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Posts posted by mrx1983

  1. the non episode clips are more or less choosen by random.
    so you always have different non episode clips for every stream, instead of always having the same non episode clips (which i think would be pretty boring quick).
    i use a special shuffle function which shuffles the non episode clips.
    provided with the same number it will always lead to the same result and same shuffled array.
    this is important so that it is still random, but every participant of a certain stream will still get the same random result, and not everyone gets a different random list.
    at the moment i use the airing/release time of the stream for the shuffling. so the airing time decides which random non episode clips are choosen.
    i could just add the non-episode clips between the episodes without doing that, but be honest, if you had 3-4 streams with always the same non-episode clips it would start to get a bit annoying.

  2. thx ^^

    yes i will include eqg soon, just needs to be uploaded to peertube first, that is why it is missing at the moment.
    the peertube owner already had all the pony stuff, but its missing eqg at the moment.
    i will add the +30 second option. i think that is good if one shares it on a chat where it not needs a large countdown before the start.
    i had the loop option before, i will think about adding it again.

    i would say the difference to equestria.tv is, that its very easy to setup an episode stream.
    you just click the episodes that you need and it setup a complete stream automatically, with nice clips in between.
    it also needs no registration, everyone can directly use it.

    it already works with peertube and the episodes that are stored on it, i have no idea if equestria.tv already works with peertube.
    from a technical point the whole site is just clientside javascript and html5.
    i can completely cache it on the cloudflare edge servers.
    it needs no php, no database or some powerful servers.
    it basically just compares the client time with the created video list, and then the script knows at which video and at which time position it should be.

  3. So after i built my Project to show Pony Videos around the clock i started to build on something new.
    I stumbled over a website that was made on Peertube Basis and had all of our beloved pony Episodes, and i thought to build a Website/Webapp that helps to create a Synchtube like Stream within Seconds from it. One can select all its Favorites, the Stream Time and a IRC Chatroom Name (i use Canternet for this), and it builds a Stream with Episodes and nice Pony Clips in between.

    here is the website in action:

    and as an example i prepared a little stream already:
    s1-s3 with awesome pony clips in between.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. On 15.2.2018 at 5:56 PM, Hierok, Scoffer of Music said:

    How comes I didn't hear anything from this until now? :ooh: 

    So he was 24 and she 14. Sure, she is very young, but my previous neighbures had a similar age gap. They found love when he was 26 and she 15. A bit older, but also young and a larger gap. If she was okay with it, I got no problem with it, speaking out of personal experience, while I admit it is far too young. 

    this would be a complete non issue in my country. we think that with 14 a teen is able to make her own decisions regarding this. i think america is very strict because of their different culture. in germany consent age is 14, and this is not just written on a paper. here is a recent verdict of a relationship between a 15 and 30 year old:
    it basically says the parents are in the wrong, and the 15 year old can make her own decision.
    she can continue the relationship, or to better say it, a cancelation would even have harmed her according to the judge.
    in my opinion and according to laws of my country i think someone having a relationship with a teen is not to blame as long as it is with consent and both persons agreeing to the activity.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. On 18.7.2017 at 7:38 AM, Unlikeable Pony said:

    I think the info from that post got leaked anyways in this image


    yes i uploaded it as an derpibooru image and reddit post.

    i make the images with the chrome plugin "full page screen capture" and then cutting it with irfan view.
    if the pngs turn out as to big in size, one can also use tinypng or similar services to make sharing a bit easier.

    the page backups can be made with http://archive.is
    if the page is already gone, a little google search sometimes reveal the cached version that can be archived instead of the original.

    in case someone else also want to upload removed infos.

  6. thank you very much ^^

    it looks really great.


    eeyup the mane is really complex, my friend also says often that the most work is the mane on my oc.

    but on the other hand the colors and the mane make this oc really cute and unique.

    and i'm very happy that you took the time and the whole night to do this.

    i appreciate it a lot.

    i will upload it tomorrow to derpybooru if this is ok, and will mention and tag you there.

  7. This is cool I like how when you scroll down it shows the video in the little frame thing.

    great that you like the website and this feature.

    this minimized video is great if one want to read or post comments and still want to see what happens.

    i have seen this first on youku and some other sites, and found it really usefull.

    i wonder why youtube don't have included this until now.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. after talking to the admins we made a compromise that i can post it here.

    since it is a script/websites who uses/shares the videos of others, it is better to post it in this section of the forum.


    it is a website where one can watch Pony Videos around the clock.



    it is still work in progress.

    at the moment there are ca. 300 videos in the video list (will be expanded bit by bit).

    the videos run in sync or nearly in sync on every computer.

    the list of videos is mixed automaticly on the basis of the actual day.

    then the time between the start of day and the actual time is calculated, and at which position and video one should be.

    according to this the player is synced then.

    at the moment the site is very minimal, but it works good.

    and now it also has disqus to discuss videos and talk to each other ^^



    im happy for every feedback.

    if you find bugs, have ideas, whishes or video requests, just post it here.

  9. Ehh...I think I'm on board with everyone calling the "formerly bad" pony Trixie. Her relationship with Twilight is still very lukewarm.

    Plus, Trixie's reappearance is long overdue.


    As far as Sunset Shimmer goes, it can't be the Sunset we know from the movies (the one originally from Equestria,) since she's a hero now. Twilight would promote a bond between her and Starlight Glimmer, not try to dissolve it.

    eeyup that would not really fit. but we don't know the reason why twilight would try to stop the friendship.

    maybe it has nothing to do if the pony is a hero or trustworthy, maybe it has another reason why twilight don't want this friendship to happen.

    to be honest, it don't really fit the princess of friendship at all to have such a misstrust in a reformed pony and would try to prevent a friendship because of that.

    i think it could be something else.

    so it could be that we have sunset after all.

    slim chance, but i would not exclude it completely.

  10. I've been in a mood to draw other's pony OCs. I've been practicing on a new style, but I haven't put much work onto it yet. So I figured that the best way to work on it is to draw for others.


    The only things you should keep in mind is that I'm not the fastest person when it comes to drawing. I would also like it if you posted an image of your pony OC. But otherwise, I will be looking forward to drawing for others.


    Happy requesting. c:

    that is really nice of you ^^

    here is my OC, i always love if people draw or make pictures of jessy.


  11. thx ^^ yes there are some sites now that have the next season countdown.

    and for the most part that is sufficient.


    but it has some flaws:

    - if you have maybe 2 episodes right behind each other, you will not directly see it.

    - you can't directly see later episodes or the changes.

    - if you have another important countdown for maybe a comic, you can't have the countdown for the comic and the episode.

    equestria daily had that often in the hiatus, that you have a countdown for a comic.

    but during the season time, you can't have both the comic countdown and the episode countdown.

    the same goes if we now get a spinoff series. you can't really have countdowns for both at the same time.

    - also what many sites missing is a date and time. it is great to watch a countdown,

    but it is more important to have an exact date and time in the viewers timezone.


    so yeah the site takes it further by giving a better overview over all this things.

    and including not only the episodes but also other important dates ^^

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I just have coded something for my Synchtube Channel.

    Just put this in the Synchtube Javascript Field and you have a fancy Countdown Clock

    for the Season Premiere:




    function pad(number)
    	if(number<10)return "0"+number;
    	else return number;
    function counter()
     var diff=1459004400000-Date.now();
     var tage=Math.floor(diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
     diff=diff-tage*(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
     var stunden=Math.floor(diff / (60 * 60 * 1000));
     diff=diff-stunden*(60 * 60 * 1000);
     var minuten=Math.floor(diff / (60 * 1000));
     diff=diff-minuten*(60 * 1000);
     var sekunden=Math.floor(diff / (1000));
    var thediv=document.createElement("div");
    thediv.style.cssText='position:absolute;top:20px;right:50px;text-shadow:1px 1px 2px black, 1px -1px 2px black, -1px 1px 2px black, -1px -1px 2px black;font-size:24px;font-family:verdana;color:white;';


  13. Ooooh, I thought this was gonna be a physical clock. XD Still, this is quite cool. :3 I always love countdown timers and such. I say well done. ^__^

    thx ^^

    yeah it sounds a little bit like a physical clock because of the domain name.

    but since ponycountdown was already taken, i thought ponyclock would also a good name for a similar thing/site.


    Neat! Now I know that there's a convention in Columbus.

    eeyup after a suggestion from someone i put the names of the city's in the brackets, so one directly see if a convention is in the near surrounding.
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