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Posts posted by CrystalRarity

  1. Being untalented and knowing only one language, the answer is no..  Though reading foreign works that have been translated…yes, of course, this is vital to reading.  And probably reading multiple translations, as well.  If that isn't vital, it's at least helpful and fun.

  2. So I'm kinda frustrated because of Pokémon Go, but it's not the game's fault. My girlfriend knows absolutely nothing about Pokémon, and has never played the games or seen the shows in her life, but she lives in the middle of a city. I've been a huge fan of everything Pokémon for literally as long as I can remember. My first memories are pretending to be a Pokémon trainer with my older brother. I literally got the game within hours of it's release, and played it oretty much nonstop ever since. My girlfriend decided to download it and give it a try because some of her friends who also knew nothing about Pokémon were trying it. She just got it today, and she is surrounded by all of my favorite Pokémon, and lives in range of multiple Pokéstops. At this rate she will out level me in no time, but she couldn't even identify Pikachu.


    Ahh that sounds frustrating indeed.  If you just wanna vent: Justified.  But also perhaps now your girlfriend might be interested in playing one of the original games.. maybe.  Or not.  In which case: Tch, casuals. /shakes head


    (but wait, she really couldn't ID Pikachu?)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Is it just me or is Pokemon GO kind of stupid? Well, I wouldn't say it's exactly stupid but I think that it's too addicting and everyone's all over it... :/


    Everyone is playing because either A: They're longtime Pokemon fans who have only ever dreamed of catching Pokemon in the real world- this is seriously hella exciting and silly and amazing for them.  Or B: They're non-Pokemon fans who heard of a new game that either sounded fun or it's just what everyone is suddenly doing and if they want to see their friends, they might as well play too.


    Shunning something because of its popularity- whether too much or not enough- is very silly.  One should engage because of whether one truly likes whatever it is, after giving it a try.  Go is simple but it gets people out of the house, socializing, tons of exercise and potential new friends/new locations discovered.. and if you love Pokemon, it's a dream come true.  (For getting people into Pokemon, am not sure if it's very good, because it's so different and shallow on that end.)  Plus updates will be done supposedly very frequently to continuously better the game whoo.  


    edit: RIGHT so if you fall into or near the perfectly possible category B, not a Pokemon fan, and perhaps you also don't need/want the exercise, then yeah Go would be lame.  All good.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I'm almost level 5, guys. What faction should I join? I'm thinking of joining Instinct just because they're the underdogs, but is there any significant difference if I join one team or the other?


    HI.  Underdogs is a nice reason to join..  That and Instinct lacks an obvious, made-up set of values or strengths.  Instead, we're attributed lameass slogans…  Which are still better, if you don't use them, than pretending to be especially kickass at certain things that you are not especially kickass at.  Team spirit on Red and Blue is embarrassing, join Yellow, be cool, be chill, take gyms in the middle of the night and lose them by noon then do it again and collect rewards under the stars.  Join us.


    real talk tho: if you are cool and not lame/mean-spirited in whatever team you choose, it doesn't matter.  pick a color, improve the team yourself whether it's winning or losing.  yellow just happens to currently already be the sweetest..  and come on, zapdos is the shit.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Emo status updates.  Get a diary.  People on the internet can't solve your problems, you have to do it, or you and a therapist.  If you really need to vent, like really, then there's www.blahtherapy.com

    • Brohoof 2
  6. If anybody here is playing Pokemon Go without having played one of the original Gameboy games, perhaps now's the time to try one.  ^_^   The app differs in many ways, but two most generally.  


    One: Go's only system of battling presently is at gyms and that's just button mashing and training isn't really anything.  Battling is constant between you and NPC trainers and wild pokemon in the original games and through it, your pokemon become stronger.  A general rule is, "A Pokemon raised by a trainer is stronger than one caught in the wild."  Which leads us to..


    Two: The bond between you and your pokemon~  Go is a great app, a great addition to Pokemon, great in general, but there is no bonding with your pokemon.  There's no levels of friendliness, evolutions through love lavished, or just a feeling of having a team to explore a new world with, to become the very best with.  This could sound hella lame, but we are on a forum dedicated to MLP so hopefully it's passable, and you could understand. xD  Emotion in stories, in games, is what makes the very best games.  Try out a new Pokemon game like X/Y or Black/White (dis one is a lil cheesy imo. Diamond/Pearl is nice.) or one of the classics such as Red or Green.  They're fantastic games…Go is best for social and exercise reasons, really.


    tl;dr  Try an original pokemon game!  There's story and adventure and you actually have a team of Pokemon to whom you become attached, who will help you along your virtual journey, rather than just being candy fodder.  Go rocks, play it, but also perhaps try the originals if you haven't.  :squee:

    • Brohoof 2
  7. I don't have an iPhone, so will not be able to download the app anyway, but am I the only one disappointed that you can only find Gen 1 Pokemon? To me, that makes it kind of boring, as most of my favorites are from later generations. Anyone know if the app/game is planning on adding more Pokemon later?


    coulda sworn i saw a producer sayin yeah but it's lost forever apparently, if not hallucinated.  Anyhoo, it seems likely, that more gens will be added, doesn't it?  Of course a dull amount of longtime players dislike new pokemon but new players won't feel that way filthy actual 11yo casuals.  More Pokemon = More variety in gym battles and future trading……more product.  It'll probably be a while, though.  There's a lot of fan discussion on how it's to be done in the meantime.  On reddit.  

    • Brohoof 1

    Roads are used by gangs.  Stores are used by gangs.  Pokemon Go will have more active users than twitter by tomorrow so it's said, and it would be sad madness to not play the game out of fear.  Trainers need only be careful- be aware and don't go to lures in the ghetto alone in the middle of the night unless you're cool with being killed or at least have decided you will not complain if you get robbed, you made the decision to risk it for the snorlax.  

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Is there any way to know if you're going in the right direction? All of my Pokemon seem to be staying at 3 footprints.


    Reddit seems to be agreeing that if you highlight a Pokemon in the Nearby menu, your avatar will turn in the correct direction.  Can be difficult, though.  Gotta get that triangulation going- bike-riding or skateboarding is recommended if you're tracking a 3 paw Pokemon.


    Also.  TEAM YELLOW.  :angry:  :squee:  :proud:

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Got in, played, and it's so fun!!!!!  As expected.  need actual walking shoes, desperately.  Creeping up on the YMCA, literally hugging the walls in the back by the dumpsters to catch an Abra…ah sweet memories were created on this night.  At least twenty other trainers encountered in a two-mile radius (Suburb with a bigass park.) and I caught 25 Pokemon.  :love:  It is truly a world of dreams and adventure…  :rarity:


    It sucks for players in very rural areas, though, with few Ingress portals and thus few Pokestops and gyms..  A ton of complaints are being made, though, so hopefully that'll be improved soon.  Might mean now is a good time for a road trip, though.


    but yo.  for all that walking, growlithe was almost always in the nearby menu but never got closer than three pawprints.  Elusive guy.  Not to be triangulated solely on foot for sure.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. So far this isn't out here in Europe, or if it is then it isn't available on Android.


    Nonetheless, it hasn't stopped me hearing reports of Pokemon appearing in the strangest places for some people. The worst (and incidentally hilarious) I've heard is a Magikarp being found in a frying pan. :P


    Go was supposed to come out very soon in the UK but as of today, it's been "paused" while issues with the lonely server are worked out.  :blush:  Rest of Europe to follow, can assume.


    Magikarp has also been spotted in the fresh section at a mart..  This game is endless fun~  (or it looks that way. *hasn't been able to sign in since the first time, SNIFF*)

    • Brohoof 2
  12. I haven't even had to really travel. All I had to do was spend a shift at work. I swear new Pokemon popped up everytime I opened up the app on my phone. I didn't even have to walk around the workplace much.


    But yes, it is interesting that there is a game that is about actually getting people outside. I noticed it also puts stops at churches...


    ...Oh. I see what this game is all about now. :okiedokieloki:


    Ah that's true too, have seen trainers catch Eevees on their beds and Dragonites (?!) in their driveways.  Guess it just depends.


    As for the churches…!  About every single casino on the Vegas strip has at least one Pokestop too, so.  Porn shops…lots of those, also good for stocking up on Pokeballs.  ^_^


    edited to correct gym to pokestop

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Yeah it's very bare bones at the moment. I feel like right now it's in "beta" because it's lacking a lot of features, including tutorials and ways to play without having to walk everywhere every day. Like today... It's 91 degrees outside, I'm not going out there to catch pokemon.

    Definitely still rather in beta mode.  Though don't feel at all that a way to play that doesn't require travel is necessary- it seems the point of Go, actually.  Games have always kept players inside, frequently very isolated..  Now Pokemon Go is getting longtime trainers out into the world!  Have seen already heaps of praise for this on reddit and twitter- trainers who've never met meeting in their towns at Pokestops..  Just think of how things may change.  "Complimentary Pokestop" at cafes.  bc they could charge you to loiter by requiring a purchase of coffee.  It's interesting, whether good or bad.  Games become more life-like, VR becomes more accessible, now games take us back into the real world.  think it's cute.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Hiya, Moonstatue.  :P  Welcome to the forums~!  There's certainly a lot of other users here who love games and most everyone here is hella friendly so definitely seek them out if you ever feel the slightest urge~  kek.


    Just make yourself at home, be sure to read the rules (Homes should be well respected and all.), and have a good time, we're glad to have you.^^  Really, welcome!  :squee:

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Mine ability to not partake in things that are totally known to be bad but people fall into anyway may be abnormally high.  Also can't seem to regret anything.  So, no..  B)   Closest to worrying is anxiety (Am defining that as a feeling without drive or even thoughts of action, just an unhappy frantic-ness.  Worrying would be imagining situations and, like, worming (Sounds like worrying.) for answers where there are clearly none.) and dread.  Worry is usually inevitable in life and also useless.  Sounds terrible.

  16. Professor Fuzzy always; Mr. Floppykins usually.  Then others get rotated in and out.  Raffi, Asteroid, Asteroid Jr., Pharaoh Fawcett…  Never sleep with MLP plushies because ones in possession are not that soft and prefer to keep them on display.  But yeah, must have a stuffed friend.

  17. Idk anything about critiquing art so shall just say that her expression and hair look really nice!  She looks a little miffed (Or sleepy?) in an attractive way and the curled strands hanging down around her neck/cheeks are v. pretty.  Best human.

  18. I just got done checking out ghosts profile for like the umpteenth time and she claims to be female ^_^  maybe your just  a wee bit confused there crystal rarity :o

    Prefer to use brony for all fans of the show AND pegasister.  Less so pegasister, that's more IRL, otherwise I'd be explaining the feminism all the time.  Everyone's a bro, a dude, and a sis.  They're just casual nicknames, as long as the person being called so is cool with it.  

    • Brohoof 3
  19. Hello and welcome!!  :P


    Secondly, your name "Starberry Ghost" is adorable.  That is an excellent name.  Additionally, it is very refreshing to see a brony who loves alicorns!  ^_^  Yes, bring that love into the forums!  Def hope to see you around, Starberry Ghost, make yourself at home.  :grin:

    • Brohoof 2
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