Manehatten, Day 5
Golden Star was called a night owl, party pony, and many, many, many other things ponies had asked her how she could stay up so long and she just shrugged. Honestly she had no idea, sometimes she would feel tired other times not. After not sleeping for almost 6 days, she was starting to feel sleep deprived. Deciding to break her streak she when to her bed and fell asleep.
Hearing an alarm clock Golden Star awoken with a start. "I never set my alarm clock" she thought. As she looked around her room, she realized that this wasn't her room at all! "How did I get into a hotel" she wondered "It's probably Shimmer Spell trying to prank me." Golden Star sighed. She was definitely going to get her back. "But how?" she thought "Ugh, I'll figure it out when I get home" she said to herself. Opening the door, she felt a little nervous it was quiet, too quiet. "No, No, No! Shimmer is probably trying to freak me out." she thought. Looking around the long hallway she saw stairs on one end and a elevator on the other. "Hmm, the elevator could be rigged." she thought "Better take the stairs." Turning she walked towards the stairs and then tripped on something, her necklace flying off and sliding under a hotel room door "NO!" she cried running over to the door the necklace slid under. Knocking on the door she bravely said "Hello? Is anyone in there?" No answer came but the door opened slightly far enough where Golden sun could see the necklace. She took a breath and then opened the door and went into the room.