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Posts posted by PilotSolaris

  1. The idea that any sort of relationship with someone of the opposite sex from you must be romantic in nature is outdated and backward. A good case-in-point is Harry Potter: Hermione is one of his best friends but their love is more a case of treating each other as family than romantic.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Let's see here...


    I carry my phone (which also conveniently doubles as a pedometer), my wallet (beyond my credit and debit cards, it also has my bus pass), and a charger cable for my phone. I'll also carry around a backpack with a laptop and accessories, but that's only on Fridays and Saturdays when I head to my local college.

  3. My favorite characters were Rey and Finn - they have an amazing character dynamic together and they remind me of the one Leia and Han had. Poe appeals to the aspiring spaceman within me, but his lack of screentime vs. the other two is a bit hard to swallow. Of course, Han, Leia and Luke were all amazing per the norm.



    What I am wondering is why call him Ben when in the expanded universe novels Luke had a son named Ben already? It is a minor gripe, but still. Another thing I have noticed is that in the expanded universe Jacen had a twin sister and is it just me or does Rey kind of look like her? It could be a coincidence or they could be doing something similar to what they did with Luke and Leia where we didn't find out that they were brother and sister until much later. There were a ton of references to A New Hope in this movie, I expected some nods and references but there were a lot more than I expected which gives a sort of precedent that we will perhaps see more of that in the episodes VIII and IX.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is an internal homage to the Legends EU - specifically taking his real name, Ben, from Ben Skywalker while incorporating elements from Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus. And yes, Jacen did have a twin sister, named Jaina Solo.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Let's see here...

    Overall, I'd have to say that Fallout 4 is my favorite game this year. I've never played a Fallout game before and it's just fun to walk around and explore the wasteland around the ruined city of Boston - and nothing beats the awe I got when I watched the Brotherhood of Steel come in overhead in their fancy zeppelin.


    As far as music goes, Fallout 4 and Undertale are my picks for game-of-the-year. Undertale's music was done by the same guy who did a lot of Homestuck's music, which is well-regarded, while Fallout 4's theme sent shivers down my spine when I first booted up the game for the first time.


    And the rest:

    Best Shooter - Fallout 4

    Best RPG - Undertale

    Best Multiplayer game - Super Smash Bros. 4

    Best Fighting game - Super Smash Bros. 4

    Best Science-Fiction game - Elite: Dangerous (This one also has superb sound design.)

  5. Steam Username:

    pilotsolaris/Pilot Solaris


    Origin Username:






    Elite: Dangerous Commander name:

    Jeremy Schaeffer


    Currently playing:

    Elite: Dangerous, Titanfall, Fallout 4, etc.

    (Please let me know who you are when you add me, I would greatly appreciate that.)

  6. Hoo boy, there's a lot to name here.

    Let's see... Starting from off the top of my head:
    Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

    Star Wars X-Wing (X-Wing Alliance)
    Star Wars Dark Forces (Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy)

    Star Wars Battlefront (Battlefront II)

    Myst (Myst III: Exile)

    Left 4 Dead (Left 4 Dead 2)

    X-COM (XCOM: Enemy Unknown)

    Deus Ex (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)

    Counter-Strike (Counter-Strike: Golbal Offensive)

    StarCraft (StarCraft II)

    Portal (Portal 2)

    Team Fortress (Team Fortress 2)

    Fallout (Fallout 4)

    Elite (Elite: Dangerous)

    Age of Empires (Age of Empires II)

    Sid Meier's Civilization (Civilization III)

  7. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I came here through a good friend.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was drifting around the internet one day when I stumbled across a few MLP image macros. I got curious, and within a few weeks I watched the first two episodes on YouTube and decided, "Yes, this is right for me."

    My name is PilotSolaris, all around brony, nerd, gamer, writer, and fairly amiable person.


    Wait a minute... I've seen someone with your username on the internet before!

    Yeaaaaaah... I'm basically what people would call "Ubiquitous", which basically means I propagate nearly everywhere; so if you've seen someone with my username on the internet before, it's most likely me.


    So, besides Ponies, what do you like?

    I'm into Doctor Who, Code Lyoko, and I'm slowly acclimatizing to Power Rangers and Super Sentai. That's not the entirety of my repertoire of things I'm into, but it's a taste.


    I should also note that I'll be heading to Crystal Mountain Pony Con and BronyCon this next year, so if you want to meet me IRL, look for the guy with a nametag that says "Pilot Solaris".

    • Brohoof 8
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