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Everything posted by ASGARDIANBRONY

  1. so, your one of them...... thor if written correctly destroy hulk quite easily. for all of hulks vaunted strength I have never seen him do anything as impressive as breaking a celestials head, or busting galactus armour. if thor used all his powers hulk wouldn't stand a chance, the only reason hulk ever wins is because the writters never let thor use his lightning or magic against hulk. on topic, marvel vs dc is a huge rivalry to, but marvel is quite obviously winning.
  2. fandom rivalries can be fun if you enjoy debating. it gets tiring when dealing with stubborn people that don't back there arguments with facts ( glares at hulk fans ).
  4. what do you think is the biggest rivalry in geekdom? it can be rivalry between to different fandoms like star wars vs star trek, or a character rivalry like batman vs superman. personally the biggest fandom rivalry ive been a part of is thor vs hulk ( thor should always beat hulk). please post your thoughts on which rivalry is the biggest and the biggest rivalry you have been a part of.
  5. 1.starlight glimmer. she better not get a 7th element, YOU HEAR ME HASBRO! 2. hulk fans. I am a thor fan and there is a deep seated rivalry between my kind and them. there obnoxious, loud, stubborn and some, I assume are good people. lol. 3. squirrel girl. she cheapens everyones feats. 4. people who dont think for themselves. just cuz its said on tv doesn't mean its true.
  6. aliens are either devils and there hybrid offspring the nephilim. they are the gods of mythology who have influenced mankind from the beginning! this is what I believe.
  7. would you want to see twilight vs celestia as the finale of season 6? personally I think it would be the best ,most awesome, most triumphant excellent finale EVER! please post thoughts http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=twilight+vs+celestia&view=detailv2&&id=8B05912CC0E0D5AD2965E0A69E782B2A255A51DC&selectedIndex=2&ccid=vz3krWYH&simid=608056040103019987&thid=OIP.Mbf3de4ad66075fb0466461301f6a78f2o0
  8. twilight never speaks to her parents and her parents never speak to her. do you think twilys parents shipped her off to boarding school and then never talk to her again? personally to me celestia has been more of a parent than twilights real parents. how close do you think twilight is to her parents?
  9. im pretty sure they cant have kids. that's the reason celestia is constantly getting pupils, so she can have a heir.
  10. I hope to see twily do some new magic in season 6. if we see a twilight vs celestia finale I may explode from the awesomeness.
  11. I found mine on BING! I thought it was hilarious so I picked it.
  12. I never believed in santa because my parents didn't lie to me.
  13. being smart or intelligent is something your born with, knowledge is something you work for.
  14. discord wasn't born, he was spawned fully grown! he is a chaos spirit born of chaos.
  15. there are guns in equestrian though they are hardly ever used, seeing as there aren't really wars and wizards take care of all the monsters.
  16. there are only six elements of harmony, starlights cutie mark is the cutie mark of nullification magic and starswirl is not dead.
  17. changelings are evil alicorns who had there power stripped and were banished during the war in pony heaven. because there power was taken most changelings are not very powerful, but if there leaders find enough love to feed on they can become more powerful than celestia. to stay immortal and keep there power changelings feed on others love.
  18. the stars aren't ponies, when the stars aligned it simply made her powerful enough to escape. since luna and celestia are the wielders of the sun and moon they probably become more powerful at different cosmic events.
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