Hey All!
My name is Peter York and I have been a filmmaker since I was a little kid. I always loved filming lifestyles and subcultures and have finally made some really important decisions in my life to do what I love. I quit my 9-5 job to start being a documentary filmmaker and create a series of hour long documentaries on subcultures. My angle is to objectively show what these subcultures are, who is apart of them, how they started and to try and pinpoint their popularity. I am really excited about starting this and I figured this would be a great place for me to ask a few questions and see what you all think! First, I would like to let you all know that my first subculture will be Bronies/Pegasisters. I have friends who are obsessed with MLP Friendship is magic and they swear by the show more than anything. I am interested in digging deeper into what it is that makes you guys who you are! some questions I have for all of you,
1. What Brony documentaries do you like and why?
2.Which Brony Documentaries do you not like and what aspects of them turned you off?
3.What events should I be going too in order to get into the middle of the action?
4.Who should I be talking to in your community that could give me more insight?
I just have these few questions for now, if you could take a moment and help me out that would really be awesome. Again, I am so excited to get started on this and I want to do it right and have the support of all of you behind me with this film. I want to make something we can all be proud of and have alot of fun making! If anyone is interested in being interviewed or if you are available for a phone call or skype please let me know!
Thank you so much!