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Lily Sapphire

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Everything posted by Lily Sapphire

  1. That's true, I guess when I started learning French it was the same for me, as well! What I was referring to was some of the non-similar-to-English vocabulary and grammar. C'est une belle langue, et j'adore le francais! Mais, je veux le pratiquer encore.... : )
  2. It did irk me a little bit when I visited the town (then again I only started playing it through second gen), but I actually really liked the music, so... I don't know, I guess it didn't bother me THAT much?
  3. If PinkiePie is going to sing anything else like "Smile," then MORE PINKIE! But also, more Rarity! And come to think of it, Fluttershy hasn't had much of a singing opportunity, either... So more Fluttershy! Wait, what was I thinking? Let's have EVERYPONY do more singing and make the whole show a musical!
  4. I wanted to get involved with all you lovely members of the brony community...so I really just Googled "popular My Little Pony" forums" (or something like that), and wound up here!
  5. I'm not fluent in French, but I listened/read the French almost exclusively and understood most of it (except for some unfamiliar vocab!). Nice job! I always find it interesting how much things change between language versions...
  6. As others have said, this is a world of magic.... Some magical, legendary pegasus probably delivers all the colts and fillies! But, like the normal human population, females are more common...? Just in a higher proportion?
  7. I can sing! I'd love to help out with this if you're still looking for people! : ) Also good at harmonizing~~!
  8. Hmm, teleporting would definitely be nice, but ironically I think I would use my powers in a fashion more similar to Rarity's, just using it to pick up things or do both hair and makeup simultaneously to save time!! Ooh, or to turn the pages of a book so I wouldn't have to keep moving from a comfortable position!
  9. I think it's definitely a topic South Park would cover considering MLP's penetration of internet and pop culture....And there's clearly fodder for making an episode about it! But the question is...maybe there's TOO much fodder that many other tv shows/internet shows/etc have used already, so it's something they'll avoid because making fun of bronies has already been overdone... I love South Park, but haven't watched the past couple seasons religiously. I would definitely looooove to see a brony episode, though!
  10. A fellow Canadian (on the forums)! But yes, I've heard aobut this story, too, and it's definitely very grisly. By all means, political statements are welcomed, but when they involve hurting an innocent, that's just incredibly wrong.
  11. I guess I am still a little nervous at the thought of people coming in and seeing an episode on, or the forum open, etc... But I've always loved cartoons, who am I to hide it? I don't go yelling I'm a pegasister from the hilltops, but do mention, "Hey yeah, it's actually an adorable and charming show" in conversation with others once in a while.
  12. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem, Hasbro, if you simply MADE pony plushies!
  13. Diamond Tiara is one of my favourite characters! I think she's adorable, and just funny for her prissiness, but everyone else seems to hate her. ^^; Not much of a deep, dark secret, but...! Oooh ooh, and Fleur de Lis! But I'm not quite sure how well she's liked among the herd...
  14. Same! Actually, for me it was when Chrysalis revealed herself as well as all the other Changelings; I find their design very creepy and unnerving in general (because they look somewhat demonic), so I think that was my scariest MLP moment! More like episodes...
  15. Pretty cute! I love the effect of the crayons!
  16. That is mortifying... I cannot believe some of the things that cross someponies' minds! Sometimes I feel like there should really be such a thing as a parenting licence...!
  17. I became a little closer with some online friends because of MLP, but no one IRL, definitely...And unfortunately! I'm still alone in my pony appreciation there And of course I've met a couple people through this site!
  18. Watching old episodes occasionally, but also watching other stuff, like my Asian dramas, Nurse Jackie, re-watching Breaking Bad, Glmore Girls (never saw it when it was airing), and Modern Family.
  19. "Weird feelings"...? That's a little vague...! But I mean, sometimes the show makes these odd references that are clearly for older audiences (like a Benny Hill scene, I forget which episode), and those just make me smile inside. Or when somethind else really cute or funny happens, I mean I'm happy? And it's that inherent adorableness that keeps me coming back! But otherwise...? No 'weird' feelings...
  20. Welcome to the forum! And I know what you mean--MLP definitely reminded me of PPG the first time I saw it! I think it's what sucked me in since I loved PPG when I was little!
  21. Welcome to the forum! And I know how you feel, my dear--my schoolwork suffered when I found MLP, AND this forum, too!
  22. I think if this were to happen it might involve a pet of some sort, as that would be the way to make the mood lighter. That, or, they might just come back to life at the end of the episode! I don't know..it's tough to say. I feel like while MLP does try to teach important life lessons, the focus is really more on fostering friendships. I feel like they'd be more likely to teach a lesson on friendships ending by having someone move away, like maybe a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' or something. In general I just feel like death is still a bit to taboo for something like MLP to handle...
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