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Posts posted by EmberWings

  1. Tho I do have to say if it really is fake by any means they went all out with it and spent way way way too much time on it making it all seem legit. Lol May have been April Fools, but why all the effort for for little outcome?

    Tho, even if it WAS a distant possibility for it to happen, which I doubt, would anypony actually enjoy it? I would definitely find it a lil weird for sure.

    (Plus I didn't actually pay too much attention to the date lol silleh me :yay:

    • Brohoof 2
  2. So I read a topic on Equestria Daily that states that Hasbro has leaked that Season 7 of the show, which is still a whole season away from, will be all Stallion... All the time??? Tho it is quite a ways away, but I highly doubt that that would happen because of the M6 and how much we love the show BECAUSE of them. :squee: Tho my opinion on this alleged change would defiantly upset me :/ I love love love the M6 and if they changed it to ALL Stallion all the time, I just don't know if I would love it as much. :/ That could be just me, but what does everypony else think of this? (This was posted by one of their Admins @Equestria Daily btw) I would also like to add that I DO NOT believe this is true at all. The M6 are what sells this show so well, so thinking about a WHOLE season centered around Big Mac, Dr. Hooves (with no Derby Hooves), Spike, and a few other Stallions... Just doesn't sound very appealing to me. Just wouldn't be the same without the M6 Girls and the rest y'know?

    (When I try and quote anyone it says 100 characters minimum so I'll out the link here)



    • Brohoof 3
  3. Yeah... I get so jealous of people who are just naturals at it. But then when try it myself, I feel like turning into a rock. But props to you for getting into it. :yay:

    I can definitely say I'm no natural for sure haha was very intimidated at first, but watching Argodaemon's Twitch streams on Tuesday and Friday night from 6-11 EST (his time is 5-10, not sure his time zone tho it is -1 hour from EST) has helped me out quite a bit. :squee: Plus he has tons of tutorial videos to help you get well on your way to making for first pony animations in SFM. :yay:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. That's an incredible story :)


    I hope that you enjoy the MLP forums, and feel free to contact me if you need anything :ooh:

    I'm sure there are other ppl out there whom this show has helped in similar ways :) So is anyone ready for the Feature Length MLP Movie? It's scheduled to hit theatres in 2017 :) I'm so excited!! (Not an Equestria Girls Movie this time, even tho they were amazing! That Daft Punk reference was so awesome!!)

    • Brohoof 3
  5. @KawaiiShy - I feel ya on getting overwhelmed by the all the tools in digital art creation. I recently started trying my hand at Source Film Maker, making Pony Animations. Very intimidating at first. Tho... It still kinda is XP

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Hiya ppls! :) Great to finally find a place where I can talk about what I love so much, with ppl who won't judge annnd love it as much as I do! :D. So I wanted to give a lil backstory on why I love 'My Little Pony' so much. Truth be told, watching this show has really helped me thru some tough times in my life... About 3 years ago, I started having panic attacks. (Which can definitely cause you to have a heart attack, since the brain controls the body, you can panic so much you have one... Or even a stroke) :/ Probably from the 4 before it started I was a really big hippie, (doing LOTS of triply drugs and MDMA) and maybe my brain just had enough, so I started getting really high anxiety and the panic attacks started. After the 4th one I had found 'My Little Pony' on Netflix. So I started watching it and episode after episode it made me feel so happy inside that I feel like I'm gonna cry (very good crying). I still to this day, after watching the ENTIRE series over 41 times in the past 3 years (I watch it every night when I go to bed :P), I still happy cry. And to the very day I haven't had a single panic attack since. Each night after those those attacks it kept my mind of what could happen and just let me escape the world; and still does. Now recently as of two months ago I went into the hospital because of my heart going into AFIB (Atrial fibrillation). It's where the top part of your heart gets out of rhythm and starts quivering. It's a very very scary thing to have happen to a perfectly healthy and active lifestyle person @ 25 years old. :/ After all the tests over the next day and a half (Numerous EKG's, Blood Tests, Ultrasound, and a Heart Monitor) I still show a normally healthy person, who possibly just had a random electrical imbalance of the body. (Which CAN happen to anyone at any age, but not very likely at a young age like me) During the time I was in the hospital to life my spirits and keep my mind off of possibly having some kind of heart disease or something just as bad. :) So in a way I can say this show has saved my life. :D

    • Brohoof 7
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