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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by @lpha

  1. I just ate a peanut butter and candy cane sandwich ._.

  2. Shame that liking rainbows makes people think you're gay, innit?

  3. "We need to go derper" - god knows what this quote is from

  4. "We need to go derper" - god knows what this quote is from

  5. The struggles of being an extremely cautious closet brony: everything mlp related in Google chrome incognito tab. Doesn't watch anything mlp related in YouTube app, so has to go to an incog. Tab to watch anything (with a slower YouTube)

  6. Still have candy canes. Gonna eat 'em and watch YouTube. Yeah.......... I LIKE YOUR COAT!!!

  7. I like your coat

  8. Even though they apologized and canceled "react world" or whatever doesn't mean they'll stop hemhorraging subs. Think I'll monitor their channel with some popcorn and watch it go in the toilet
  9. Latest addictions: Super Hexagon, Rocket League, And Minecraft

  10. Time for my bed to sleep on me! Night Good ouo

  11. I would likely pick a pinkie and ignore all the others. Sounds like fun ^u^ But if I get hurt or annoyed I'm breaking out a spray bottle -_-
  12. "With the power of ___ anything is possible" now put in whatever word you want in the blank :3

  13. Bring grammar to the inter webs! We need a grammar dictatorship!

  14. Rarity ._. According to me she's just really really whiney, but on the other hand she's good looking and makes up for her whininess sometimes like when she bonded with her sister. Non mlp instance of love/hate: The entire sonic series, because dae good games, dae bad games. A lot of them are poor and glitchy, some of them are gems, like most of the sides roller sonic games, for example
  15. "Not the bees!" (Too many quotes, I'll stop not making sense now)

  16. According to my calculator, mlp has about 42.9 hours of content. Rewatching everything while waiting for the new season seems a bit intimidating now o-o

  17. If all this started over the way people shorten your name... Tbh if I shortened it I would say "bro" :3 Anyways since I used to be an Anti-brony, a lot of people think I still am, so I'm kinda half in your situation, except even then I wasn't actively hating bronies, but the show itself Sooooooo... Wellp, tell me how it goes after it all goes downhill into a big reveal
  18. There goes another hour of watching a video buffer every ten seconds

  19. It just took an hour to watch a 15 minute video... I hate this tablet

  20. "If only I could be so grossly incandescent"

  21. Can't bully someone for being a brony if ya don't know in the first place, I'm a closet brony, so only a few people know, and I'm the one who let them know, and they're normally very trusted friends who I don't mind knowing because they don't give af. OvO
  22. It would probably be a milkshake or something that would likely taste like an entire bakery (only the goods, who wants to taste a frikkin pan?) In the realistic case it would be liquefied horse in a can and would taste like the broken hearts and tears of everyone who loves pinkie ._.
  23. How does putting "jack" in the name of a cheese mean it's supposed to make it taste differently? What makes a cheese jack anyway? Makes me feel like a cannibal ._.

  24. Sleep is for the wea- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  25. When I make a joke and it completely misses Hate Haters (of anything) Not having electricity Having nothing to do Obnoxious people People who are so sarcastic you can't tell when they're being serious Having an itch People who complain at the smallest things (nitpicking) A good thing ending A bad thing starting Badly drawn art Fetish art. Especially of mlp. Ech. Oh god. (End of list, enjoy Le posts below mine, esp. If you're the one who posted below me, enjoy yourself, yeah that made sense)
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