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  1. Apples frowned, "No, he ain't. An' bickering ain't gonna change that. Hell, all it's gonna do is feed those damned windogoes!" He exhaled, exasperated. "Look, we could be down here for a long time. Only way t'help ourselves is to stay civil. Sing songs, build or repair friendships. Re tell tales. Hirsan... would have wanted that. He's still here, he never left and never will." Apples' face screwed up momentarily, as if he were holding back a sneeze. "We're here now, that's all that matters." Phoenix stared at the infirmary ceiling, every fibre of his body and head telling him to return to the numbness of unconsciousness. His mind, however, was rushing through the previous day's... if even, events. The underground wouldn't tell him the time, and his watch was broken, should he have the strength to look at it. All he could think about was whether the rest of his team was still alive... and Blue Rose... Meanwhile, Jex sat next to a lantern, methodically cleaning his rifle of stains that would never come out, and scratches that were now part of it. What was normally with unnatural concentration, now the sniper was distracted; smiling like a school colt at the thought of Rearguard's impromptu kiss.
  2. Will be away from home from 22 - 29th of November, so I won't be able to post.
  3. Apples nodded in agreement, "Ah guess it's all we can do t'find some place safe n' sanitary for all'a these ponies. An' warm. Legend has it that those darn Windigoes will only stop when everybody makes peace- alive or not." He paused for a second, thinking. "Are those caverns safe? Last ah heard, they were used as dungeons for the nastiest of things." Phoenix groaned as he came to in the infirmary, his hoof reaching towards his throbbing skull. The unicorn glances around the gloomy interior, before slumping back and trying to recall the events before his unconsciousness.
  4. Redager tended to his squadmates, and assisted with moving the wounded around in the cold dim. Jex left Archer at the infirmary, and sat down at the fire, rubbing his eyes. Apples squinted at the corpse of Fleet, speaking in a hushed voice. "Darn. What happened to 'em? Actually, what was he doin' down 'ere?"
  5. The icy throne room was sparingly marked with coagulating smears and spatters of blood and ichor. Beeper's alert amber eyes darted across the room, his ears on a swivel as he dashed back and fourth administering aid to those he could. Archer groaned, lying curled up in a pool of his own scarlet liquid he covered a puncture wound with a wad of rags. Jex had galloped over to help a fellow sharpshooter, and was making occasional mummured conversation with him. Beeper arrived, his horn glowing sky blue as he began the superficial healing process. In another corner, Blue Rose was infatuated with the benevolent look of peace on Sapphire's unconscious face, despite the streak of blood that had congealed from her head. At some point she had been hit by a tendril, and knocked out cold. Perhaps never to wake up. Rose prepared to hoist the casualty onto her back as she picked up the end of Rearguard's conversation. After checking on his posse members, Apples stopped to catch his breath, which was sending plumes of condensation into the dead air. Redager arrived in the throne room with Phoenix on his back shortly after the Canyon soldiers. "Well shite."
  6. Apples nodded mutely, accurately tossing his element towards Rearguard. As it grew nearer, an unseen force pulled it in almost magnetically, the sword grew larger, and brighter; a third stone was added to the crossguard. He threw off a saddle bag, and removed Volition, and Trust, wincing at the memories they returned. The earth pony had safe guarded them both as magical artefacts, and essences of his former friends. He hurriedly threw November and Whitewing's elements in a similar manner to his own. They both connected with the sword, adding to its awe. It now had five coloured gems at the base; just one was missing. He narrowly ducked under a tendril, and rolled out of the way. Apples called out. "Where's Shadowbreeze's element? Abs-something-ness?
  7. Beeper's ears instinctively perked up at the call for a medic, and came rushing over to Skytracker to provide aid, narrowly missing a dark tendril. The others were all engaged in a dance of death, dodging and slashing the tendrils. One of them took hold of Blue Rose, who yelped as it tightened around her flesh. Sapphire was quick to grab hold, followed by Archer, who hacked at the dark tentacle with a machete. Jex targeted different points on the Princess with his rifle, hoping to inflict some damage. Apples gripped Forbearance in his mouth, the white-blue glow emanating from the large frozen window bathing the room in a light reminiscent of the first battle of the Cycle War between Ponyville and Manehatten. The sword shone a brighter yellow as he growled and sliced tendrils as the neared him, eliciting a sizzling noise and a horrid burning smell. Each one recoiled in pain. He, much like November, had never wanted to harm. Yet, both would come to lose count of those they had killed. Cradled in Apples' passive nature was a burning passion, an anger forebeared. Gone was the simple life of the farm and town, the Apple family torn in half; lost to fire. He had been content to harvest apples for the rest of his life. Instead, an entity- a force set on the destruction of good will, had turned Equestria against itself. Every strike of his sword divided those remaining to be avenged, yet there were not enough tendrils to satisfy the equation... Apples realised Rearguard was holding Hirsan's element to the sky, awaiting the others. He closed his eyes, and followed her example, channelling his part of power necessary to combine into the weapon that would give them a chance at finishing it all. *** Shivering, Redager looked up into the whiteness, picturing the Windigoes above the clouds feeding on the colossal volumes of discontent produced by the conflict. "We better sort this out quick-smart, start making amends, or else we freeze." As if to reiterate the point, a strong gust buffeted the large pony, causing him to halt in the snow. Once it subsided, he looked up to spot the palace in the near-distance. A strange light leaked from the cracks in the door. Phoenix groaned on Redager's back, still out cold.
  8. Apples stared solemnly at the once-Celestia before him. He withdrew Forbearance, the magical blade glowing a bright gold. "So, y'all are to blame for this?" The entity snarled. He glanced to his right, spotting Sacrifice glowing red on Rearguard's back. Apples took a step closer. "We're gonna fix this. We're gonna stop you, and we're gonna put Equestria back together. Maybe not days, or years, or decades. Mark muh words, it'll be done."
  9. Jex raised an eye, his worn rifle swinging as he paced forward, looking at the enchanted blade on Rearguard's back. "Now, I dunno much about Equestrian magics, but I think Hirsan's... element has chosen you." The Canyonite's ear swivelled at the sound of hooves through snow, materialising through the howling of wind. He turned his head to see Phoenix's squad galloping towards the group, minus two members. Apples frowned, "Where's Red? N' Phoenix?" Sapphire glanced to the columns of smoke rising in the near distance, "We're not sure. I presume they have made their escape via some other means. If not... well, I hope they've found peace." Jex turned back to the soldier standing in front of Imp. "Something fishy's going on by the sounds of it." *** Redager slowly came to, forcing his frozen eyelids open. He groaned as he rolled over, spotting Phoenix's limp figure steaming in the snow next to him. As the large highlander got to his hooves, he began to shake. He gritted his teeth. "C'mon, Red. You've grown up in colder stuff, lad." Red's horn glowed, using telekinesis to lift Phoenix over his back. With a grunt, he set off trudging in the snow towards Canterlot.
  10. I'll most likely be joining once Legend of The Guardians finishes, so I'll find a way to slot a character in once that's done and dusted. I presume Ironwood is planning on it too.
  11. Jex smirked in tow of Rearguard. "Yeah, no regrets." Sporadic gunfire and explosions continued over the frozen Canterlot plateau as the motley group of fighters and refugees fled down the mountains towards the closest settlement; the outskirts of Ponyville. Many glanced back towards the great contesting of forces. The shield over Canterlot glowed a bright, luminescent gold in the snow. It buckled slightly as the ship began to impact. The question remained: which would break first? The shield, or the ship? *** Shortly beforehand, Phoenix and Redager frantically searched for a mode of escape. The latter glanced outside the hanger, seeing the ground approach rapidly. He whistled to his remaining squad member, calling across the empty space over the wind. "Red, I might know a way. It's risky, but there's no time for anything else." The two bunched up on the edge, buffeted by ice-cold wind and snow. Phoenix closed his eyes, and they jumped, beginning a hurtling descent towards the white below them. Phoenix concentrated on his horn and magic, blocking out the pummelling wind and ice. He envisioned the components of the spell, and began pulling together the corners of the different elements. His horn began to glow and spark, as an orange bubble surrounded the two. Redager, though unsure of Phoenix's plan, began to fortify the ward with his own magic. He continued to shout euphemisms. Phoenix looked down, seeing the powder below rush up to meet them. He screwed up his face, and envisioned the space below them. The air began to warp and crackle, melting the top layer of snow. A large jet fire spontaneously materialised, roaring over the wind. He screamed through gritted teeth, simultaneously attempting to balance between the strength of the jet and the shield. The hot air rushing up from the flame brushed around the shield, like a meteorite entering the atmosphere. The shield slowed, but began to list to one side. Phoenix collapsed as the shield warped and the flame died down, violently spitting them out into the snow, rendering both unconscious from the impact.
  12. Okay, I should be fairly active again. I'll try to achieve more or less daily postings.
  13. Apples had been dashing from corridor to corridor, gantry to shaft in an effort to find the bridge in the utterly alien environment of the ship. He felt a stone in his stomach which grew with every second he was lost. Eventually he managed to follow red signage to the front of the ship. Alarms were wailing, and the canyon crew were more interested in evacuating than the grey-stubbled stallion with panicked green eyes. As he approached the opening to the bridge, he noticed a biting breeze and glare. His eyes adjusted as he stumbled into the gouged control centre, the ship groaning. They widened when they lay upon Hirsan's shrivelled figure confided by Skytracker. "HIR-SAN!" He galloped forwards shaking his head. He had missed it. All because he got lost. His mind conjured up images of Hirsan's figure disappearing into a doorway with a knife in his mouth; the last time he saw him alive. He knelt down next to Hirsan and Skytracker, blinking to define the smears brought by his watering eyes. Snow swirled around them from the breach. "Ah- ah'm sorry, Hirsan. Ah'm sorry ah wasn't there for yuh- for y'all...when yuh most needed me." Apples glanced up to see Canterlot rapidly approaching. He lowered himself down to Hirsan and closed his eyes, resigned to his fate with grief. *** Meanwhile in the engine room, Phoenix grew increasingly nervous. He stood up shortly after Apples left, holding onto a control panel to support himself given the lurch of the ship. His eyes darted from his team members to the charges. He bit his lip and shook his head, before calling out. "We're aborting. Something's happened at the bridge, and this ship is going down. Nobody is going to defuse these- we probably won't even have to detonate them. On me, double time." He galloped out the door with the other five in tow. Despite occasional stumbles, their hooves made a steady rhythm on the lightweight flooring. They filed out into the brisk air of the hanger. There were no Gyros, only equipment and tools strewn across the snow-dusted interior. Phoenix turned to his squad. "Sapphire, Rose. You'll be grabbing Archer and Beeper respectively. Jump out the hanger and put those wings to good use; glide as far as you can." Rose frowned, realising the implication of the order, "And what about you? Or Redager?" Phoenix turned his head to make eye contact with the large unicorn. Before Phoenix could speak, he was cut off. "Don't worry about a thing, lass. I gotcha, Phoenix- I'm too heavy to carry. Just the numbers." "Red and I will find a way. You don't have much time, now go." Blue Rose stepped forward, "One more thing before we leave." "No t-" Before Phoenix could finish, Rose moved in for a kiss. His eyes had been closed; powerless to stop it. Just as the Crimson Raider won her fights, she fought her stallions. Phoenix, taken aback by such a gesture uncommon to him. Yet, it was all he ever wished for. His life had been tirades by superiors, the company of stallions; exercises of bloodlust followed by sleepless nights. The exchange only lasted a few seconds, though felt like the rest of his lifetime. Rose smirked. "Just in case, bud." She turned to Beeper, motioning him forward as she began towards the exit. "Alright Beeps, welcome to Rose airlines. Today we will be taking off from Canyon airship, weather conditions are a lil' windy today, so expect some turbulence..." Her voice grew harder to hear over the roar of the wind as she moved off with Beeper in tow. Archer shrugged to Sapphire, who followed shortly after nodding farewell. Redager's hoof gave Phoenix a friendly knock on the back, which knocked him out of his stunned stupor. "You lad, are in." He grinned and looked around. "Now, there's gotta be some parachutes or somethin' around here. If not, I sure hope you got some fancy spells up in that horn o' yours." *** Jex knelt in the buffeting snow, trying to keep watch for canyon soldiers as evacuees from Canterlot fled past him. The sniper glanced up to the dark figure of the heavily listing airship, barely visible in the near-whiteout. "By the Shaper, I hope he makes it outta this one."
  14. Phoenix flinched as the first explosion rocked the front of the ship, the shock wave from the expanding gasses reverberated through the metal framework. He glanced over to the pile of torn bodies in the doorway where the previously sterile metal panelled interior was shredded by bullets and slick with blood. He reloaded his smoking weapon and scuttled over to Apples, who had come with the rest of the team to defend the charges. Concerned shouts emanated from the doorway, indicating that there were more to come, but were perhaps thinking twice about the route of entry. "Either Canterlot has found some anti-air, or Hirsan's in a rumble. Who'd he go after?" Apples shook his head, "Ah'm not sure, but uh- by the sounds of it, he could use a lil' help from Forbearance here." He indicated to the sword on his back that Phoenix had previously not taken much notice of. "Is that... what I think it is?" "Probably-" More rumbling vibrations rattled the ship. "I gotta go, do what you have to here." Phoenix nodded as Apples galloped off towards the bridge.
  15. Phoenix was busy planting the charges, absorbed in the mental exercise of determining the best places for them to have the most catastrophic effect. He floated the last explosive into place on a junction in the engine's cooling system. Satisfied with the configuration, and after checking the detonator, Phoenix realised he was alone in the engine room. He hadn't noticed Skytracker exit. "Skytracker?" His voice rang out around the large room that reverberated with the engines. Puzzled, he warily paced around for signs of a struggle in case she had been taken captive. "Phoenix?" He jumped and spun around, easing at the sight of Sapphire, the navy-blue pegasus from his squad. "Sapphire- what's the situation?" "We are holding the hanger, dear. It might be our way out of here. Everyone's fine; oddly no one has come stop us yet. What's transpired in here?" "Planted charges on the engine, this thing's ready to go down. We need to regroup- speaking of which, did you see Skytracker go past? She's disappeared." Sapphire shook her head. Before Phoenix could respond, loud pounding came from the jammed door. "They're here. I can't let them defuse our setup... go get some of the others. If it comes to it, I'll just have to detonate it regardless of who is still on board- whether that's myself or otherwise." The pounding grew louder, followed by muffled, agitated voices. Phoenix floated his weapon out, checking it was ready to go before kneeling down behind a control panel, "Go get backup. Canterlot depends on these charges."
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