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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Arcus

  1. A round? A dozen rounds, more like!
  2. Hey Vampira, just asking if you've done mine yet? Don't go worrying about it, though, I can wait. Bit busy at the moment, anyway,
  3. Hello! If you aren't completely swamped with requests, could you do Arcus? Any pose is welcome! https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/arcus-revenir-r368
  4. Lazily trotting through the art fair, Arcus was most definitely fascinated. There was so much to see! Ponies all over, from different walks of life, but all brought together by art. He'd come to a large, stall populated area, and was about to start trotting through, when... "Anything for my little sister." Those spoken words rang through Arcus' mind as he trotted by a certain stall, passing by the fellow Pegasus that had spoken them. Stopping abruptly, and turning to look, he saw... a necklace? Ooh... "Well, that jewelry is quite beautiful. I'd say it's worth the bits..." He chuckled, his armor making clinking sounds as the sizably tall stallion peeked at the wares on display. "... It's for family, after all."
  5. Not much, actually, just characters arriving and meeting up so far. Still pretty early in the festival, so other OCs should have no problem joining!
  6. A while after landing, Arcus finally finished his post-flight check-ups, not that there was really anything to check... After all, he had been assured that weapons, for this assignment, we're not necessary. "Which is a relief, seeing how many ponies are here... They'd probably freak out." Arcus chuckled to himself, looking about the area. Oh, of course, there were ponies staring, well, he was quite used to that. Once a guard, always a guard, after all. Deciding that the best course of action was to, of course, accomplish his assignment, the stallion slowly started to trot through the crowd... "... Who knows? Maybe I'll find something interesting."
  7. - Celestia Episode. Yes. - More Mane 6 (7?) family? - Actual backstory episode on Luna and Celestia? Princess parents? - Some random family time episode with Shining and Cadance. - If the 200th episode is in this season, it will be insane. - References! All the references! - More world-building? - Hopefully, an in-depth look into pony life, so that we can get more information for roleplays!
  8. Shutter Speed
  9. Ah, Ponyville's Art Festival. A humongous event, with hundreds of ponies milling about the various stalls and stands, their bright eyes eager to lock onto objects of interest. It was so big, in fact, that many officials took notice, and exclaimed: "Wait, is nopony on duty there? Not even one?" The answer? None. Nada. Zero. And that's how the night-blue streak diving down from Cloudsdale came to be, for it was Arcus! Unexpectedly called to duty while he was presumably relaxing on a lake somewhere, the stallion wasn't really that bothered. After all, it was an art festival, and he really should've expected this, being a member of the "Guardians" unit. After a few moments of his dive from Cloudsdale, nearing the ground, Arcus spread his wings, catching the wind to slow his fall, and aiming to land right in the middle of the festival, close to the varied and clustered booths, and an Inn, apparently! Finishing a short glide downwards, the stallion landed successfully, the loud clink of metal from his landing echoing throughout the immediate area. "Whew, I can't believe I landed that... in armor!" He chuckled to himself, raising his hooves to pull off his helmet, and letting his chocolate brown mane fall free with a sigh of relief.
  10. Thank you! Will probably make my opening post today.
  11. *Cough* Octavia *Cough* Well, they don't change that much, but I do notice a slight difference.
  12. Here ya go! https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcus-revenir-r9082
  13. Hellooooo! Is this still open? Would like to join, of course, if possible!
  14. For a name, maybe Iris? Iris is the Goddess of Rainbows in myth, by the way.
  15. If you're free, can you draw Arcus? https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcus-revenir-r9082 He can be in any pose, any location, any anything, really. You can go crazy on him! I just like seeing him drawn in the styles of different artists. Profile picture's the only reference picture I have at the moment, though.
  16. If you're free, can you Arcus? https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/arcus-revenir-r9082 Any silly or crazy pose, location or anything else is fine, I just like seeing him drawn in the styles of different artists.
  17. Well, I'd probably vote for the Chrysalis AU. It would be like playing a full team of Medics against a full team of Spies.
  18. Arcus Revenir
  19. You only make a shadow if you're afraid to let the light through.
  20. Bitter Gourd. I threw up within, like, 10 seconds of ingestion. I guess my mind took a little while to register how bad it tasted?
  21. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Through friends, of course! I see many familiar faces already! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Again, through friends! They weren't fans of it, however, I was just curious enough to check it out. And, well, here I am now! So, I have no idea why I held off on joining this forum until now, but I finally did! I'm from a land far, far away, probably on the other side of the world from where most members are! My schedule's usually packed full, what, with school, a cadetship and lots of other random activities, I have little time to go online, usually only at the very end of my crazy days. Anyway! I'm just yet another random brony who happened to stumble upon the site (Assisted by an advanced tracking devices called "Friends".), and from what I can see, I think I'm going to enjoy it here! Looking forward to meeting you guys! P.S. I'm surprised nobody has taken inspiration from that "Hello" song for a title... P.P.S. Bah, I probably just missed it. Derp level of 9000, after all...
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