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Everything posted by KatySimmer

  1. We don't like Flash because: 1. He's Flash 2. He's only there for the sake of there being a love interest for Twi. 3. He totally ruins Twi's reputation as an independent female protagonist. So, yeah.
  2. If AJ stayed in Manehattan, she would have never met Rarity or the rest of the Mane 6.
  3. I am in desperate need of more info on human! Sunset. If we met human Sunset, a whole lotta questions would be answered and theories would be fixed. Pony Sunset could meet the human Sunset and the balance of the two worlds would go haywire. Then, pony Sunset returns to Equestria and has to find a way to balance the worlds and stop the magic going cuckoo without stepping into the human world. HUMAN SUNNY!
  4. 1. CHS! DUUHH!! 2. I'll probably find a place among the nerds, red and blue hair, probs the only girl with jeans on. I dunno. Normal skin tone. Constantly breaking into song and breaking the fourth wall. 3. MAGIC, BOOKS AND KNOWLEDGE! (I'm turning into Twi.) 4. Vinyl and Trixie. I would choose AJ but I hate RD so it wouldn't work. 5. Pony up, win the battle of the bands, contribute in the Friendship Games, successfully break the fourth wall and unleash a sonic friendship power rainbow hammer magic harmony bolt and alicorn of DOOOM! (The Element rainbow)
  5. The Dazzling's version or the Rainbooms (Find the Music in You)?
  6. I just wanted to know everybrony's fav RR song. Includes Life is a Runway, My Past is Not Today and Friendship through the Ages. Derpy's Symphony is Derpy's audition. I felt like it. Leave your fav in the comments and why. Thanks!
  7. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSS! Or whatever clique Vinyl is in. I'm a lot like her, all except I'm not a DJ. I wish I was. Merry Chrismas!
  8. According to headcanon, Flash Sentry (YEAH BRONIES I SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT) went through the portal every now and then and talked Equestrian news with Sunset. Since they were a thing at the time, it would just look like bf + gf lovey dovey speak. I mean, mirror moves to Crystal Empire for safe keeping and BAM! New guy who obviously ISN'T a crystal pony and looks NOTHING like the other guards. Something fishy... Sunset knew everything a guard needed to know, like where was the princess and when she was there. Everything FLASH would know. I'm guessing Flash didn't know he was helping evil succeed in a crime, but thought Sunset just wanted to keep up and it was for a good cause. Merry Chrismas!
  9. When they ponied up in the first movie and unleashed their sonic rainbow power hammer friendship magic bolt of DOOOOM! on Sunset, some of that magic stayed in them. The magic comes out when they have the same feeling they had when they ponied up the first time. Notice how they pony up when they get lost in the music. I'm guessing they get the same sensation they did when they first ponied up, so the magic comes out of them. Don't be hatin' cus I'm just thinkin'.
  10. I think the Humane 6 all more or less of something their pony counterparts are. Fluttershy is bolder Twilight is more isolated (before pony Twi went to Ponyville) Rainbow Dash is a total show off (definitely worse than pony RD) AJ is less obsessed with apples (big surprise) Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall more often Rarity rarely (see what I did?) bursts into song and yeahhh.
  11. I've checked tutorials, help pages and whatnot, but when I go to my profile settings I can't seem to find the setting tab to change my signature. I've gone to my profile, clicked edit my profile, but I can't find the tab labelled 'signature'. I even went through the rest of tabs to see if it moved but I still can't find anything. Please help!
  12. Hmm.. true. I'm gonna let this pass for a while. I've got some episode watching to do. What do you think? Stay brony. *brohoof* KatySimmer
  13. @@WiiGuy2014, There are a few flaws to your theory: 1. Human! Pinkie would have to be by the portal in order to get the knowledge from pony! Pinkie. 2. If human! Pinkie was at the portal, I'm pretty sure she would have noticed a hand sticking out of the statue. 3. If human! Pinkie was at the portal, she would have been the first to meet pony! Twilight. But apart from those little nitpicks, this is by far the most interesting theory I've gotten! No offense to anyone else. The majority of replies were 'that's just Pinkie'. But I still don't know how did Pinkie know Twi was a pony princess! HOW? The world may never know.
  14. Dear Princess Celestia Bronies and Pegasisters, How in Equestria did Pinkie know Twi was a pony princess? At first, it seems like Pinkie just being Pinkie, but look a little deeper, you realize that's not it. After some thought, I'm guessing that there is a Pinkie Pie in every universe, including ours, but instead of several Pinkies spread across dimensions, there is only one Pinkie (in Equestria) and the other Pinkies are simply clones or robots controlled by the pony Pinkie. Pinkie might hop universes every now and then. This would also explain why Pinkie has 2 party cannons in the Friendship Games instead of just one, because this was the pony Pinkie coming in from Equestria and having a clone or robot replacing her in the pony world. It seems crazy, and I haven't got much info to back this all up apart from the fact Pinkie knew that Twi was a pony princess and the 2 party cannons. If you have anything to add to this, please inform me. Thanks! Your Faithful Student Fellow Fan, KatySimmer
  15. I've been thinking, and I'm guessing that there is a Pinkie Pie in every universe, including ours, but instead of several Pinkies spread across dimensions, there is only one Pinkie (in Equestria) and the other Pinkies are simply clones or robots controlled by the pony Pinkie. Pinkie might hop universes every now and then. This would also explain why Pinkie has 2 party cannons in the Friendship Games instead of just one, because this was the pony Pinkie coming in from Equestria and hav...

  16. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: Well, I was just surfing the web, and BAM! I'm here. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Honestly, I don't remember. Well, my favorite background pony is Vinyl, favorite villain is Discord for FiM and Adagio for EQG, favorite princess is Luna, I ship Rarijack, Pinkiedash and Octascratch, BANANA MUFFINS ARE probably the best thing in the world, I won't eat an apple pie without whipped cream, obsessed with cereal, I'm honestly not really liking RD. I guess I don't like her because I feel she's the reason AJ gets no love, plus she can be a huge showoff. Go ahead, rant, but before you do, I do realize after 5 bucking seasons of character development, RD isn't that pony anymore, but sometimes I feel were back at The Mysterious Mare Do Well in season 1, and even you RD fans have to admit that you get that feeling sometimes. Favorite minor villain has gotta be The Great and Powerful Apologetic Trixie, and favorite crusader is Applebloom. I'm a unicorn. Favorite EQG movie is Rainbow Rocks, least favorite MLP FiM song is A True, True Friend (so vague), and favorite MLP FiM song is Glass of water, I HATE This is Our Big Night (MLP EG) HATE Awesome as I wanna Be (MLP EG RR) but I love Welcome to The Show (Dazzlings [MLP EG RR]) and Unleash the Magic (MLP EG FG). I'm talking too much, aren't I? Well, hello everybrony. See what I did there? Everybrony instead of everypony? Hmm? Hmmm? No? Ok, I'll shut up now. Bye everybrony everypony.
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