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Melody Belle

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Everything posted by Melody Belle

  1. Depends. While going through the portal, gateway, etc...to get to Equestria, would I be transformed into a pony or stay a human? If I am turned into a pony, I would just start exploring. I would love to see Twilight Sparkle's library, but I know I would spend days on end there, so I would save that until I explored all other areas. I would probably visit the Castle of the Two Sisters first. If I were human, I would probably seek out Discord or Zecora for a little "magic" to turn me into a pony.
  2. That the color pink is not so bad. I used to hate the color pink since it is used in almost everything aimed at girls. From clothes to toys, the pink is overdone. Although Pinkie Pie will never be my favorite, she is true to her element of harmony. She has made me laugh and even brightened my outlook on the color pink. I am interested to hear what it has taught everypony else.
  3. Dinner has my favorite foods, although you can eat steak with eggs and have a fantastic breakfast. My favorite foods are ribs, steak, and fresh zucchini and green peppers sauteed.
  4. I think having a social life is a matter of opinion. It's true, I do not go out every weekend drinking and partying (never have). But I am very socially active in other ways. I enjoy going to bookstores, hanging out with my sister and nieces, having a cup of coffee with friends, talking about my favorite books with friends, among other things. I play online games and love talking to other players via Skype, Vent, etc... I am also rather active on Twitter. Maybe the proper wording should be that I have a social network life? I enjoy what I do even if society doesn't see it as having a life. It's my life and I love it.
  5. I do not know when the last time was that I stepped into a Build-a-Bear. Looks like I need to plan a weekend trip as well.
  6. I don't really dislike Flash but I don't like they way they made the human Twilight like him before you got to see the pony version of Flash (which was all of 5 seconds). I guess it is hard for me to fathom since Twilight was thrown into a human world, had no idea how to act human, but all of a sudden she acts like a perfectly normal human girl when a cute human guy is around? She likes him instantly based off his looks when she, as a pony, should have no clue what the standard is for beauty of an entirely different species. Maybe it's magic?
  7. If anyone is looking for some cute MLP Plushes, Walgreens sells them, along with a few other MLP toys. The plushes are from Ty and have brushable hair. The store closest to me just got Princess Twilight Sparkle in stock (Had non-Alicorn Twilight before). Since Walgreens is usually not a store you think of for toys, I figured I would let everypony know about it.
  8. Wake up around 5:30 - 6 AM Try to make it to the restroom before the dog gets up Take the dog outside (If dog gets up first, I let her out, then I go potty) Give dog her treat for being good and going outside. Take shower, dry off, get dressed. Crush up one of the dog treats over dog's food (Spoiled thing, isn't she?) I let my hair air dry and usually play a game while I wait for it to dry. Play and cuddle with the dog before I finally head to work. So basically, my morning revolves around the dog.
  9. Out of the Mane 6, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the most masculine, but they have plenty of girl traits. I think Applejack has masculine traits because of working at Sweet Apple Acres. She's more of a country girl than a Tomboy. AJ probably doesn't dress up a lot because her pretty outfits would get dirty when she starts working on the farm. Rainbow Dash is a tomboy through and through. She actually reminds me of myself when I was little.
  10. Though I am not sure how good I would be, I would love to try voice acting. It just sounds like a fun job. Second choice is writer/author, which I am working on.
  11. My favorites from G1 was Moondancer, Morning Glory, and Firefly.
  12. I am excited for the new season. I was actually expecting the baby to be an Alicorn since Cadence is one. I also don't think it will affect the show much, maybe the first couple of episodes when she's born, but after that, I believe it will go back to focusing on the Mane 6. She is a cute one, though.
  13. Melody Belle

    general media Doctor Who

    I love Dr. Who. I would have to say "Silence in the Library" is my favorite episode. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
  14. My favorites are: "Never judge a book by its movie." ~J.W. Eagan "The early bird may get the worm, but its the second mouse that gets the cheese." ~ Jeremy Paxman "These are called tears. They come when we are so sad, so soul sick, it's as if our hearts are so full of pain there's no place else for it to go." ~Taretha Foxton from Christie Golden's World of Warcraft book "Lord of the Clans"
  15. I own the Daring Do treasure set and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope the rest of the Daring Do books will be published. I can't seem to find them if they exist already.
  16. My personality is most like Fluttershy's, especially around new people. Second would be Twilight Sparkle because I love to read, and finally Applejack. She and I have similar accents and, thanks to her, I now call people Sugarcube.
  17. Haha. Melody Belle is my Beagle's name. How I chose her name is based off the fact that I am a Dr. Who fan so I chose Melody (Riversong's real first name) and I am a Snoopy fan, whose sister's name is Belle.
  18. I am reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I am only on the first book but it's pretty good. I have not read any Manga in a while but I still have my collection. Cardcaptor Sakura, Saiyuki, and Fruits Basket are my favorites.
  19. I would like to see an episode with Star Swirl the Bearded. Maybe find more out about his story. He is mentioned so much in the series, yet so little is known about him.
  20. How did you find MLP Forums?: I found it through a Google search. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I grew up with the original show in the 80s and came across "Friendship is Magic" while browsing through Netflix. One episode was all it took. Hello everypony. My name is Melody Belle. I can't really decide who my favorite of the Mane 6 is. My personality is most like Fluttershy's, with the reading habits of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and an accent like Applejack's. My favorite pastimes, other than reading, are playing with my Beagle and spending time with my nieces (I have 4 nieces and twin grandnieces). I am glad to be here and look forward to meeting all of you. ~MB
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