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Metro Whiz

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  1. Twilight would be the more intellectually-inclined ones (Naoki Urasawa's Monster, from above, yeah, Steins;Gate, Code Geass, Ghost in the Shell, Madoka)
  2. Deep inside, you know who's the best EqG villain http://orig00.deviantart.net/3cc7/f/2014/273/8/9/adagio_dazzle_by_jack_a_lynn-d811v7o.jpg
  3. For one, Diamond Tiara's reformation struck me more as like Pacifica-style (from Gravity Falls), so it's not that bad And hey, Starlight's backstory is just more of a cookie-cutter one lacking any depth
  4. Not everybody's gonna be a brony, much less watch more than half of MLP:FiM episodes. Hard lesson I've learned during my early days...
  5. Welcome to MLP Forums Metro Whiz. I hope you have a great time here /)

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