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Posts posted by @lpha

  1. I'd feel like groundpounding its back so that it lowers its head, so I can then climb on top of its head to reach the island with the Power Star.

    That's just brutal AF



    If bigfoot was real:

    *plays a video game*


    If the world was being overtaken by zombies/aliens:

    *plays a video game*


    If the power goes out: plays a- ...wait... What?!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Change is what things tend to do over the course of about 6 years, a thing no one can avoid is change.


    Also, the nice people couldn't be ALL gone, that's impossible :P (imeani'dliketothinki'mnicebutwhatever) and to be optimistic, with less friends comes a better bond between the ones you already have.


    Also, to be more specific.... Your rant was about mlpf (and fimfiction...?) Not about the entire fandom....














    Sorry... Was that salty?

  3. Just last weekend I beat the final 3 bosses of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin


    Tbh fromsoft's B-team didn't make dark souls2 nearly as hard as A-team made Dark Souls & Blood borne. I've yet to beat the original Dark Souls, I think when I left off I was trying to get through the tomb of giants the first time, after killing Pinwheel, I got gangbanged by a bunch of giant skeletons

  4. Should I base this off first impressions or what? 'Cause I joined the fandom at about early-mid season 5 (even though I started from the pilot, I kinda binge watched 3-7 EPs a day 'till I caught up)


    Anyhows, just starting off (and progressing) I didn't like RD due to the whole "narcissism" thing, so there's my least fav for "then"


    And nows, my least favorite is Rarity, mainly because of how whiney and uptight she is, but with "the gift of Maud pie" I'm liking her a bit more


    My old favorite was Twi because... She got the most character development due to screen time due to her being the main character.... (Not my best reason)


    And now my fav is Pinkie:

    Named after pac-man ghost



    Knows how to bake

    Gave us "Smile"

    Is the only pony who's FULL name we know (Middle name: Diane)


    I could go on, but it'll take too much time and effort

  5. What I say doesn't normally matter

    I'm just a meme & pun & wordplay spouting fool who's never serious

    But hey, in some cases that helps, it's gotten me a good amount of fine friends on mlpf and on other things.

    IRL, I'm not really noticed by my friends very often, but that's because I'm so quiet


    [insert whatever here]

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Summary:


    An episode that abused my love for pinkie, turning it into an emotional rollercoaster, which in the end, lead to me adoring Maud, and warming up to Rarity, didn't know she had it in her. Also Maud's actually really funny and a lot like pinkie if you pay attention, this is more obvious when she tells Boulder to "play nice" when she puts him on a bigger boulder


    And yes, I just called a rock a "him"


    Anyways, 11/10 would rewatch until I hate it

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I'm normally extremely honest, while keeping it lighthearted so no one's hurt if that's a possibility.


    A couple weeks ago I was a stupid and accidentally broke my grandma's lamp. I told her it fell over (which it did) but the way I said it implied that I wasn't directly involved. So I guess I'm between "wordsmith" and "aj honesty (with a pinkie pie twist?)"

  8. Celtore proved it before me, that sonic games are full of crap lines :P


    Let's see if I can avoid repeating someone else then...


    I think I've found one :P


    To where the Game Grumps are playing that one horse game I noticed a really good couple of quotes that went: "[main character] she's going to be staying with us for a while. [Main villain?] I'm going to be staying with you a while"



    The male character in the scene proceeds to make a Percy face and lightly hump a fence

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Personally, I become consumed by the internet, so I'm not really aware, Internet's a great distraction until you realise you just spent a whole day in one place staring at nothing


    It's not an issue for me, I'm just really busy doing nothing :D


    ("Nothing" normally meaning watching YouTube, talking to online friends, and gaming)

  10. Hmmm, nostalgia... One moment.


    *stares at game shelf*


    TES IV?


    Oblivion's mah jam :3


    I would say Halo but that's too popular B)


    More stuff I liked from my deep past:



    GTA San Andreas (I know someone already mentioned it)[the original BTW, not the revamp]

    COD Big Red One & Finest Hour


    Assassin's Creed, even tho that may be too recent?



    ..... Pac Man :3


    Hue hue

  11. I kinda don't get how the fandom came to be since it's not centered around any piece of media or something like that.

    I'm fairly sure a man by the name of "Walt Disney" started that, and then came a flood of cartoons featuring anthropomorphic animals such as The Looney Tunes, everything in the world of mickey mouse, and MLP.


    So to recap, I'm fairly sure furries are the spawn of a cartoonist :P


    This better have helped, I don't like feeling like an idiot

  12. I dislike the fact that she's a hotheaded narcissist, but I guess that's just her character :/


    Edit: tbh she's not nearly as bad when she's not completely focused on herself, such as some parts of the pilot and "tanks for the memories" (just naming a couple off the top of my head)

    • Brohoof 1
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