That's making the whole thing even stranger and far more complicated Both princess Luna and princess Celestia may be more powerful than Twilight is (e.g. they have the power to move the sun and the moon). But keep in mind that neither princess Celestia nor princess Luna was able to defeat Discord. Actually, even Celestia fighting along with Luna couldn't have done it unless they'd possessed the elements of harmony. Hence, we know for sure that Discord is more powerful than Luna + Celestia. We also know the magic of four princesses (when Twilight wielded it) was able to withstand Tirek. Considering the above we can assume that the magic of all of the Equestria ponies (not including alicorns) is at least as strong as the magic of Cadence + Twilight. Of course we may say it's not true since we don't know how the magic, in general, manifests during the fight. But that may only be true only in case of Tirek. Twilight when wielding the magic of the other princesses was pretty good at direct using it during the fight.
I believe it's fair to say that the show has some weaknesses that cannot be explained rationally.