Ah, Ponyville's Art Festival.
A humongous event, with hundreds of ponies milling about the various stalls and stands, their bright eyes eager to lock onto objects of interest. It was so big, in fact, that many officials took notice, and exclaimed:
"Wait, is nopony on duty there? Not even one?"
The answer? None. Nada. Zero.
And that's how the night-blue streak diving down from Cloudsdale came to be, for it was Arcus! Unexpectedly called to duty while he was presumably relaxing on a lake somewhere, the stallion wasn't really that bothered. After all, it was an art festival, and he really should've expected this, being a member of the "Guardians" unit.
After a few moments of his dive from Cloudsdale, nearing the ground, Arcus spread his wings, catching the wind to slow his fall, and aiming to land right in the middle of the festival, close to the varied and clustered booths, and an Inn, apparently!
Finishing a short glide downwards, the stallion landed successfully, the loud clink of metal from his landing echoing throughout the immediate area.
"Whew, I can't believe I landed that... in armor!" He chuckled to himself, raising his hooves to pull off his helmet, and letting his chocolate brown mane fall free with a sigh of relief.