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Yorkanium Balante

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Posts posted by Yorkanium Balante

  1. I gotta say your voice doesnt sound bad at all ^_^ just keep trying 

    thanks and i will. I find it fun when i can hear hear many other opinions on music. it truly is chaotic hahaha

  2. Whoa...watch your vocal mic. It's very clippy. As a matter of fact, sounds like you recorded the whole thing through one microphone, due to the amount of high-end I can hear in the mix. High-end is often the cause of clipping, which can really destroy the quality of the sound of the track.


    As for your lyrics...sorry to break it to you, but they are quite cheesy. They tell too much. A big rule of thumb for writing lyrics is to show, not tell. Show more of the agony that Discord is going through. The problem also, is that they feel a little unnatural. This is also a reason why your lyrics are cheesy. You need to let the lyrics come natural, and that is best achieved through visualization. This also goes back to the "show don't tell" rule.


    All in all, it's ok, but it could use quite a bit of work. It would be best if you invest in better recording materials and learn to play keyboard. I'm here if you need any help with working on lyrics.   

    thanks for the advice. you were right in saying that it sounded like it was recorded by one thing....to be exact, it was my phone so i completely agree with you in sound quality. as for the lyrics i can also agree to as well. i wish i could get a studio and all but i will be leaving the house soon for the army in about 6-9 months so i just do this as a hobby. i make it unnatural because i find it funny how i can play with the words though now that you mention it, i could look through my other songs and edit them, its been a while since i did that but thanks for the advice bro.

  3. I got bored while studying for exams and so i just came up with this. it sounds alright but i still wish i had a studio instead of a phone and a sound recording app, and background music too. here are the lyrics and don't try to take it because i copyright everything i write....


    Here's the link: https://pony.fm/tracks/21861-discord-explains-his-feelings-to-everyone-online-audio-convertercom


    (Begin Song)


    Have you all come to my judgment day?

    Am I the only one who sinned today?

    I fear not death because I will survive

    I am an immortal in disguise


    So take you aim, upon this day

    To give my work a bad name


    You decide my fate on Equestria

    It has always been that way since my birth

    My life is great and full of suspense

    Because where is the fun in making sense


    So take you aim, upon this day

    To give my work a bad name (X2)


    So today, I will stay forever in the light

    But tomorrow comes I will change my mind


    I shall not walk the path you take

    Being orderly makes my soul ache

    Can’t you see that chaos is my life?

    Making it every day and night


    So take you aim, upon this day

    To give my work a bad name (X2)


    So today, I will stay forever in the light

    But tomorrow comes I will change my mind

                                                                                                                                                                                    York Thorn Avery © 

    (End Song)

  4. the fact is that people just cant comprehend how awesome we all are. Unlike them, we had the guts to watch a couple episodes and soon came to love it. I am in a relationship, and thank Celestia she gave mlp fim a chance. if she didnt well then sorry for her. we must stand proud my fellow bronies because out there is more than enough people for us to start a relationship with. i know....it really sounds fishy and dramatic but where is the fun in a boring message  :umad:

    the fact is that people just cant comprehend how awesome we all are. Unlike them, we had the guts to watch a couple episodes and soon came to love it. I am in a relationship, and thank Celestia she gave mlp fim a chance. if she didnt well then sorry for her. we must stand proud my fellow bronies because out there is more than enough people for us to start a relationship with. i know....it really sounds fishy and dramatic but where is the fun in a boring message  :umad:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I'm assuming by acapella you mean singing by yourself, without an accompaniment?


    The best thing for all these sorts of things is practice - record every one that you do (even if you don't post it) and listen back to it and try to find which parts you did well on and which you didn't. Then think about how you could improve the parts that didn't go so well, and try to see why the parts that did go well, went so well (if that makes sense).


    If you are still struggling with tuning, you could have a small accompaniment (even just a piano with some chords) to help with pitch (you can always remove them later to leave just your voice). As for timing, like Yorkanium says, a simple beat can help with that, or even just a metronome. Hope this helps.


    I think the word you are looking for is 'cymbal'

    CYMBAL....hahaha thanks for the help there. i would have looked it up on google but was too lazy :adorkable:

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I, Bronyance, am looking for as many people as possible to join me in a very large Christmas collaboration.

    I'm hoping to get a whole bunch of people in the fandom to get together, from lesser known to widely known, to create a massive Christmas song, similar to the Massive Smile Project:


    And Band Aid:


    Where a ton of people get together and collaborate both for fun and maybe even for charity!

    Even PMVers or animators might want to get in on the fun if they want!

    I'm starting out here on the MLP forums to get a good stong base going for the project, then we can branch out into even more musicians!


    If you're at all interested, reply here of send a PM my way. When I'm sure we'll have a good amount of people we can start organizing.


    If this doesn't come about, that's fine and we can move on, but I'm determined to make an effort. So let's try and do this. If you know any other musicians, well known or not, send them my way and get them to help do this.


    EDIT: Just to clear up, this doesn't have to be ready for Christmas 2014, but starting the idea around a Christmas seemed better to me.



    - Bronyance (Confirmed)

    - MandoPony (Interested)

    - General Mumble (Curious/Interested)

    - IvoryDreamer (Interested)

    - Treble Bolt (Interested)

    - RandomSelect (Interested)


    Thank you so much for all your time.


    I, Bronyance, am looking for as many people as possible to join me in a very large Christmas collaboration.

    I'm hoping to get a whole bunch of people in the fandom to get together, from lesser known to widely known, to create a massive Christmas song, similar to the Massive Smile Project:


    And Band Aid:


    Where a ton of people get together and collaborate both for fun and maybe even for charity!

    Even PMVers or animators might want to get in on the fun if they want!

    I'm starting out here on the MLP forums to get a good stong base going for the project, then we can branch out into even more musicians!


    If you're at all interested, reply here of send a PM my way. When I'm sure we'll have a good amount of people we can start organizing.


    If this doesn't come about, that's fine and we can move on, but I'm determined to make an effort. So let's try and do this. If you know any other musicians, well known or not, send them my way and get them to help do this.


    EDIT: Just to clear up, this doesn't have to be ready for Christmas 2014, but starting the idea around a Christmas seemed better to me.



    - Bronyance (Confirmed)

    - MandoPony (Interested)

    - General Mumble (Curious/Interested)

    - IvoryDreamer (Interested)

    - Treble Bolt (Interested)

    - RandomSelect (Interested)


    Thank you so much for all your time.

    i would love to join but sadly....i am in a different country but if you have a solution to that then i gladly join :love:

  7. Heyo :muffins:


    There's a certain Christmas present I want to make. A short song with some upbeat acoustic guitar.

    The problem..I don't play the guitar.


    So if you can, please consider helping me out. If you'd like, I can do a little art for you in return(Just so you know though, I have quite a simple style



    (Of course, I do expect that you'll be able to record you playing in a good quality as well)


    I do have most of the song written at the current moment. It should be finished by the time you reply, or when I reply to your reply :lol:

    Hope to hear from you soon :adorkable:

    i can play guitar very well and even create my own music so i can help you there. the only problem is that i live in south afrca

  8. I do covers on YouTube I really want to try acapella but I kinda fail every time and I was wondering if there were some ways that could help me do an acapella.  If anyone knows a way they could help it'd be much appreciated.

    hey there. i am a professional singer and composer. the trick to acapella is to first create a beat. the beat will need a bass type sound like the drums and a treble type sound like high pitch sound of.....ummm.....those circular stuff on the drums. you should mix up the words a bit or even have a repeat while you continue singing the lyrics. you should look up on acapella on youtube or watch pitch perfect to get a better understanding of it. hope this helps :squee:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. "Crackling type sound?" What? :confused:

    Why would there be some crackling in the audio? Wouldn't you just record it, and send it to him? There shouldn't be any crackling, unless it's recorded on some weird gramophone.

    the crackling sound is the small disformation in the Audio. if you here a song that you downloaded compared to a song you recorded you will hear the diference

    the crackling sound is the small disformation in the Audio. if you here a song that you downloaded compared to a song you recorded you will hear the diference

    i meant to say hear instead of here. sorry about that but yeah. thats what i mean about the crackling sound

    • Brohoof 1
  10. That sounds like good characters but i would like to know how would you accomplish this if say now.....someone living in a different country of even continent would like to sign up? this is just a question and i am not trying to be offensive but yeah.....this message does kinda look like it is. sorry i am mumbling now. or was i not hahahaha. nah i would just like to know please how this would work?

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