My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Volunteering for Babscon and need to find someone with a room to share.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I accidentally clicked on a link to an mlp parody of a college humor video ( It was "the six ponies you will date" lol). At the time, I kinda backed away from it assuming I fell onto the weird side of youtube again. Who would have known that years later that a close friend of mine would sit me down to watch Winter wrap up and I would become entranced by those colorful pastel horses.
Ok. About myself. I'm a born and raised Long Islander. I'm currently going to Stony Brook University to do a degree in Economics and pre-med ( weird combo but then again, I'm somewhat a weird guy). Some of my interests include Psychology, Neuroscience and Politics.
I originally was dragged into the fandom by one of my close friends, who sat me down to watch an episode and after that, I was absolutely hooked. This was further amplified by a lot of the fanwork such as animations, fanfics and analyses which were not only interesting but also inspired me to attempt my own work. I've never been much of a creative person and the idea of picking up a pencil to write or sketch anything that wasn't required coursework would have been absolutely ridiculous. However, I did write some stories and attempt to do some sketches and despite them being completely terrible (for now, hopefully), I do credit the fandom for giving me the inspiration to try something new and go outside my comfort zone.
Fun fact. I also recently bought a ps4 and recently got into gaming.
I guess that's about it.