So I know this is strange for a newcomer but the truth is I've been observing the brony fandom for a very long time. There was once a time I was an obsessed type of brony but nowadays I just keep to myself and;or people I know who are bronies.
However it is by obseriving that I've ntoived a rather distubrbing trend, whether here, Equestria Daily, or anywhere on the internet. And it's that some bronies I feel are total hypcorites.
First example: Flash Sentry. I've seen the hate on this guy (erm pony), despite not being that bad of a character personality-wise. Yet one minute bronies give him labels such as "waifu thief", "shoe-horned love interest", etc. then the next minute same bronies ship Twilight with their own terribly-made OCs who are just as bad or even worse than Flash is. I mean at least practice what you preach!
Next up would be: the complaints about reforming villains. For years I've come across fanfic after fanfic where Trixie/Chrysalis/whoever gets reformed and yet when it actually happens in the show, people are calling foul. I'll give a recent example with Starlight Glimmer, I've seen cries about how she was instantly forgiven despite the things she did, yet there are like a gajillion fics where Trixie does the same and she's aklso forgiven. Seriously it's why I can't take these complaints seriously as it sounds like bronies just upset that their headcanons/fanons were smashed to pieces.
I have more things I can think off, but for the time being this is what I have. I would like to hear some input about this as it is something that is bugging me for some time now.