticisms from fans of the franchise that The Phantom Pain is a bad Metal Gear game. That the game lacks strong story elements, and that the second half of the game feels rushed and incomplete. As a fan of the Metal Gear franchise, I would have to agree with those criticisms. However, The Phantom Pain is still one of the most fun games I have ever played, and the sheer enjoyment from the gameplay itself more than makes up for its other shortcomings. I absolutely loved how open-ended many of the missions were, and how each objective could be tackled via a variety of available strategies. If I had to identify one criticism with the gameplay, it would be how easy the stealth/non-lethal approach becomes with certain loadouts. With the upgraded stealth suit, a non-lethal sniper rifle, and Quiet equipped with her non-lethal sniper rifle as well, most missions become a joke in terms of difficulty. Hell, Quiet can take out most outposts on her own while you just watch. Still, The Phantom Pain is an amazing game, and the 80+ hours I've invested into it attests to that fact.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. I was big into K-Pop back around 2007 up until around 2012, and haven't really paid much attention to the genre since then. I followed a lot of mainstream K-Pop artists...B.A.P, BIGBANG and each of their respective solo careers, Girls' Generation, MBLAQ, NU'EST, PSY (Pre Gangnam Style), SE7EN, SHINee, Super Junior, Wonder Girls, etc. T.O.P and Seungri from BIGBANG will always be my favorite performers, as their charisma and energy are unmatched.


    • Brohoof 1
  3. Doom 4 is actually taking quite a few conventions from modern day shooters. It's more of a hybrid shooter than a straight up classic or arena shooter. Despite the emphasize on more fast-paced combat, movement seems pretty slow overall and character animations feel very weighty. Also, the melee execution system is laughably out of place in a supposed fast-paced shooter. I know the one thing I felt was missing from my shooters were 3 second kill animations that leave me completely helpless and exposed...



  4. Aside from the one time I participated in an MLP themed gift exchange on Reddit, I've only ever watched the show...and I haven't even seen every episode yet. After season 2 I stopped watching consistently so there are a bunch of episodes here and there I've missed, and I haven't seen anything from seasons 4 and 5. Whenever I have the time I try to catch an episode on Netflix but I really just don't have that much free time in general.

  5. I'm not sure if theme song is necessarily the right way to describe it, but Hazfirst's "WAVE" is the song that resonates with me the most.


    The light of the moon wraps itself around me,
    The reverberating sound swallows my body whole,
    Until I no longer feel afraid of anything,
    Now inside the radiance, my heart is being aimed at,


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